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Event Espresso App for EE4

Posted: March 12, 2015 at 9:33 pm

moho setiya putra

March 12, 2015 at 9:33 pm

Hi all,

We think it will be great if we can also use the Event Espresso App for EE4. When will it be available for EE4? Our conference is on June 2015.
If it’s still not available yet, then could you suggest how we can use the barcode in the ticket and integrate it with the EE4 system on the registration / check in process on the conference day? I know we can use barcode scanner app in our smartphone or use any barcode scanner, but how can we use it with EE4?



moho setiya putra

March 13, 2015 at 3:24 am

To clarify my question, is it possible to scan the ticket on the spot using barcode scanner add-on, without log in to administrator area of our wordpress site ? Because there will be many stations to scan and even print the tickets, and it will be unwise to give all the scanner officers access to administrator area.




  • Support Staff

March 13, 2015 at 7:01 am

Hi Joanne,

We think it will be great if we can also use the Event Espresso App for EE4. When will it be available for EE4? Our conference is on June 2015.

Currently we do not have an App that will fully integrate with scanning EE4 tickets, the development time for that kind of integration is significant and therefore is unlikely to be available for your conference.

If it’s still not available yet, then could you suggest how we can use the barcode in the ticket and integrate it with the EE4 system on the registration / check in process on the conference day? I know we can use barcode scanner app in our smartphone or use any barcode scanner, but how can we use it with EE4?

Does the scanner app within your smart phone emulate a keyboard?

The way you scan tickets currently is to navigate to your Dashboard -> Event Espresso -> Barcode Scanner. Select the event and you can check-in registrants.

Currently this would be expected to be done using a barcode scanner (which emulates a keyboard) and inputs the code into the field for you.

You can do this with a mobile device if your app emulates a keyboard or you use a bluetooth handheld barcode scanner.

As for access to the Admin, you can assign the scanning capabilities to any user created within your site, for example you can setup a Subscriber account, then assigned that specific account capabilities to access the barcode scanner section. It would looke something like this –

That account is exactly as above, a Subscriber account with access to the Barcode Scanner (the ‘Events’ section is also needed but will not display any of your events)

I can provide further details if that will work for you?

moho setiya putra

March 13, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Hi Tony,
Yes, thanks for your suggestions, I think that will work for our conference, as we have that kind of barcode scanner that will emulate keyboard. So how can I assign the scanner account capabilities to access the barcode scanner section? And also we will provide service to print the ticket on the spot, so is it possible to give the officer account with only capability to print tickets?
Further details will be appreciated 🙂

thanks so much,



  • Support Staff

March 18, 2015 at 5:29 am

Hi Joanne,

To do the above we need to make use of the EE4 capabilities system:

I created a new user account (in my example ‘TicketScanner1’) then I used the plugin User Role Editor to specify the capabilities of that specific user.

Once you’ve activated that plugin, go to Dashboard -> Users.

Find the user you wish to to give the capabilities to, hover over the account and click ‘Capabilities’ in the context menu –

You’ll need to assign these capabilities to that account:


Then when you switch (log in) to that user you will see something like this –

The ‘Events’ section will show no events, but is needed in order for the Event Espresso menu to be displayed.

However I’ve been speaking with our developers on this and whilst its possible to do the above we are also working on providing a shortcode for the barcode scanner to be used within a standard page.

This could then be password protected or if using a membership plugin you could specify certain member levels that have access to that page which may work better for this situation. It isn’t ready for release yet but I just wanted to let you know.

And also we will provide service to print the ticket on the spot, so is it possible to give the officer account with only capability to print tickets?

At the moment I do not believe this is possible without providing access to the registration list for an event although it can likely be setup using the capabilities system again, I will investigate this further.

moho setiya putra

March 24, 2015 at 1:53 am

Hi Tony,
Thanks for the details. I have tried to create a scanner account and set the capabilities like what you suggested, but I only get an empty page when I access the barcode scanner section :

Did I miss anything?


  • Support Staff

March 24, 2015 at 3:27 am

That happens when you don’t have the ‘ee_edit_checkin’ and ‘ee_edit_checkins’ capabilities assigned.

Can you double check that account has all of the capabilities listed above please?

moho setiya putra

March 24, 2015 at 10:51 pm

Oh Yes..sorry about that.. I missed the ee_edit_checkin and ee_edit_checkins..

Thanks Tony!

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