
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on DO we need Mailchimp, infusionsoft or any other registration form?

DO we need Mailchimp, infusionsoft or any other registration form?

Posted: August 14, 2013 at 5:38 am

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Peter Stoianov

August 14, 2013 at 5:38 am

If EE is already a good registration software do we realy need any of the above for keeping track of our customers and mailing them regulary?
Is EE registration sufficient for that purpose?
Are they just an upgraded version of EE registration and would they help our business more?
If we get infusionsoft, do we need to pay them as well for a plan?

Thank you in advance?


August 14, 2013 at 6:01 am

Hello Peter,

Products like Mailchimp and Infusionsoft do different things than what Event Espresso does:

Event Espresso – online event registration and ticketing system
Mailchimp: Create email lists and produce and send mass emails (often used for marketing purposes)
Infusiondoft: Online CRM (Customer Relationship Manager).

If you just want to create and run events, neither Mailchimp or Infusionsoft are required. A lot of customers do like to use those services though, but it depends on your business.

Mailchimp and Infusionsoft are completely separate thirdparty products so yes if you use them you pay them for their services, we just have added integration into our product.

I would advise you to read through their sites and see if their products can help your business or not. As stated they do not impact on the event registration aspect.

Peter Stoianov

August 14, 2013 at 6:30 am

Thank you Dean,

In other words EE does a great job too for mass mailing our customer. What about jetpack? Does it help us in any way?


August 14, 2013 at 6:36 am

Not quite, you can mass email users on a per event basis (or individually), however Mailchimp is a fully featured email service, allowing things like autoresponders (scheduling) separating lists etc. They are separate programs, with separate specialities.

Jetpack again is a separate program, with nothing to do with Event Espresso. I don’t personally use it you would need to try it to see what it does for you.

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