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Event page not loading?

Posted: August 29, 2014 at 1:31 am


August 29, 2014 at 1:31 am

WordPress 3.9.2, EE Version 4.3.1.p

The Events page is not loading correctly. I’m wondering if this is because I was previously using WooCommerce/Woo Tickets which also creates an Events page? (I have deactivated Woo Tickets). I tried creating a page called Events List (with [ESPRESSO_EVENTS title=””], which worked, but then clicking on the links within it to individual events didn’t work because they go to which just shows a blank white screen. I think this means they are still trying to go via a (non existent) events page?

I tried creating a new Events page, deleting and recreating my own Events list (EE added 2 to the end of it…) but still no luck.

Any suggestions?


August 29, 2014 at 1:54 am


If you are using another plugin which uses the “events” slug, you can modify the Event Espresso slug to be something different (courses, seminars, etc). Here’s a guide:

If you have deactivated the plugin with the conflicting naming and EE is still not functioning, you may need to “flush” your permalinks by going to Settings > Permalinks and pressing save (nothing else, just hit save).


August 29, 2014 at 2:11 am

many thanks!

I’ve done the Settings > Permalinks Save and deleted my Event links page. When i look on the list of pages, there isn’t one called Events. How do i get EE to (re)create one?


August 29, 2014 at 2:46 am


Events isn’t a page, but a custom post type archive. If there is a page called events OR there is another custom post type which uses the slug Events then that can cause a conflict. Unfortunately pretty much all event related themes and plugins tend to have a custom post type called events.

If you have deleted the EE pages, you will need to create new pages and add the appropriate shortcode and assign them in EE > General Settings > Critical Pages tab (this tab also tells you what shortcodes need to go where).


August 29, 2014 at 3:56 am

I’ve followed your instructions but the Criticial Pages Event List doesn’t give the option to Edit like the others, only to View. It has this message;

Events are custom post types and use WordPress’ normal archive pages for displaying events. If you would still like your events on a page like in Event Espresso 3.1 or earlier, simply create a page and place a shortcode to display them on the page, as described here.

If I click View, it goes here;

instead of the new Events page I just made.

How do I tell it to go to instead?


August 29, 2014 at 4:01 am

Sorry to ask a stupid question, but where would I paste the “How to Change the “events” CPT Slug” code? (I assume I can use it to change the slug back to events, and then each individual event link should work?)

Apologies again for my newbie questions!


August 29, 2014 at 4:32 am


As per the documentation, that code would need to go into a custom functions plugin (

If that code hasn’t been added already then nothing should need to be changed back, as it wont have changed it in the first place. Also simply deleting that code (or disabling that plugin will revert things back).

Is it possible to get your login details in order to look into this?

If so, please send them via

NOTE: login details need to be Admin level and FTP details are appreciated.


August 29, 2014 at 4:44 am

I’ve sent login details via the form but I’m not sure how to find FTP?


August 29, 2014 at 4:53 am

I’ve found the FTP and sent it to you. (I hope)


August 29, 2014 at 5:41 am


Thanks for the login details.

I am quite confused with this. The /events/ slug is redirecting to a page called event-list-2. That was in the trash so I removed it, as such it should revert back to /events/. It doesn’t.

I tried disabling your redirection plugin, no joy.

I added a plugin to rename /events/ to /workshops/. No joy.

You have a Page named Events with a slug /events/. I renamed that but still no joy.

Tried a few other things, with no luck.

My only though on this is that it is to do with caching. While there is no cache plugin on the site, the .htaccess does mention that there WAS a cache plugin, and sometimes even if removed the cache plugin can leave bits of itself lying around causing issues (such as the htaccess).

Also, there are some redirects occurring due to an old site(?) and that *might* be a factor.

I have reset everything back to how it was (page names slugs etc).

I’m going to refer to some colleagues on this and get back to you.


August 29, 2014 at 5:45 am

Thanks for working on it.

On the plus side, if the expert can’t sort it out easily, it makes me feel like less of an idiot!

FYI I’m in Melbourne Australia where it’s currently almost 10pm. So I may go quiet shortly, for a some hours!


August 29, 2014 at 6:26 am

Hi Sharon,

OK, we think we have this sussed now. My colleague Tony found that it is in fact the redirection plugin causing this, but the information is buried.

If you go to Tools > Redirection, Then click Groups and then click Modified Posts

You will see the following

Those 3 items need to be deleted (we try not to remove things without permission) and that should resolve it.

If it re-occurs, then you may need to go through the same process outlined above and then de-active the redirect plugin.


August 29, 2014 at 6:36 am

Many thanks. I will check with the people who built the rest of the site before deleting anything.


August 29, 2014 at 5:13 pm

I’ve deleted the 3 items. Then I went to Settings > Permalinks and clicked Save.

If I create a new page called Events, how do I get EE to use it? There’s only a View button (no edit button) in Critical pages.

Currently, if i go to Critical Pages> Event list > View, it goes to which is a blank page.


August 29, 2014 at 5:19 pm

To try and be clearer, how do I assign new pages in EE > General Settings > Critical Pages tab?


August 29, 2014 at 5:29 pm

What will happen to the other redirections if I deactivate the redirection plugin?

In the plugin list it says this;

There is a new version of Redirection available. View version 2.3.6 details or update now.

Could that be the problem? could it cause a problem with the other redirects if I update it?


August 29, 2014 at 9:17 pm

if I de-active the redirect plugin will it delete the other redirections?


August 31, 2014 at 8:22 pm


I’ve tried all the things you suggested and I’m completely stuck.

* I can’t get or any of my individual events to show anything other than a blank white screen
* I’ve created and deleted various Event pages without any success

I’m not sure what to do next. The events are fast approaching and I haven’t been able to test the Merchant Facility stuff or anything else.

Please help!


September 1, 2014 at 4:42 am

Hi Sharon,

We ran more tests on your site and we have concluded that it is your theme that is causing the issue (we tested a default theme via Theme Test Drive Plugin – I’ve left this installed but deactivated).

We examined the theme files, particularly the archive.php and the single.php and we discovered that both of these files are empty (they contain some code that does nothing at all, so the are effectively empty).

Event Espresso makes use of these two core theme files in order to display the events, without them as you have discovered, events just wont show.

There are two courses of action here:

1) Speak to the theme developer in regards to this to have those files created correctly.

2) Change theme.


September 1, 2014 at 6:24 am

Thanks Dean,

Our theme developers are in India – yet another time zone!!!

Can we test this, and get it working using something like the theme test drive plugin you mentioned, and then get the proper theme fixed tomorrow? In other words will the EE stuff just “transfer across” if we move between themes.

And, to help us get this sorted, you are saying the files archive.php and single.php are empty …. what should they have in them? What should we be asking our friends in India to do? or could you fix them?



September 1, 2014 at 6:55 am


Yes the EE stuff will transfer just like content will, but menus will need to be re-allocated, and so will widgets.

The single.php and archive.php files control the individual pages and post list respectively. If they don’t exist the theme will revert to the index.php. As they DO exist but are empty, the theme is trying to use them still.

Here’s the template hierarchy for your info:

What should be in them? In short, code. If you were to examine a default theme such as twentytwelve, you would get a better idea.

Can we fix it? Unfortunately not, as we don’t take on theme customisation work.


September 1, 2014 at 7:08 am

So, what do I need to ask my developers to do to fix these files?

And… Is just deleting these an option that would work? (If so, can you test that?)



  • Support Staff

September 1, 2014 at 7:54 am

Hi Sharon,

We can not support 3rd party code and as such would usually refer you to your theme’s author, however I did take a look at your sites theme.

Unfortunately in this case it is not a simple case of providing details to work around an issue with how the theme is outputting content, but rather the theme is not outputting the content to begin with.

Event Espresso is designed to work with any well coded theme as best we can, it should also work with theme based one any well coded theme (a child theme of a known theme/framework for example) however your sites theme is coded from scratch and missing many of the key files/features a theme should contain.

archive.php & single.php contain nothing, they should either contain template shortcodes to output the archive/single page details, or should not exist at all. If they do not exist WordPress will fall back to index.php to decide on the output for those ‘pages’, which should, at the very least contain a method to output your posts (i.e ‘The Loop‘) which it does, but only outputs the post title (using the_title() ) as opposed to the posts content. So you end up with nothing more than the event title. The content that you currently see on the site is done through page_templates specifically for those pages (home and newsletter)

So in short, we can not provide you with a simple set of instructions to fix this, the theme should be coded correctly and follow the WordPress standards or should be based upon a theme that does and then modified to suit your particular use case.


September 1, 2014 at 3:03 pm

Hi Tony and Dean. We will contact our developers in India. I’m not sure if/when they will be able to address this. It’s unfortunate that in spite of using your Requirements plugin, we basically have a site which EE is unuseable on.

The ideal solution is that our developers are able to fix the problem.

Plan B is that we instead run the ticketing on my Events website,

Before I spend (waste?) a lot more time trying to get EE to work there, would you be able to test it for me?

I will complete the form providing you with usernames and passwords for the site and FTP. I will also ask our Host to increase the PHP memory.

If you could confirm ASAP if EE will work on it would be much appreciated.




September 2, 2014 at 1:49 am

Hi Sharon,

I really do understand your frustration here.

The simplest solution in my opinion is to temporarily or permanently swap themes to one that is coded to WordPress standards.

Our tests showed that by simply swapping to a default theme, the plugin was allowed to function correctly.

If you wanted to swap domains (which is your choice, but I think the theme swap would be easier) then I can advise that it looks like that theme is OK – I tested it with EE4 and it seemed fine, but I only did a very quick test.

You might want to double check that theme and site ( in Chrome though, I had some issues and had to revert to Firefox for testing.


September 2, 2014 at 5:13 am

Hi Dean

Our developers in India have managed to get the site to work with EE. (Phew!) I’ll go through in further details and hopefully get all the various bits to work properly now.

However I have this error when testing a transaction (both on this site and ;

The following errors have occurred:
Errors occurred communicating with Mijireh: .
EED_Single_Page_Checkout – _process_finalize_registration – 1729
A recursive loop was detected and the registration process was halted.
EED_Single_Page_Checkout – go_to_next_step – 1800

I noticed 2 other threads about this error message, which don’t seem to have been resolved. Can you suggest anything?


September 2, 2014 at 5:17 am

Hi Sharon,

First off I’m glad you managed to get the theme functioning.

Regarding the error, I have raised that with the developers today, but as they work North American times, they have yet to come on and view any new tickets. It will be assigned a priority and resolved from there.


September 2, 2014 at 5:27 am

Many thanks!

Just wondering what time zone you are in? Or even what hours you work in GMT? (the times shown on these posts aren’t local to here – it gets very confusing!)


September 2, 2014 at 5:55 am


The support team is across multiple time zones, several in North America, and then there’s one in GMT and little ol’ me in GMT+2.

Our official support times are

1PM – 10PM GMT

but of course we may not be on the forums at all points of those times as we have other duties.


September 2, 2014 at 6:01 am

So that means you are there 3pm-midnight GMT?


September 2, 2014 at 6:04 am

Not me personally no. I am generally here 7am to 2pm GMT, but our official times cover a time period when more staff are available.


September 2, 2014 at 7:35 am

A few questions about configuring the registration process;

1… The Events Page (
1.1 How can we change which template the events page uses?
1.2 How can we change the heading that is on the events page?
1.3 We are getting a site map appearing under the list of events. How can we remove this.
1.4 Can we change the text in the buttons from “view details” to “Book Now”
1.5 Can we change the ical icon. It is not intuitive.
1.6 Can we show the price for each event (there is only one ticket price per event)

2…. THe more info page – choose # of tickets (
2.1 Can we control the alignment of the fields. Variously centred and/or left aligned fields makes it very hard to read.
2.2 Can we control the style of any of the text
2.3 Can we change the button from “Register Now” to “Next”
2.4 Can we remove the line that says “A maximum of xx tickets can be purchased per order
2.5 If there is one ticket type there is text saying “This ticket is required and must be purchased.” Can this be removed.

3….Step 1 – Attendee information (no questions !!!)

4…. Step 2 – Payment options
4.1 We only offer one method of payment (through Majireh). Can we skip this section completely? It adds nothing but confusing steps. eg: we have to select the ONE and only option available, and then click a button saying “finalize registration”.



  • Support Staff

September 2, 2014 at 11:09 am

Hi Sharon,

Most of the styling is controlled by your sites theme. Event Espresso itself styles the output as little as possible to allow it to work with the most themes.

Point 1.1 – 1.3 is ouptut through your sites archive.php file.

1.4 Can we change the text in the buttons from “view details” to “Book Now”

The easiest method to do this is to translate the output. Using a plugin such as Quick Localization you can input ‘View Details’ to change it to ‘Book Now’ within the event_espresso text domain, like this –

1.5 Can we change the ical icon. It is not intuitive.

Do you have an icon you would prefer to use? We can then advise on the best way to do this.

1.6 Can we show the price for each event (there is only one ticket price per event)

Currently this would require custom development.

2.1 – 2.2 are set thorugh your sites theme. You can override these rules using CSS, you may need the help of a developer to do this.

2.3 Can we change the button from “Register Now” to “Next”

You can also do this using the Quick Localization plugin from above. Input ‘Register Now’ to translate to ‘Next’, like so –

2.4 Can we remove the line that says “A maximum of xx tickets can be purchased per order

Currently the is no method to remove this text.

2.5 If there is one ticket type there is text saying “This ticket is required and must be purchased.” Can this be removed.

If you edit the event, then edit the ticket, ticket the Cog icon for that ticket and uncheck the required ticket checkbox, this text should be removed –

3….Step 1 – Attendee information (no questions !!!)

As a minimum Event Espresso requires the ‘Personal Information’ question group which at a minimum must contain First Name, Last Name & Email address. It is not possible to completely remove these questions.

4…. Step 2 – Payment options
4.1 We only offer one method of payment (through Majireh). Can we skip this section completely? It adds nothing but confusing steps. eg: we have to select the ONE and only option available, and then click a button saying “finalize registration”.

Currently this isn’t possible with the current implementation of SPCO and the ticket selector. We have a feature request for this which will be included within a future version of Event Espresso.

In regards to the theme changes, you may be best using the Event Espresso Arabica theme and creating a child theme to allow you to specifically style Event Espresso events by editing specific template files. Event Espresso will still use parts and styling from your theme but will allow you greater control. However this will require the help of a developer to set up and customise to suit your needs. More details are available here:



September 2, 2014 at 7:45 pm

Many thanks for your help. I’ll work through what i can and pass the rest to our developers.

Regarding the Ical icon, could we use this?

Many thanks



September 2, 2014 at 8:04 pm

The Ical Icon is currently showing as a tiny empty square in a small round button on Chrome and Safari.

On Firefox it looks better (an actual icon of a calendar) but is still tiny. It actually looks best on an Iphone.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 2, 2014 at 8:34 pm


That is a known issue that will be corrected in the next release of Event Espresso 4.

If you have any new questions, please open a new support post:



September 2, 2014 at 8:44 pm

Thanks Lorenzo. Do you know when the next release will be?


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 2, 2014 at 8:52 pm

Hi, its currently being tested internally. If testing comes back good, then it should be available for next week.


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