
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Multiple event registration cart not accessible; conflict with Woocommerce?

Multiple event registration cart not accessible; conflict with Woocommerce?

Posted: August 27, 2019 at 9:12 am

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August 27, 2019 at 9:12 am

I followed instructions on the Multiple Event add-on page, deactivated registration form on event & inserted cart plugin shortcode [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK anchor=’Register for this Event’ direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart=’Redirecting to cart…’]

However, I can’t see how to access the cart. The “add to cart” link doesn’t redirect to cart, it redirects to general list of all events.

Here’s the event ; the other events on the site still use the registration form.

The site also has Woocommerce installed, could this be creating a conflict? I tried deactivating Woocommerce, without success.


  • Support Staff

August 27, 2019 at 9:35 am


It’s not a conflict with WooCommerce. The problem happening on your site is because something is replacing the bundled version of jQuery (that’s included with WordPress core) with a newer library from Google’s CDN.

If you switch that setting off (likely a plugin or theme setting) and use the bundled version of jQuery that should fix the issue.


August 28, 2019 at 9:15 am

Commented it out in the header code, everything works! Thank you!

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