
Home Forums Recurring Events Manager Add-on EE3 MER – Custom View & Cart Quantities Questions

EE3 MER – Custom View & Cart Quantities Questions

Posted: February 24, 2015 at 11:00 am

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Renee deVilliers

February 24, 2015 at 11:00 am


I am implementing the Multiple Registration add-on and it all seem fairly simple so far. I have used the [EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW category_identifier=”puppy”] short code on my page to display the recurring classes for one category only – so I have three questions:

1. The list/table displays a filter drop down with the list, and since I am using the category identifier, I do NOT want the filter to display – how can I remove the filter for only instances where I am choosing the list to only display one category?

2. How can I format the table to have bottom borders on each row so it is easier to read?

3. This question gets more cart related…if I click say 4 “add to Cart” from the list, for four classes I want to register for, then “view cart”, I get the list of classes I am registering for. I notice the quantity defaults to “0” which is rather silly. If I asked it to add to cart, I definitely want quantity to default to “1” not “0”. If clients register for 20 classes all at once – holy cow, they have to then edit 20 quantities to “1” ???? Say it isn’t so. That makes no sense. So, how can I get this to default to “1” and have the cart tally my total accordingly when I first View Cart?

Please advise. Thanks

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

February 24, 2015 at 6:35 pm

Hi Renee, here is feedback on your questions:

1. The list/table displays a filter drop down with the list, and since I am using the category identifier, I do NOT want the filter to display – how can I remove the filter for only instances where I am choosing the list to only display one category?
2. How can I format the table to have bottom borders on each row so it is easier to read?

Both of the changes above will require some new CSS. Have you used a tool like Firebug or Chrome developer tools before?

3. This question gets more cart related…if I click say 4 “add to Cart” from the list, for four classes I want to register for, then “view cart”, I get the list of classes I am registering for. I notice the quantity defaults to “0” which is rather silly. If I asked it to add to cart, I definitely want quantity to default to “1” not “0”. If clients register for 20 classes all at once – holy cow, they have to then edit 20 quantities to “1” ???? Say it isn’t so. That makes no sense. So, how can I get this to default to “1” and have the cart tally my total accordingly when I first View Cart?

The events are added to the shopping cart which is part of the multiple events registration add-on. Quantities are then selected for each event. This is because an event can have multiple pricing options.


Renee deVilliers

February 25, 2015 at 10:36 am

Lorenzo, if you provided the correct CSS for the table, I can implement it. I have attempted several times to write the correct CSS for the borders on the table, without success. yes I do use the developer tool for safari. I seem to be missing something however. As for the Filter drop down, I only want it to display IF I am showing different categories of events. In this particular case, I have used the short code to show only one category so the filter is unnecessary.

As for the event adding to cart at a default of zero for quantity still doesn’t make sense. If someone registers for something, then regardless of whether or not an event can have multiple pricing options (in my case it does NOT and they can only buy 1) the fact they added to the cart means they want at MINIMUM 1 of what they have added to cart, so to have a default quantity of ZERo doesn’t make sense and it is certainly not intuitive for the user. It may be how the code is set up, but is it possible to edit so I can have it default to 1 instead? That is ideally what I am wanting to do.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

February 25, 2015 at 11:53 am

Hi, we can’t write a full CSS solution for you but I can share an example.

Could you provide a link to a page that has the filter that should be removed?



Renee deVilliers

February 25, 2015 at 1:18 pm

The page is currently in draft mode in the pages listing it is: Puppy PlayCare Class List that has the filter needing removal.

I believe that the short code should be logically set to not output a filter on the page if the single category designation is given. It is not logical for the filter to be there, on a list from only one category.

Much like the issue with the cart quantity, neither is intuitive. The cart one makes a whole lot of work for the user – to have to select quantity from zero to 1, after they have already asked it to go into the cart. It’s not intuitive. It should be. Is there any way I can make that happen?

Renee deVilliers

February 25, 2015 at 1:19 pm

I made it published for the purposes of getting help:



February 26, 2015 at 1:47 am

Hi Renee,

You can hide the filter with CSS, something like:

.category-filter { display:none; }

However, to programaticaly hide it (e.g hide if no categories, show if there are) would require customising the template file’s PHP itself.

Regarding the border, the theme actually styles the table, but it should just need some simple CSS such as

tr.espresso-table-row td {
border-bottom: #000 thin solid;

In regards to the cart always being set at zero, we did this as it is common for our customers to offer their customers multiple ticket choices, so setting them all to 1 would actually be more disruptive than setting them all to zero.

Here is a JavaScript solution should you want to change the default behaviour:

Renee deVilliers

February 28, 2015 at 9:31 am


I can edit php, if someone provided what I had to change with how to change it, I’d like to try that. If possible.


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

February 28, 2015 at 11:44 am

Hi, unfortunately we can’t provide a full custom coding solution through our support forums. However, Dean shared a starting point to help with those changes.

Changing the pricing / ticket quantity in the shopping cart to 1 can be done via a template:

We recommend copying the shopping_cart.php template file here:


That will ensure that any customizations are preserved on a software update.

Also, the jQuery edit will set all quantities to one which could be problematic if several events have multiple pricing options. That is, a registrant/attendee would need to set those options back to zero.


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