
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Custom Ticket Template not being applied to existing events

Custom Ticket Template not being applied to existing events

Posted: January 7, 2016 at 10:32 am

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Linda Isarasakdi

January 7, 2016 at 10:32 am

We have a situation in which we set up an event, processed registrants, and then realized we have left the Global template in place for the event Ticket. We then switched the Ticket to use our custom ticket template, but when we click on the ticket icon for one of the registrants, we’re still getting the original ticket style.

Is it the case that whatever ticket template was in place at the time of registration, that will always be the ticket style we’ll get, even if we’ve changed the ticket template in the meantime?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 7, 2016 at 12:45 pm

Hi Linda,

Here is some feedback on how the global and custom message types work.

Global message types such as the registration approved message type and the ticket message type from the ticketing add-on will be used for all events.

If you go to Event Espresso –> Messages and then click create custom and create a custom message type, then it will be saved and made available. However, it does not do anything on its own.

You would then need to go to a specific event via the event editor (Event Espresso –> Events) and then click on an event. Then scroll down and look for the notifications area. From here, click on tab for the message that you are wanting. Then click on the dropdown next to the specific kind of message and select your custom message and save changes.

The reason why these steps need to be completed is because it allows you to have custom messages for some events but not for others.

Could you share feedback on how your custom templates are currently setup?


Linda Isarasakdi

January 8, 2016 at 6:16 am

Thanks Lorenzo – I should have been clearer. We had forgotten, on a specific event, to switch the Ticket from Global to our custom ticket, as you describe. When we later changed that dropdown, the tickets for registrants who had been registered before the switch are still showing the Global ticket.


  • Support Staff

January 8, 2016 at 6:51 am

Hi Linda,

Is it the case that whatever ticket template was in place at the time of registration, that will always be the ticket style we’ll get, even if we’ve changed the ticket template in the meantime?

No that should not be the case, when you set the custom ticket template within the event and update the event. You then refresh the registrations list and the ticket icon should now go to the new ticket for that registrant.

You should notice the GRP_ID parameter in the URL for the ticket change.

Note however you can not open up the ticket url, set the custom ticket in the event and then refresh the ticket that you had open previously to see the changes, you need to refresh the registrations and open the ticket from the icon once again.

Is that not happening on your site?

Linda Isarasakdi

January 12, 2016 at 4:59 am

That was it, Tony – I hadn’t refreshed the registrations page and re-clicked the ticket icon. Working fine!


  • Support Staff

January 12, 2016 at 5:10 am

Great 🙂

Let us know if you have any further problems.

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