
Home Forums Translations EE4 + Fudge + Localization = not working

EE4 + Fudge + Localization = not working

Posted: September 15, 2014 at 3:23 pm

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Hanna Koskinen

September 15, 2014 at 3:23 pm


I quess there must be an easy solution to this, but it seems that I can not solve this on my own. I have now for more than a week tried to change the language of EE4 to Finnish. I am desperate to get the sales going, but I am struggling with this. I can not find the file to translate in poedit, I tried the website where it was supposed to be easy to download – for some reason I can not. I got some version uploaded some weeks ago, but it does not work.

I would be more than happy to translate, but I need your technical help. I am really ready to give up with this. I was happy to build the “ticket shop” really easy, but this simple issue of not getting this on my languaga is really depressing.

I also believe that I ordered premium support. How am I able to get this when your site tells me to buy it again? Or is this a mistake or misunderstanding of mine?

Please help me out here!


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 15, 2014 at 5:38 pm

Hello Hanna,

You would need to activate your priority support token through your account:

This will send your request to our team privately.

Did you download the language file from this location?

Was the language files installed here?



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