
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Change Available Spaces # to Event Open/Closed

Change Available Spaces # to Event Open/Closed

Posted: August 1, 2014 at 12:24 pm

David Fishkin

August 1, 2014 at 12:24 pm

Although I want to be able to set a number of attendees and have a waitlist, I do not want the site to show how many spaces are still available. I would prefer to have something along the lines of “Class Seat Available/Class Full” show up.

Note that I am new to WordPress and am working with a more experienced programmers so I need basic steps including file locations.


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 1, 2014 at 4:40 pm

Please see this tutorial:


David Fishkin

August 8, 2014 at 2:39 pm

With all due respect, the tutorial is not very useful.
It makes assumptions about the level of the user that is should not.

RE-read what I asked abut and you will understand my point.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 8, 2014 at 4:54 pm

Hi, the only way to make those changes would be to edit the template files. You’ll want to move them to a safe location before making edits as any customizations to the core plugin folder will be lost on a software update.

The original files (event_list_display.php & registration_page_display.php) are located here:


You can reach that location by connecting to your WordPress site with an SFTP or FTP client such as Cyberduck or FileZilla. Your webhost will be able to provide credentials for connecting to your site.

Those two files (event_list_display.php & registration_page_display.php) need to be moved here:


Then the edits need to be applied and you should save changes using your SFTP or FTP client.


David Fishkin

August 8, 2014 at 6:57 pm


Thank you very much for giving the file location.

I copied the event_list_display.php to my computer so that I could view it BEFORE it try editing it (so i do don’t risk screwing it up)

The problem I am running into is that the event_list_display.php file
does NOT have the text listed in the tutorial which says it should be located
between lines 94-106

<?php if ($display_reg_form == ‘Y’ && $externalURL == ”) {?>
<p id=”available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>” class=”spaces-available”></p>
<p id=”available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>” class=”spaces-available”></p>

Instead the closet thing I can find is this text
located further down the file
which shows:

$num_attendees = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, ‘num_attendees’); //Get the number of attendees. Please visit for available parameters for the get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit() function.

if ($num_attendees >= $reg_limit) {


<p id=”available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>”><span class=”section-title”><?php _e(‘Available Spaces:’, ‘event_espresso’) ?> </span><?php echo get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, ‘available_spaces’, ‘All Seats Reserved’) ?></p>

<?php if ($overflow_event_id != ‘0’ && $allow_overflow == ‘Y’) { ?>

<p id=”register_link-<?php echo $overflow_event_id ?>” class=”register-link-footer”>< a>” href=”<?php echo espresso_reg_url($overflow_event_id); ?>” title=”<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>”><?php _e(‘Join Waiting List’, ‘event_espresso’); ?></p>



} else {

if ($display_reg_form == ‘Y’ && $externalURL == ”) {

?> <p id=”available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>” class=”spaces-available”><span class=”section-title”><?php _e(‘Available Spaces:’, ‘event_espresso’) ?></span> <?php echo get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, ‘available_spaces’) ?></p>


It looks like this is a different setup.

I am trying to change the Available Spaces and the number to just say “Seats Available” if there are open spaces, and “Class is Filled” if there are no more spaces.

Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 9, 2014 at 5:11 pm

Alright, be sure those files have been copied over to the safe location. Then open the event_display.php file for editing.

Change this starting at around line 102:

	$num_attendees = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'num_attendees'); //Get the number of attendees. Please visit for available parameters for the get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit() function.
	if ($num_attendees >= $reg_limit) {

to this:

	$num_attendees = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'num_attendees'); //Get the number of attendees. Please visit for available parameters for the get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit() function.
	if ($num_attendees >= $reg_limit) {


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