
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium 1 business 2 licenses?

1 business 2 licenses?

Posted: June 3, 2014 at 11:53 am


June 3, 2014 at 11:53 am

we have this business

big leageu experience ( boys baseball )

also this business under the same umbrella
okanagan softball camps ( girls softball )

I could easy build the 2 events required on the same URL that event espresso was purchased for.


these are residential camps the registered players all sleep in the same building like a dorm.

we do not want to confuse the softball moms that will register into thinking that there daughters are in the same camp as the boys ..and all sleeping together…which is not the case anyways…the camps are weeks apart.

the question is .

Do we need to purchase event espresso again ..

or is there some leaway here as in fact the 1 business purely and simply needs for the 2 registration websites to not look the same.

so 2 seperate sites….but it is in fact 1 business owner

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 3, 2014 at 2:34 pm

Hi Steve,

A support license key provides updates for a single WordPress install. With that mentioned, I think one site would work if its setup like this:

Hide the regular event registration page from the navigation. This is the page that shows all events together.

Create a new page for the girls softball and display those events using a category shortcode. Events can be added to a category using the event editor.

Create a new page for the boys baseball and display those events using a category shortcode. Again events can be added to a category using the event editor.

Then you would add these pages to your site navigation.

One concern might be if you are using Multiple Event Registration. Then a visitor could register for events on both pages.

If this is the case, then you can add some messaging to explain that the camps take place at different times.


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