
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium cannot change the order of tickets/datetimes in v5.0.3 or v5.0.5

cannot change the order of tickets/datetimes in v5.0.3 or v5.0.5

Posted: May 23, 2023 at 7:53 am

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May 23, 2023 at 7:53 am


We have a particular event:
that is set up with a datetime and ticket for every Saturday from now until the end of September. In the first part of this page the order is correct, but if you look further down at the Details/Price/Qty section, the datetime/ticket information for 24 June is showing at the end after the one for 30 September.

In versions 4.x, we used to be able to change the order these tickets were displayed in by clicking on an icon to the right hand side of the ticket or event table and dragging it to where we wanted it.

Neither the client nor I can see how to change this. Are we missing something?

What we see in the Ticket Assignment Manager is here:

To me as a database person it looks like both the Event Date and Tickets are sorted by their IDs?

We are not, so far, using the new Recurring Events addon. We upgraded initially to v5.0.3 and then when I was investigating yesterday, I upgraded to v5.0.5

Thanks in advance for any help.




  • Support Staff

May 23, 2023 at 8:35 am

You may have the tickets listed by date or ID, status, etc. in the back-end so you can find the dates or tickets you want to edit and manage, but that may not reflect what is displayed on the front-end. You don’t want to be searching and ordering or organizing tickets in the back-end while also changing the display on the front-end, it could really make it hard for customers.

If you want to set the order of the tickets, you’ll need to set/verify the order by using the Set Custom Tickets Order button.

Custom Tickets Order

Does that help?


May 25, 2023 at 5:46 am

Hi Garth,

Thank you for your help. We just hadn’t found the button to “set custom tickets order”.

Pleased it was such an easy solution.

Thanks again,


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