
Home Forums Pre-Releases EE Core causes Fatal Error on activation with Automated Upcoming Events Notific

EE Core causes Fatal Error on activation with Automated Upcoming Events Notific

Posted: June 8, 2021 at 7:59 am

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June 8, 2021 at 7:59 am

Hopefully this is the right place. I have just refreshed ESSA’s live installation to their test site. Then installed EE core Version 4.11.0.beta.001

I received a Fatal Error:
[08-Jun-2021 13:01:06 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Invalid arguments supplied for the EventEspresso\AutomatedUpcomingEventNotifications\domain\Domain class, 2 were required but 0 were passed. in /home/essa/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/essa/ EE_Registry->_create_object('EventEspresso\\A...', Array, '', false)
#1 /home/essa/ EE_Registry->create('EventEspresso\\A...', Array, true, false, false, '')
#2 /home/essa/ EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\CoreLoader->load('EventEspresso\\A...', Array, true)
#3 /home/essa/ EventEspresso\core\services\loaders\CachingLoader->load( in /home/essa/ on line 1264

Deactivated Automated Upcoming Events Notification and I was able to access the wp-admin area. I activated Event Espresso (beta version) and updated the database.

Reactivated all add-ons except Automated Upcoming Event Notifications.

When I tried that I got the following:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.


  • Support Staff

June 9, 2021 at 3:49 am

Hi there,

Thanks for the report, we are aware of this issue and will be pushing an update for the add-on to prevent it from happening when we release the new EE4 version.


  • Support Staff

June 14, 2021 at 5:39 am

Hi there,

Just noting that we’ve pushed an update to the Automated Upcoming Event Notifications add-on (1.0.4.p) to fix this.


June 15, 2021 at 3:46 am

Thanks for letting me know. I’ll make sure that is installed before upgrading core.
Any release date for the new version yet?

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