
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How to make them agree to yes on a drop down questions

How to make them agree to yes on a drop down questions

Posted: June 22, 2018 at 3:29 pm

Ted Harty

June 22, 2018 at 3:29 pm

I have several things my students must agree to when they sign up for a class.

I understand how to add the statements to the sign-up form. I can make it so there is a drop down that says yes and no. What I don’t know how to do is make it so if they select no they can’t continue to the payment section.

In the past I just made it so they only option was yes, so they agreed by default, but I belive that makes it so they are not likely reading the many things I make them agree to.

I want to make it so it defaults to no, and then they have to change it to yes.

Currently, if they leave it as no, and continue to try to pay it lets them.

How can I require the answer to be yes?


  • Support Staff

June 22, 2018 at 4:56 pm

Hi there,

EE doesn’t have that functionality currently so you would need some custom JavaScript loaded on the checkout page to do it for you.

However, may I ask why you are using dropdowns for this as opposed to checkboxes?

There is little you can do to force the user to actually read the term & conditions for a registration other than providing them with the material, if they chose not to actually read that material using a dropdown in place of a checkbox seems unlikely to force them to read it?

Ted Harty

June 22, 2018 at 5:24 pm

I’ll just make them checkboxes, that seems to work. Thanks!


  • Support Staff

June 25, 2018 at 3:21 am

You’re most welcome.

Currently the ‘required’ option in EE just means the user must provide an answer for that question, in the case of a drop-down question they need to select any of the values (which is why you are running into the above). With a checkbox, its always either yes (checked) or no (unchecked) meaning if it is required the user must check it to acknowledge they have ‘read’ the terms and conditions (whether they actually do is up to them).

Anyway, I’m glad its working for you, any further questions just let us know.

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