
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Itemizing Payment on Invoice

Itemizing Payment on Invoice

Posted: June 15, 2015 at 11:08 am


June 15, 2015 at 11:08 am

We have several of people that register for classes and events that pay partly with cash, partly with a grant, and partly with a check. They do this by downloading an invoice and then they make payments in person. The payments are then entered manually into Event Espresso and the invoice updates to show the remaining balance. Once the payments are complete the invoice is sent to our finance team for reconciliation.

In light of this our finance team needs to know how much of the payment was done by cash/check/grant from the invoice to help them to reconcile the credits hitting our account. Is there a way for the payments to be itemized on the final invoice? Right now the rec center is notating by hand on a copy of the original invoice each time a payment is made toward the balance and the information to help finance identify it (i.e. $100 check #). What would be really helpful and more efficient is if between “Total” and “Amount Paid” if there was an itemized list for example:

Total: $150.00
Cash 001: $50.00 (pulls from the transaction type and transaction ID data for the label)
Check 45638: $100.00
Amount Paid: $150.00
Total due: $0.00

EE updates to only show the latest form of payment so even the export is not helpful with this.

We approached a local developer to see if the code could be customized but they do not feel comfortable doing this as they said they would have to re-write a lot of the module’s payment system. If this is not something that is available could it be pushed through as an update?

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

June 15, 2015 at 5:18 pm

Hi Naomi,

I can recommend contacting one of the developers listed on the pros page, they may be able to modify the payment module to make this happen:

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