
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Linking to Ticket on Confirmation Page (For Non-Paying Attendees)

Linking to Ticket on Confirmation Page (For Non-Paying Attendees)

Posted: September 3, 2014 at 1:29 am

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Hadley Kia

September 3, 2014 at 1:29 am

Hi There,

I have an event where non-members pay admission and members get in free. I’m processing payments using stripe and I’m running EE3 with the ticketing add-on.

I used some custom PHP code found in these forums to make a link appear on the Payment Confirmation page when someone purchases a ticket. The link created is just their name, and if they click it, they’re sent to their ticket page. However, this only works with the Payment Overview page that appears for people who pay.

For members, who get in free, a different Payment Overview page is shown.

The custom PHP code didn’t make it in here, so I’m guessing that this page may be using a different php template? The one I had edited already is payment_overview.php. Please let me know how I can display a link or button for them to print their ticket on this page.

Hadley Kia

September 3, 2014 at 9:43 am

For reference, this is what the confirmation page looks like for free users:


  • Support Staff

September 4, 2014 at 7:44 am

Hi Hadley,

You are correct, when the event ticket is at no cost it loads a different template. The template you’ll want to edit is located in templates/payment_page.php

Hadley Kia

September 4, 2014 at 4:48 pm

Great, I was able to add the ticket link in this as well. How can I edit the font to make it bigger, bold and red color (only for the “Print this ticket” line on both payment overview and payment page)? Is there a way to do this easily with custom CSS? That’s the last thing I need to do to get this squared away. 🙂 Thanks!

Payment Page for reference:


  • Support Staff

September 5, 2014 at 3:35 am

Hi Hadley,

It’s a little difficult to say without seeing the page/code you are current using, but basically you’ll want wrap that text within an element you can style. Say for example a p tag, give it a class (or and ID) and then style that element. So for example…

This is some text within the p element with class example-class

Then apply something like:

.example-class {
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: 700;
color: red;

*You’ll likely not want the font-size rule, just added to highlight a little more for the example.

We recommend using either the My Custom CSS or Reaktiv CSS Builder plugins to add custom styles such as these.

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