
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium All Emails Go to Spam / Editing the Registration Checkout Page

All Emails Go to Spam / Editing the Registration Checkout Page

Posted: May 17, 2021 at 7:48 pm

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May 17, 2021 at 7:48 pm

1) All emails sent through Event Espresso are going to the spam folder. This is a big issue because registrants need to access the Zoom links in the registration confirmation emails. I found this thread but the suggested plugins to fix this issue no longer seem to be active.

2) As a less than ideal fix, I would like to edit the text of the page registrants see when they complete checkout, to include a message about checking their spam folders for the Zoom link.

I found this post here about editing the text on the registration checkout page. However, I’m not sure I have the knowledge to create a custom plug-in, as the post describes. Also, I do not have a tab called “User Integration Settings” (Event Espresso -> Registration Form -> User Integration Settings). The other post described changing the registration page URL from this tab. Why would my account be lacking this tab?


Robby Gunawan

May 17, 2021 at 8:58 pm

you can use *wp mail smtp* and use either sendgrid or senditblue to send email


  • Support Staff

May 19, 2021 at 3:23 am

Hi there,

1) All emails sent through Event Espresso are going to the spam folder. This is a big issue because registrants need to access the Zoom links in the registration confirmation emails. I found this thread but the suggested plugins to fix this issue no longer seem to be active.

I’m guessing you are using your hosts mailserver to send the emails? If so, then using a plugin like @rgunawans mentioned above, WP SMTP Mail to send your site’s email through your email provider’ servers should help with this.

2) As a less than ideal fix, I would like to edit the text of the page registrants see when they complete checkout, to include a message about checking their spam folders for the Zoom link.

Can you post the exact string you want to add there please?

I found this post here about editing the text on the registration checkout page. However, I’m not sure I have the knowledge to create a custom plug-in, as the post describes.

The post you linked to links to a tutorial that steps you through the process:

If you post the string you want to use above I can put this together for you, the problem is you then won’t know how to change the text again should you wish to further down the line.

Also, I do not have a tab called “User Integration Settings” (Event Espresso -> Registration Form -> User Integration Settings). The other post described changing the registration page URL from this tab. Why would my account be lacking this tab?

Your account? I’m not sure I follow but I’ll explain where that tab comes from and go from there.

The tab Event Espresso -> Registration Form -> User Integration Settings is added when you have the WP User Integration add-on activated on your site. I can see your site does not have that add-on active so that that won’t show as it controls settings for that specific add-on, the tab itself is actually added by the add-on so it’s not based on your account but the add-ons installed/activated on the site.

Does that help?


May 19, 2021 at 4:54 pm

Tony, thanks for your thorough response.

1) I’m in a unique situation with WordPress email. I’m a volunteer for a very small non-profit. I have access to the admin side of our WordPress site. But whoever bought the domain originally is no longer at the organization, and no one left knows the log-in information. So I can’t access cPanel, our domain email controls, etc. I’ve now looked into the SMTP plug-ins you mentioned, but I think all of them will require the domain login info. I realize now that this isn’t an issue with Event Espresso, and also probably not one I can solve right now.

2) This is the string I would like to add to the registration confirmation page:

“Your registration has been successfully processed.
***Please check your email and your SPAM folder for your registration confirmation and Zoom links.***
Clicking “Report not spam” on the email will ensure that future communications arrive in your inbox.
Click the button below to view / download / print a full description of your purchases and registration information.”

Looking at the custom plug-in instructions, I see that I won’t be able to follow the steps without the domain log-in. If you created the custom plug-in for me, would I be able to upload it?

3) Thank you. That makes sense.


  • Support Staff

May 20, 2021 at 5:28 am

1) I’m in a unique situation with WordPress email.

Yeah, I’ve been there and it’s no fun at all.

I know it’s easier said than done but I do recommend working with your host to see what you can do to get around this sooner rather than later. To me, the biggest problem with not having those details is not regarding emails, but no FTP access, which at some point you’ll need to fix a problem on the site and when it’s panic stations because the site is down and you need them now it’s a lot more stressful.

Anyway, not intending to preach about getting it sorted, just my 2 cents from past experience.

2) Looking at the custom plug-in instructions, I see that I won’t be able to follow the steps without the domain log-in. If you created the custom plug-in for me, would I be able to upload it?

You don’t actually need FTP credentials for this, you create the plugin locally and then upload using Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload plugin.

However, the problem with doing this is there is an issue (a syntax error, for example a missing semi-colon) with the plugin and it causes a fatal error…. you need FTP access to fix it. WordPress has gotten better over the years with this and now includes code to test changes before they are applied and plugins are activated although it is still possible for it to happen.

I have no issue giving you a plugin to do this which I’ve tested on my own sites, but again, the above is important to keep in mind as even that plugin could still cause a problem (along with any installed on the site for that matter).

So with that said, you can find a plugin to do this HERE.

Click download at the top right to download the zip, then upload through Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload plugin.


May 20, 2021 at 6:24 pm

Thanks, Tony! I appreciate your time in writing the plug-in and sharing your experience.

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