
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Expose Event Venue Information for Infusionsoft Integration

Expose Event Venue Information for Infusionsoft Integration

Posted: April 9, 2014 at 8:34 am

Jason Paizes

April 9, 2014 at 8:34 am

Hi Team

We are pushing Event data to Infusionsoft, however, the Event Venue data does not get transferred (and we need this in the campaigns to remind attendees of upcoming events). As our client runs numerous events, we have built a wordpress plugin that allows for attendees of any event to be passed to a generic campaign setup in Infusionsoft which handles all pre and post event communication without the need to generate new campaigns for each event. This is working fantastically (and has been an interesting project). However, we obviously need to pass the Event Venue across.

The event calendar is located here – . If you click on either of the test events you will see that they have a venue (address) associated. However, running a query on the event via php script returns empty venue (address) details.. Thus we cannot pass it to our custom fields as required… See below

stdClass Object
[id] => 2
[event_code] => 1-5333bdb476842
[event_name] => Test Workshop – New Business
[event_desc] => This is a test event to check whether the system is working.
[display_desc] => Y
[display_reg_form] => Y
[event_identifier] => second-test-event-1-5333bdb476842
[start_date] => 2014-04-22
[end_date] => 2014-04-22
[registration_start] => 2014-03-27
[registration_end] => 2014-04-22
[registration_startT] => 07:00
[registration_endT] => 19:00
[visible_on] =>
[address] =>
[address2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[zip] =>
[phone] =>
[venue_title] =>
[venue_url] =>
[venue_image] =>
[venue_phone] =>
[virtual_url] =>
[virtual_phone] =>
[reg_limit] => 100
[allow_multiple] => N
[additional_limit] => 5
[send_mail] => N
[is_active] => Y
[event_status] => A
[conf_mail] =>
[use_coupon_code] => N
[use_groupon_code] => Y
[category_id] => 2
[coupon_id] =>
[tax_percentage] =>
[tax_mode] =>
[member_only] => N
[post_id] =>
[post_type] =>
[country] =>
[externalURL] =>
[early_disc] =>
[early_disc_date] =>
[early_disc_percentage] => Y
[question_groups] => a:3:{i:1;s:1:”1″;i:2;s:1:”2″;i:3;s:1:”3″;}
[item_groups] =>
[event_type] =>
[allow_overflow] => N
[overflow_event_id] => 0
[recurrence_id] => 0
[email_id] => 0
[alt_email] =>
[event_meta] => a:6:{s:22:”default_payment_status”;s:0:””;s:8:”venue_id”;i:2;s:28:”additional_attendee_reg_info”;s:1:”2″;s:28:”add_attendee_question_groups”;a:2:{i:1;s:1:”1″;i:3;s:1:”3″;}s:14:”date_submitted”;s:13:”27 March 2014″;s:0:””;s:0:””;}
[wp_user] => 1
[require_pre_approval] => 0
[timezone_string] =>
[likes] =>
[ticket_id] => 0
[submitted] => 2014-03-27 13:57:08

Do you have any pointers as to how to expose the venue details so that we can transfer to Infusionsoft fields?

Thanks a lot.


  • Support Staff

April 10, 2014 at 2:40 am

Hi Jason,

It appears you are pulling all in the information from the wp_events_details table which includes some venue information, however, it looks like you are using the Venue Manager with your events meaning the venue data is not stored within that table.

The Venue Manager creates venues within wp_events_venue and store the relationships between venues/events within wp_events_venue_rel.

The easiest way to illustrate this is using the events_list.php template file as an example. If you open up plugins/event-espresso/templates/event_list.php then look on line 120 you’ll find something like:

isset($org_options['use_venue_manager']) && $org_options['use_venue_manager'] == 'Y' ? $sql .= ", venue_name, v.address venue_address, venue_city, v.state venue_state, venue_zip, venue_country, v.meta venue_meta " : '';

Which adds extra fields to SELECT, then line 130:

isset($org_options['use_venue_manager']) && $org_options['use_venue_manager'] == 'Y' ? $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . EVENTS_VENUE_REL_TABLE . " vr ON vr.event_id = LEFT JOIN " . EVENTS_VENUE_TABLE . " v ON = vr.venue_id " : '';

Which joins the venue details based on the event_id and venue_id. You would need to do something similar with your query.

The plugin you mentioned does sound interesting, can you provide any further details on it?

Jason Paizes

April 10, 2014 at 11:05 am

Hi Tony

Thank you very much for your info. I see exactly what you mean now. My developer found a function to extract this a little earlier today and it is working perfectly now.

Regarding the plugin – It has been an exciting development project that I think will make a big difference to a lot of people. It essentially allows for hands off automation of leadup to, and post event client interaction, (including feedback requests, no show handling, cancellations, upselling, etc) using the power of Infusionsoft but driven by Event Espresso. It does this without the need to set up or customise any new campaigns, (after the initial setup) – any new event added in EE will work. It also allows for one person to attend numerous events concurrently which is absolutely key and is what the plugin logic revolves around (as infusionsoft cannot have one person at two places in a campaign). We currently allow one person to register for and be in 5 event sequences at any one time, but can up this if we see anyone getting close to attending 5 events who’s campaigns overlap. Of course, the system clears the fields at the end of the event campaign ready to be used in the next event.

This means that a single generic campaign in Infusionsoft could contain dozens (or hundreds) of attendees of different events, happening at different times in different places and still send out the correct event specific information to each person. And can allow for a person to be in 5 of these intelligent event sequences concurrently.

If you would like more info, send me an email – or drop yours in here and I will go through it with you.

Cheers Tony
Kind regards


  • Support Staff

April 11, 2014 at 5:00 pm

Hi Jason,

Glad I could help.

I’ve sent you an email so we can continue this discussion there.

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