
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Add columns to registrations admin list via hook

Add columns to registrations admin list via hook

Posted: April 10, 2019 at 3:05 am


April 10, 2019 at 3:05 am

In reference to this thread:

I am trying to add a column to the registrations admin list. I have done it already for the events list where I added several custom columns (

However, the filter FHEE_manage_toplevel_page_espresso_events_columns is not being called in the registrations admin list. How to add a custom column to the registrations admin list and fill it with content. The approach seems to be different than for the events admin list.


  • Support Staff

April 10, 2019 at 4:54 am

It’s the same approach, but it’s a different page, so the filter will be different.

The format for the filters on the Admin list tables is:


{screen_id} is in the formate {sanitize_title($top_level_menu_label)}_page_{$espresso_admin_page_slug}

(Not that translations applied can change the above)

So for the Registration list its FHEE_manage_event-espresso_page_espresso_registrations_columns

Here is an example:

Did you follow the advice I posted here:

The debug bar actions and filters add-on would have shown you the correct filter 🙂


April 10, 2019 at 11:13 pm

Hi Tony,

thanks, will try it.

Good that you mention the debug bar actions and filters.

Of course, I use it since you recommended it to me. It works fine. However, in this case it did not. I could not find the filter hook. I even used the debug log “trick” you once showed me that supposedly “sees” even more than the debug bar plugin. Even there the FHEE_manager…. does not show up.
Here is the link to the file, so you can see for yourself.

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