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Attendee List Customization

Posted: March 16, 2014 at 6:38 pm


March 16, 2014 at 6:38 pm

Any way to customize the details of the attendee list? In my case I have a custom field “Company” that I want to show next to the attendee’s name.


  • Support Staff

March 17, 2014 at 5:18 am

Hi Jim,

When you say Attendee list do you mean the list created using the [LISTATTENDEES] shortcode or the attendee list within the Admin?

The [LISTATTENDEES] shortcode can be modified by modifiying the file event-espresso/templates/attendee_list.php

If the Admin Attendee list, this would require modifications to Event Espresso core which unfortunately we can support and highly discourage.


March 17, 2014 at 6:44 pm

I’m asking the [LISTATTENDEES] using shortcode.

Is it possible to add the company of a certain person attending the events?

And also is it possible to just show a list of attendees in a particular event? Example when user looking to a certain events, I wanted to put a link or button that will direct them to a certain pages that show whos attending that particular event.


March 18, 2014 at 5:46 am

Hi Jim,

Adding the company is not possible with just the shortcode. It can be done, but it would require customising the shortcode (or really, duplicating the shortcode, renaming it and then customising it) so you would need PHP knowledge.

Limiting the display to a single event can be done via the shortcode parameters:

[LISTATTENDEES event_identifier=”your_event_identifier”]

Where your_event_identifier is the event identifier found in the event editor, just under the event title – screenshot

LISTATTENDEE parameters –


March 18, 2014 at 7:29 pm

[LISTATTENDEES event_identifier=”your_event_identifier”]
In this shortcode, if I have 100 event I will need to create 100pages to list the attendees for the particular event?


March 19, 2014 at 5:14 am

Hi Jim,

Pretty much unless you custom code something.

You could create a link in the event description, to a specific page with a query in it (e.g. ) and then custom code a theme page template that pulls that query and loads the list for that event. That way you create one page for the event list and it is dynamically populated depending of the link used.

We have some recommended developers here –

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