
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Name Your Own Price for Events and Tickets

Name Your Own Price for Events and Tickets

Posted: July 1, 2022 at 2:25 pm


July 1, 2022 at 2:25 pm

We would like to have a donation ticket along with our event tickets (within an event) where registrants can type an additional donation amount of their choice. Right now we have a donation ticket for $5 and registrants can increase the quantity to donate more but that can be confusing. Do you or will you have an option where a registrant can type in the amount they want to pay alongside other tickets in an event?


  • Support Staff

July 4, 2022 at 5:10 am

Hi there,

We do not currently have a ‘pay your own price’ option within Event Espresso and using the above method with an additional ticket type is how we would advise setting it up at this time.

We have had requests for this feature previously and have been keeping track of those on our roadmap here:

If you would like to add your vote to the board it helps track our most requested features and we use the roadmap to help determine which feature we should prioritize.

I can tell you that we are currently working on other features within EE so the above is unlikely to be added to the core code ‘soon’. That’s not to say we won’t add it in, but rather to give you an honest answer regarding timelines.

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