
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Nothing in your Event Queue IIS server windows

Nothing in your Event Queue IIS server windows

Posted: April 13, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Tim Girgenti

April 13, 2015 at 12:59 pm

I have been fighting with this issue for a few days…

Nothing in your Event Queue when I try to register for a class on my website.

I have seen many other people with this issue and a few of them are resolved but I am not having the same luck. I have installed W3 Total Cache but there are so many different options that I am at a loss for how to set it up.

What else can be done to help with this?


  • Support Staff

April 13, 2015 at 1:21 pm

Hi Tim,

Your site is hosted on a Windows Server –

Does your hosting company off Linux based hosting they can move your site onto?

We see some users running Event Espresso on Windows based servers successfully but the majority of users run into multiple issues. Unless you can administer the server yourself in my opinion it isn’t worth the hassle. This post sums it up nicely:

The above isn’t specific to Event Espresso but WordPress itself, Event Espresso is developed and tested on a LAMP stack (as is WordPress), usually when users try to have full functionality within Windows they end up opting to move to Linux based shortly after, only to find they have zero issues (or very few) when doing so.

Tim Girgenti

April 13, 2015 at 5:29 pm

I didn’t have these issues with previous versions of EE4, why all of a sudden am I having problems…??


  • Support Staff

April 14, 2015 at 5:45 am

Which version of Event Espresso did you previously have installed?

Currently you have ‘Event Espresso Version 4.2.000.beta’ installed. The latest version of EE4 is currently 4.6.19, can you update to the latest version and retest. (Be sure to make a full site backup before doing so, just to be safe)

When you install the latest version you’ll need to run through several ‘migrations’ to get to the latest version, simply follow the on screen instructions to do so.

‘Nothing in your event queue’ can be due to caching. Looking over your events I can’t see any details in the source code to show the page is caching but this may have been disabled.

The latest version of Event Espresso automatically prevents most caching plugins from caching EE, which should prevent this error.

Once updated can you go to Event Espresso -> Maintenance -> System Information. Search for ‘save_path’ and check that a value is set for that option.

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