Event Archive template
Step one: Copy an archive-espresso_events.php template file into your Genesis child theme. Here’s a copy you can use:
Step two: Copy the content-espresso_events.php template part into your child theme. If you plan on customizing the other template parts included in Espresso Arabica 2014, you can copy those over to your child theme.
Step three: Modify the markup in your copy of content-espresso_events.php and other template parts as desired. The code block that controls the display of the Event Archive is in the later part of the file, after the
elseif ( is_archive() ) :
Single Event template
Step one: Copy a single-espresso_events.php template file into your Genesis child theme. Here’s a copy you can use:
Step two: Modify the markup in your copy of content-espresso_events.php as desired. The code block that controls the display of a single event is in the first part of the file, after the
if ( is_single() ) :
check and before the
elseif ( is_archive() ) :
Venues and taxonomy archives
The same basic steps apply for Venue and taxonomy templates. Here’s a list of Venue and Taxonomy templates that WordPress will pick up and use if they’re present in the child theme:
Venue templates
- archive-espresso_venues.php
- single-espresso_venues.php
A ready-made example of a single-espresso_venues.php template.
Venue templates can use the content-espresso_venues.php template part. You add
espresso_get_template_part( 'content', 'espresso_venues' );
to the loop.
Taxonomy templates
Event taxonomy archives. These can use the content-espresso_events.php template part.
- taxonomy-espresso_event_categories.php — Displays an archive of events by category
Venue taxonomy archives. These can use the content-espresso_venues.php template part.
- taxonomy-espresso_venue_categories.php — Displays an archive of venues by category
People Archive template
Step one: Copy an archive-espresso_people.php template file into your Genesis child theme. Here’s a copy you can use:
Step two: This is optional. Copy the content-espresso_people-details.php template part from the People Add-on’s public/templates folder into your child theme. If you do not plan on customizing the -details template, you do not need copy it over to your child theme.
Step three: Modify the markup in your custom template as desired.