
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Creating an events grid

Creating an events grid

Posted: June 12, 2019 at 7:17 am


June 12, 2019 at 7:17 am

Can you please confirm if it’s possible to display the availability info (currently the last column of the table in our table here in the default list or in the grid view? For the table, it’s part of the shortcode, but I can’t see any notes in documentation on displaying such info in other views.

We are trying to customise the appearance to achieve this kind of look (without the filter)



  • Support Staff

June 12, 2019 at 10:13 am

Hi Jamie,

This isn’t something that’s available out of the box, but can be added with some custom PHP template code.


June 13, 2019 at 4:49 am

OK, that’s good. It would be really helpful if you could provide some more details – what files to modify and if the code used in the table view can be reused in the list view files.



  • Support Staff

June 13, 2019 at 5:33 am

Hi there,

Without going through and essentially doing this customization for you (which is not something we can do) to find the correct files and functions to use, we can’t really provide in-depth details.

If you want to display the events like that using the grid template, you’d create a custom version of the grid template which is located in:


You can copy the template to your themes root directory (preferably a child theme) and EE will load that template in place of the default.

The events table template is located in \eea-events-table-template\templates\espresso-events-table-template.template.php, look at how the $live_button variable is constructed, you can do the same in the grid template.

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