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Creating Member Accounts

Posted: June 16, 2014 at 5:26 am

gary cox

June 16, 2014 at 5:26 am


I am a developer looking to set up a member signup for people attending my events.

I need to set up a highly customized signup form is this possible?

Once signed up i need to email them some sort of Member ID. They then use this to go instore and pay for their ticket. Instore i need to be able to access the details of signed up members to associate a band ID with the Member ID. It there a created where someone could can associate a member ID with the band id we give them.

The member should be able to go back in and edit their details using this ID.

I also want to be able to sell online eventually for different events though the members account




June 16, 2014 at 6:15 am


I think most of that can be done with a standard membership plugin, Event Espresso and the WP User Integration plugin.

The hardest part would be the initial form that is used before they gain access to the site, and that shouldn’t be too hard for a developer (Gravity Forms would probably work well here).

We have a list of recommended developers here:

gary cox

July 1, 2014 at 10:43 am


gary cox

July 1, 2014 at 10:50 am


I have installed EE3 and created my event and registration page. I have also installed WP User PLugin.

What i want to do is when they register they get a email / password combination to login back into a members area.

I found this code on GIT put and added it to function.php but i cant get it working properly.

I loose formatting on the page and my submit button disappers I have a few questions

1. Is this the correct way of doing this? Is there better way?
2. I do not want them to register on my wordpress site and then register for the event also
3. If i use the above code where does the user the login?

Thanks for your help quite confused!!


gary cox

July 1, 2014 at 10:54 am

I meant to say once they register for an event they get an email / password combination sent to them by email which they use to login to the members area where i will place the myevents shortcode. Thanks

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

July 1, 2014 at 3:06 pm

That code snippet for EE3 should create a new WP user and send the information via email.

Since they are a WP user, then would login through the WordPress admin login page.

Here is another option:


gary cox

July 2, 2014 at 1:48 am


That was the snippet i sent you. It is not working when i include it on my functions.php

My other question was where do they login if this works



  • Support Staff

July 2, 2014 at 4:56 am

Hi Gary,

Whilst EE will create a User within the WP Users table we do not handle members in any other way.

What that snippet does is create a WP User with the details provided when they register onto the event (First Name, Last Name, Email at a minimum)

This saves the users the steps of registering onto the site and then onto the event.

1. Is this the correct way of doing this? Is there better way?

It depends on what your trying to achieve, as mentioned the snippet just creates a new user in the same way that a standard user would be created.

2. I do not want them to register on my wordpress site and then register for the event also

Can you explain a little more here please? The snippet does creates the user as they register onto an event, then after they login if they register onto another event their WP member details will be used.

3. If i use the above code where does the user the login?

Are you using a Members plugin at all? By default the user would log into WordPress using the standard login for example – or

If you email a copy of your functions.php file to support[at] I’ll take a look and see if I can see any reason for the formatting issues.

gary cox

July 2, 2014 at 5:47 am


Thanks for the reply.

I am using a bought theme. There are 2 functions.php files. I am not sure where and in which file to put the code

I am eamiling both to

2. I do not want them to register on my wordpress site and then register for the event also
Can you explain a little more here please? The snippet does creates the user as they register onto an event, then after they login if they register onto another event their WP member details will be used.

The only reason i dont want them as members in wordpress is the fact that it takes them to the dashboard to edit their profile and events, is there any way of keeping them on the frontend to view this info .




  • Support Staff

July 2, 2014 at 8:14 am

Hi Gary,

It turns out that there are plugins that you can install that will keep them on the front end. Here’s one example:


  • Support Staff

July 2, 2014 at 8:56 am

It is also possible to display the ‘My Events’ section on the front end of the site using the shortcode [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS]

More information is available here:

gary cox

July 2, 2014 at 9:31 am


I have the shortcode [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS] displaying the events on the frontpage and that is working great. The only problem is when someone logs in or goes to clicks on “Your Profile” on the my events page is sends them into the wordpress backend

gary cox

July 2, 2014 at 12:31 pm

Another Question!

What table is my custom field data stored in on the database. My data is not appearing on the attendee_answer table.




  • Support Staff

July 2, 2014 at 2:32 pm

> The only problem is when someone logs in or goes to clicks on “Your Profile” on the my events page is sends them into the wordpress backend

You might find a plugin like this one useful:

> What table is my custom field data stored in on the database. My data is not appearing on the attendee_answer table.

Some context might help here. Just a guess, but did you look in the _usermeta table?

gary cox

July 3, 2014 at 2:52 am


The information is not on that table, also did you get my function.php files




  • Support Staff

July 3, 2014 at 10:13 am

Hi Gary,

It turns out that we do not provide support for custom code. Where the values for the custom fields are stored depends on the method you’re using to gather the information. For example if the fields are from setting up a registration form via the Event Espresso question manager, the values will be recorded to the _events_answer table.

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