
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium error message (4)

error message (4)

Posted: May 5, 2014 at 11:42 am

Lara Olson

May 5, 2014 at 11:42 am

our customers are getting this error message when registering for an event:
Then when you click on “confirm and go to payment page”, this error pops up:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function preg_grep_keys() in /home/content/50/11983750/html/wp-content/plugins/espresso-infusionsoft/index.php on line 244

We did just have Ivy Cat modify EE a bit. They added in more slots for tagging. Could that have something to do with it???


  • Support Staff

May 5, 2014 at 2:58 pm

Hi Lara,

I suggest checking with IvyCat on this because the version of Event Espresso Infusionsoft that we ship does not call a preg_grep_keys() function. It’s more than likely something they added.

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