
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Customize Infusionsoft Add-on to support opt-in?

Customize Infusionsoft Add-on to support opt-in?

Posted: July 21, 2014 at 4:20 pm

Eric Amundson

July 21, 2014 at 4:20 pm


We have a client that would like new registrants to be opted in by default when added to Infusionsoft.

I see in another post that this is not yet supported, but was wondering if you can provide any advice to help us customize the Infusionsoft plugin to make this happen.

Even Espresso Stack:

WP 3.8.3
EE Infusionsoft Integration 1.2.p
EE Calendar 2.2.3.p
EE MailChimp Integration 1.2
EE Members Addon 1.9.8.p
EE Multi Event Registration 1.0.5.p
EE Permissions 1.5.5.p
EE Recurring Events 1.1.8.p
EE Social Coupons (disabled)
EE Social Media 1.1.7.p
EE Ticketing 2.1.p
EE API Plugin 2.1.1.P

Sidney Harrell

July 22, 2014 at 10:07 am

I’m not seeing the “opt-in” in the IS admin. Can you take a screenshot, please? Is it on the contact, or is it on a campaign? Ultimately, we would need to find where in the API (ie, or in the IS tables ( where the opt-in status is set or held.

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