
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Critical Error After Activating EE4 Mailchimp Plugin

Critical Error After Activating EE4 Mailchimp Plugin

Posted: December 8, 2022 at 10:29 pm

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December 8, 2022 at 10:29 pm


We recently migrated from EE3 to the latest EE4.

When we activated the EE4 Mailchimp plugin, EE4 went into maintenance mode and our website failed (white screen).

We deactivated the Mailchimp plugin and got the website back working. Hoping you can help troubleshoot this. We have not been able to find error messages/logs, but when EE4 went into maintenance mode there was a message that the database should be updated.

Regards, Joe


  • Support Staff

December 9, 2022 at 4:12 am

Hi there,

Event Espresso going into maintenance mode should not cause your site to fail.

Sounds like the reason EE is going into maintenance mode is the EE4 MailChimp add-on is trying to run its migration to pull in the EE3 data to the EE4 version.

Before you go any further, create a database back first, just to be safe.

Activate the EE4 MailChimp Add-on and go to Dashboard -> Event Espresso -> Maintenance.

You should see a page stating EE is in maintenance mode and asking you to run the migration, follow the on screen steps to run the migration and EE4 will pull over the EE3 MailChimp data.

If you don’t see those options please add a screenshot of what you do see so I can take a look.

Once complete EE should switch out of Maintenace mode.


December 12, 2022 at 7:49 pm

Thanks Tony

It may have been related to a the mailchimp plugin working with a custom plugin we had for EE4 (plugin creating a new message type and with an integration with a membership plugin). We will investigate.




  • Support Staff

December 13, 2022 at 3:52 am

Ah, yeah that sounds plausible here, it will depend on the specifics of what that plugin is doing.


December 18, 2022 at 5:03 pm

Hi Tony

We are looking at activating the mailchimp plugin and doing the migration in the coming weeks (after Xmas) – are you going to be available for support in that time case the are issues 🙂




  • Support Staff

December 19, 2022 at 6:54 am

Yes, I will still be around.

Support will slow a little during the holidays as we all spend Christmas with our families but do I do keep an eye on the forums for critical issues.


December 26, 2022 at 5:57 pm

Hi Tony

Just checking as I saw some previous support posts where there was a critical error in the mailchimp migration possibly related to the mailchimp API key? Wondering if there is something I should do/look out for with that before I try to activate the mailchimp plugn again?

Regards, Joe


  • Support Staff

December 28, 2022 at 4:58 pm

Hi there,

There was an issue where multiple API calls to MailChimp would cause MailChimp to rate limit the response and return nothing, that was a while back and we made some changes to work around that but I’m not sure if that is what you are referring to.

Can you link me to one of the threads you saw?


January 8, 2023 at 1:59 pm

Hi Tony

Just letting you know we managed to sort this out- many thanks for your help.




  • Support Staff

January 9, 2023 at 4:28 am

Ah, great!

Thanks for the update, I’m glad you got it working.

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