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MER & entering multiple "primary attendee" info

Posted: March 29, 2014 at 4:25 pm

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March 29, 2014 at 4:25 pm

Hello! I have a similar but different MER question as was addressed in this thread:

In that previous thread, the OP was looking for a solution to eliminate the customer having to enter multiple attendee info for one event with multiple price levels. Sidney suggested a solution that hides the add’l attendee fields and copies info over from the primary attendee.

I am looking for a solution along those same lines, except for multiple “primary” attendees. We would like one customer to be able to register for multiple classes (events) and only enter their info once. With more than one event in their cart, when they go on to Enter Attendee Information, each of the events asks for all of the questions required of a “primary attendee”. In this case, the person taking Class #1 and Class #2 (etc) will be the same person.

We only need one set of the complete info (address, phone # etc) no matter how many classes the customer is registering for.

Assuming that the required question types are identical (they will be in 99% of cases), is it possible to hide all but the first set of attendee info fields, have the customer enter their info ONCE, and the system simply copies that info over to each additional event they are registering for?



March 31, 2014 at 12:54 am


I ran a quick test using Sidneys javascript via the Custom JavaScript Editor plugin and it does what you are asking, instead of X number of primary attendee forms showing, it will only show the one.


March 31, 2014 at 3:47 pm

Sounds good, I just added the code to give it a try, and it looks like it’s working. Glad to learn it solves both issues!

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