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Limiting Registration emails for free events.

Posted: May 29, 2014 at 8:49 am

Marcy Daniel

May 29, 2014 at 8:49 am

I’m trying to limit the amount of registration emails sent to a new registrant, using this method:

However — all the events are free and therefore don’t require a payment confirmation. In my testing, I have received an email for each event separately, even though the “Send registration confirmation emails before payment is received?” option is set to “No” in the Event Espresso general settings.

I’m wondering if there is a way to use the method linked above with a free event, as I haven’t been receiving payment confirmation emails for the free events in testing, which seems to be necessary for this method to function.

At the very least, I’m hoping there is a way to disable all registrant confirmation emails.



  • Support Staff

May 29, 2014 at 4:11 pm

Hi Marcy,

I’d recommend trying this code instead of the code that’s posted in the other thread:

Marcy Daniel

May 30, 2014 at 8:57 am

That worked – I’m using the shortcode [attendee_event_list] to show all the events in a table with the registration email, is there any way to sort the exported table events by start time in ascending order?

Also – I’m using the shortcode [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] to show the attendee’s events in their cart, is there a way to order them by start time?



  • Support Staff

May 30, 2014 at 9:38 pm

Hi Marcy,

This has been done as part of the support token work, but I thought I’d share the information here.

In email.php there is a function that handles the attendee_event_list shortcode, and at the end of its query I added:

$SQL .= 'ORDER BY att.start_date, att.event_time';

getting [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] to display this sort order took a tiny bit of template hacking in event_list.php where the default shortcode attributes are set:

$default_attributes = array(
	'category_identifier'		=> NULL,
	'event_category_id'			=> NULL,
	'staff_id'					=> NULL,
	'allow_override'			=> 0,
	'show_expired'				=> 'false',
	'show_secondary'			=> 'false',
	'show_deleted'				=> 'false',
	'show_recurrence'			=> 'true',
	'limit'						=> '0',
	'order_by'					=> 'DATE(start_date),TIME(start_time)',
	'sort'						=> 'ASC',
	'css_class'					=> 'NULL',
	'current_page'				=> 1,
	'events_per_page'			=> 50,
	'num_page_links_to_display'	=>10,
	'use_wrapper'				=> true

Alternatively we’d recommend using something like [EVENT_LIST order_by=DATE(start_date),TIME(start_time) sort=ASC] on other pages if you have separate event list pages.

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