
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 – Number of Tickets Info

EE4 – Number of Tickets Info

Posted: June 10, 2014 at 5:09 pm

Patrick Oh

June 10, 2014 at 5:09 pm

I noticed that at the check-out, participants can see the number of tickets sold, available and so forth. Can this info be hidden?

In the initial start of marketing, it is not so nice to show participant such info because nobody would want to know that there are no one signing up for the event yet. However, once many people have signed up, scarcity strategy can be used to cause an urgency to quickly make a purchase. Thus, it is an important thing to have this info able to be hidden or shown as and when needed based on situation. I could not find where I can do this in the event I am not setting up. Please advice.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 10, 2014 at 7:07 pm


Those elements don’t currently have a unique CSS class but you can remove that information all at once by using this CSS in your child themes stylesheet or a plugin like My Custom CSS:

.tckt-slctr-tkt-details-td span:nth-of-type(4),
.tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl th,
.tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl td:nth-child(3),
.tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl td:nth-child(4),
.tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl td:nth-child(5),
.tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl td:nth-child(6) {
  display: none;

We have introduced these CSS classes in an upcoming version of Event Espresso so that you can assign display none to specific elements instead of all of them.


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