
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Getting random 404 error on event pages, need to save permalink to fix it.

Getting random 404 error on event pages, need to save permalink to fix it.

Posted: May 25, 2023 at 10:35 am

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May 25, 2023 at 10:35 am

Dear Event Espresso Support,

We are having an issue that happens randomly, the event pages are returning 404 page not found, at random maybe once every 2 weeks this happens on the site, we have to go login go to settings -> Permalink, and save the permalink in order to fix the issue and the pages will then reappear.

Is there a known bug or plugin conflict that could cause this issue?

Thanks for your help and support.


May 25, 2023 at 10:59 am

I Went ahead and added this snippet code :

From a previous post, and hoping this will help, if it happens again will enable the debug.log and as suggested on this post.

If there is anything else I am missing here please let me know.


  • Support Staff

May 25, 2023 at 1:56 pm

Hi there,

In short, Event Espresso only loads what it needs on the requests it needs to run on.

The above removes our ‘middleware’ that stops EE from running on the login requests. If the cause of your issue is from permalinks flushing on the login route then it will likely fix the issue for you.

If not, then we need the other method in that thread where you add a plugin to log each time permalinks are flushed to see what is doing it.

So, no, you’re not missing anything with the above although I can’t say for sure that it will fix your issues as it depends on what/when your permalinks are flushing.

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