
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Making partial payments

Making partial payments

Posted: May 6, 2017 at 8:24 pm


May 6, 2017 at 8:24 pm

A number of people coming to my events need financial aid, so we make an agreement to let them in for some amount that we negotiate. Is there a way to accept an arbitrary partial payment amount instead of the whole thing?


  • Support Staff

May 8, 2017 at 4:26 am

Hi rhj4,

Currently, Event Espresso does not officially support partial payments, it is possible to do from within the admin

You could apply a payment to the transaction listed as a discount, which will leave the remaining value to be paid by the user, would that work?

If you need the user to pay the amount online through one of the payment methods then either the user or yourself will need to first add the registration to the site. The admin can then apply a ‘payment’ to the transaction leaving the remainder to pay and send a payment reminder email which contains a link the user can use to pay.


May 8, 2017 at 12:46 pm

What I need is the ability to accept payment amounts that differ from the ticket price. The event I am offering this coming weekend is being attended by lots of people who cannot pay the full amount. I am accepting whatever they can come up with in exchange for a commitment to complete and submit event evaluations and (hopefully) a testimonial we can use to promote the workshop. I need some way to include a dollar amount with a payment made in the admin window where the amount is different from the ticket price.


  • Support Staff

May 8, 2017 at 1:24 pm

Do you mean like inputting a different amount like in this video?


May 8, 2017 at 1:29 pm


Yes, I think that will help.

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