
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Configuring "events" for classes registration – need some advice

Configuring "events" for classes registration – need some advice

Posted: March 27, 2015 at 7:27 am


March 27, 2015 at 7:27 am

I feel like I’m struggling to configure this appropriately for the needs of the website I’m using it on. There are so many options it can get overwhelming. Maybe somebody can confirm that we have this setup properly, or can offer suggestions. In short, here’s what we are doing,

• Offering online registration for classroom based courses
• Some courses are held once a month, but not every month on the same day
• Some classes are held weekly, but not every week
• Sometimes the class date is set based on interest, so there isn’t always a date set while registrations are being sold. We would just say it’s the “May Class” for instance.
• In only a few classes there are 2 different prices “tickets” available, because minors get a discounted rate.

What I did that seemed to work best was under AVAILABLE TICKET , I added the classes with the proper dates (if available). If it wasn’t set yet, I just called it “April Class” for example and set some arbitrary dates which aren’t visible on teh front end.
**I’ll have to find how to strip out the date I set from the invoice and e-mails.

This provides radio buttons on the front end to allow the visitor to choose which class they want to register for by date (sometimes only by month).

That seems to work good, but what concerns me is that the I have to do something with Event Ticket & Datetimes too… even though I already feel I have specified the dates and times on the ticket. I’m hiding that data on the front end for now, but what do I do with it on the back end? Just set it once for with an end date way in the future? I doesn’t make sense to create a event for every “ticket” that I have, and using events instead of tickets doesn’t let the user select the class they want.

Here’s an example of how I’m doing it now…


March 30, 2015 at 10:27 am

Any advice on this, or will this work ok?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

March 30, 2015 at 1:44 pm

Hi Mike, I looked at the event and I see that the datetimes have been hidden.

The issue is that Event Espresso needs at least one datetime to function correctly. There isn’t a feature for a variable date time in say a specific month.

Are you using this event to check for interest for an event and then you would use the newsletter feature to notify registrants that they can register for a specific date?



March 30, 2015 at 2:31 pm

Hi Lorenzo,
Yes, I hid the datetimes because it wasn’t possible to select the dates in that section. This is a case where 1 “ticket” gets you into a particular class on particular date. So it sounds like this may be the be the only way to go.

The idea is IF enough people show interest, then somehow yes, they will communicate the exact date to the registrant. I wasn’t aware of the newsletter feature….

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

March 30, 2015 at 2:45 pm

Hi, you can go to WP-admin (WP dashboard) –> Event Espresso –> Events.

Then click on the name of one of those “interest events.”

That will take you to a page that shows registrants for this specific event.

You can bulk select all registrants/attendees or select specific attendees and then scroll down to the end of the page and click on the Batch Email button.

A window will appear.

You can then select an existing message or go with the global message. Then type in a short message, include the link to the new event, and send the message.


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