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Compatibility Event Espresso with my needs

Posted: August 18, 2015 at 7:24 am

Lisanne Kuilman

August 18, 2015 at 7:24 am


First of all your plugin looks really nice, but I’m doubting if it will cover al my needs.

I have an Event organizing company. I organize private events for orgnanisations, families, bachelors etc…

I would like to manage the whole proces at the back-end of my website. My clients has to set free of any kind of organisation at all.

They come to mee, choose an event, give me a contactlist of al the persons they want to invite and I will manage the rest. So the question is.
Is it possible to upload a contactlist and sent invitations to the persons on those list? And after that is it possible that they let me know if they will attend or not. (So there must be a button, I won’t be there) So everything will go in the system and I know exactly which persons still have to respond.

This is the first thing I need, if this isn’t possible then Event Espresso is not the plugin I need at this moment.

I hope you can help me and I hope your system can fullfill my needs.



Jonathan Wilson

August 18, 2015 at 4:01 pm

Hi Lisanne,

Thank you for contacting us! We appreciate your interest in Event Espresso.

Event Espresso does not work exactly like you explained. However, you can use an email service like MailChimp to email the attendee list a link to the event. Once they register you will get an email letting you know who registered. If you wanted to password protect the events so unwanted visitors could not register, then you could do that as well.

Please feel free to test out EE:

​I am happy to answer anymore questions you might have.

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