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multiple registrants under one user

Posted: August 25, 2015 at 2:20 pm

Diane Askin

August 25, 2015 at 2:20 pm

Hi – we are trying to determine if your plugin would work for a client. They offer multiple courses and workshops and a number of locations, but they would like to allow one user (a parent) sign up as the user and then that person can register their children, spouse and/or themselves for a program. Would your plugin work for this? each of the registrants will not have a unique email address as some are 3-5 years old.
In addition, we need to see a history of the registration per registrant and what classes they have taken in the past.
they would also like to be able to select multiple classes.
They also collect Registrant info regarding allergies, special needs and they require them to submit a waiver.
Let me know if you think your plugin would work.


  • Support Staff

August 25, 2015 at 2:53 pm

Hi Diane,

How are you today?

Yes, I think Event Espresso 4 will work fine for you. Whomever is registering can purchase one or multiple registrations/tickets. The person registering can use their contact information for one or all of the registrations; or the person registering can use a combination of their first name, last name, and email address for each attendee. So, in your case, the parent can register themselves or not, but the parent can use the kids’ first name and last name, but use the parent’s email address for the children.

With the EE4 Multiple Event Registration, they can purchase/register for multiple tickets and events at once:

You can also use the registration form question system to require attendees to agree to a waiver before they can register:

Does that help?

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