
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Flushing Permalinks does not appear to work

Flushing Permalinks does not appear to work

Posted: January 29, 2015 at 8:51 am

Stephenie Helland

January 29, 2015 at 8:51 am

EE Version 4.4.8.p
Calendar Version 3.2.1.p
WordPress 4.0.1 running Metro Pro/Genesis Theme theme.
I have disabled all plugins to see if this will work but it still does not. The problem is that the EE is on events-2, not events. So, my breadcrumb will say:
you are here: events/eventname. So if you click on it, it goes to an events page that lists all the events on the page, but not back to the calendar. It apparently has been doing this since we installed EE and I just noticed it.
look at breadcrumbs

I have flushed the permalinks numerous times – optimized the database tables.

OR – is that what it is supposed to do – OR am I supposed to put the calendar code on whatever page this is pulling up when clicking on the breadcrumb to go back to events


  • Support Staff

January 29, 2015 at 11:32 am

Hi Stephenie,

It turns out this isn’t an issue with permalinks. What you’re seeing is exactly how the events custom post types are supposed to work.

When you activate Event Espresso, you’ll note that it does not create an /events/ page. Instead, it creates an events custom post type archive. The archive slug is /events/ by default.

The calendar page (events-2) is a page, but the individual events are not child pages of events-2.

If you want to include a calendar on the same page as the main events custom post type archive, this is possible, but it will require adding the calendar shortcode and making it run in a custom espresso-events archive template.

Here’s a link to an example template that you can add to your Genesis child theme that will display the calendar on the espresso events archive:

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