
Home Forums Recurring Events Manager Add-on Events not displaying and recurring event add on not working

Events not displaying and recurring event add on not working

Posted: May 22, 2019 at 12:44 am

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May 22, 2019 at 12:44 am

Good day, I have downgraded Event espresso plugin to EE3 version, since current version of Event Espresso recurring event plugin add on is not working to EE4 and only compatible with EE3. Unfortunately, the events is not displaying on calendar event pages. Even I have 3 events created.
Also the Recurring option for the event is not displaying on the event creation. Kindly advise. Thank you

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  • Support Staff

May 22, 2019 at 4:05 am

Hi there,

Your site still has EE4 installed rather than EE3 –

You’ll need to de-active that version of EE (delete it preferred, both versions of EE must NOT be active at the same time)

Then download EE3 from your account page, install and activate that version.

Note that events created in EE4 will not show up in EE3, they are completely separate as it’s a different system altogether.

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