
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium FPDF error: Alpha channel not supported: when trying to load invoice

FPDF error: Alpha channel not supported: when trying to load invoice

Posted: December 17, 2014 at 8:43 pm

Stacy Bosel

December 17, 2014 at 8:43 pm

Firstly I discovered the system was not sending invoices when that payment option was selected. Then when I tried the download invoice option, the page returns a “FPDF error: Alpha channel not supported:×105.png“.
I searched the support forums and found a similar issue from 2012. Surely that issue has been resolved since then? So I’m guessing it maybe something different?
site is
This is a live site, so please communicate testing with me so I can track & delete testing registrations etc.
Eventespresso V
WordPress V WP 4.0.1


  • Support Staff

December 18, 2014 at 4:13 am

Hi Stacy,

Event Espresso uses the FPDF library to generate PDF’s. FPDF does not support PNG images with a transparency layer, which is what this error is trying to explain “FPDF error: Alpha channel not supported”

Unfortunately without changing the PDF library EE3 uses this is not something we can fix ourselves.

You can either remove the transparency layer from the PNG image and use that for the Invoice logo, or change the image format to say a JPG and use that in its place.

You can set a specific image url for the Invoice logo within Event Espresso -> Payment Settings -> invoice Settings -> Logo URL.

If you use the Media Uploader to add the image to your site, grab the URL from thre and paste it into that field it will be used for the invoice logo.

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