
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Hiding ticket options for events (i.e. RSVP only events).

Hiding ticket options for events (i.e. RSVP only events).

Posted: February 20, 2014 at 2:00 pm

Anthony Coleman

February 20, 2014 at 2:00 pm


I am using EE4. I have created an event that has free tickets only. I would like to customize the event page so that only the register button shows and the ticket options are removed/defaulted/hidden. How can I do this?

I have created a child theme and have the php files in the root of my child theme directory. However the content-espresso_events-tickets.php file doesn’t have the individual elements (i.e. espresso_event_reg_button()) but instead has this: espresso_ticket_selector( $post );



  • Support Staff

February 20, 2014 at 3:58 pm

Hi Anthony,

Event Espresso requires at least one ticket. To make it easy on your attendees though create a “Free Ticket” and set the minimum quantity to 1. That will make the ticket to be automatically selected so they can register quickly. Does that make sense? We’re working on the ability to hide the ticket selector.

Anthony Coleman

February 21, 2014 at 7:43 am

I have set the minimum quantity to 1 and it does default. However, I don’t want them to see the ticking section. I want to customize the page to among other things have just the register button.

It seems like my only option is to use the CSS visibility option to make these elements hidden. I find that Event Espresso’s RSVP functionality is an after thought / work around at best. For this reason, I am disappointed in my choice to purchase the developer license. I hope that you will put real RSVP functionality on the road map for EE4.


  • Support Staff

February 24, 2014 at 10:23 am

Hi there,

In addition to hiding it with CSS, the templates can be copied into your theme, modified, and they’ll load from there. That said, hiding with CSS is an easier option unless you’re familiar with working with PHP templating.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re disappointed that Event Espresso 4 does not have RSVP functionality. It’s not something we’ve built yet but we can certainly consider building an add-on for RSVP only events; It may also end up happening that someone else will build it because EE4 can be used as a framework to build out less generic/more specific solutions that meet the needs for more narrow use cases like RSVP only events.

Anthony Coleman

February 26, 2014 at 8:08 am


If you read my original post, you will see where I created a child theme and copied the templates as you suggest. However, the template doesn’t give complete control over the individual elements and instead simply calls espresso_ticket_selector( $post );

I am familiar with PHP and would be willing to create an RSVP setup. I just need a little help understanding how to change the template when you don’t use the individual elements directly (i.e. espresso_event_reg_button()))



  • Support Staff

February 26, 2014 at 11:22 am

Hi Anthony,

Generally speaking when the template doesn’t give you complete control over an element, then next step is look at the template tag’s function and override it using an action hook or filter. Or use CSS to hide parts of that element.

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