
Home Forums Translations EE4 and loco translate, impossable to save

EE4 and loco translate, impossable to save

Posted: November 27, 2015 at 4:38 pm

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Eirik Nesjø

November 27, 2015 at 4:38 pm

This is maybe not a bug from EE’s part, but I wanted to hear if anyone has some experience with this problem.

As one edits and tries to save the translation in Loco Translate, it saves by posting the data to admin-ajax.php.
This takes forever since it sends the whole .mo file, and always returns with a 404.

I have tried with both the French and Norwegian translation from the GlotPress site.

Does anyone here has any experience with this? Is the translation list to big or something?



  • Support Staff

November 27, 2015 at 4:58 pm

I see the same problem was reported here:

I use loco translate and find it’s really quick to save the German translation of EE, so it doesn’t look like an issue where the translation list is too big. You might try switching to a default theme and temporarily deactivating all other plugins to start narrowing down the potential cause, or as they say, troubleshoot this.

If all else fails, I can recommend starting a support thread for Loco Translate to see if there are any additional troubleshooting steps they recommend.

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