2018 Changelog Archive

December 11, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.75.p


  • Avoid conflict with Divi Front-end editor
  • Don’t use expectException, instead use setExceptionExpected shim (fixes unit tests)
  • Fix bug that erroneously required a password to view archived tickets in REST API

December 3, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.74.p


  • Update the minimum WordPress version requirement in the readme.txt
  • Move PHP docs for $query_params on EEM_Base::get_all() to documentation
  • Attendee Block: Use default_avatar option instead of hardcoding in “Mystery Man”

November 23, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.73.p


  • Add shim for get_user_locale()
  • Fix potential for PHP fatal in PHP7.2+ servers

November 21, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.72.p


  • Fix incorrect dependency on wp-api-request in asset registration
  • Simplify REST API passing in arrays

November 20, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.71.p


  • Cast translated strings to strings before using as array keys
  • Fix non-working production build of javascript
  • Don’t show archive controls panel when editing pages
  • Fix bug with template pack switching
  • Fix datetime filter radio input values
  • Add fail safe for loading of the network core config

November 20, 2018

EE4 Attendee Mover 1.0.4.p

  • Fix legend item appearing on admin pages other than the registrations page

November 20, 2018

EE4 Promotions 1.0.13.p

  • Update Promotions DMS table schemas to match formatting used in core
  • Update usage of deprecated filter FHEE__EE_Export__report_registrations__reg_csv_array
  • Send promotion name along with a “discount” label to gateways

November 20, 2018

EE4 Multi Event Registration 2.0.16.p

  • Fix JavaScript to allow compatibility with older versions of Internet Explorer

November 7, 2018

EE4 Multi Event Registration 2.0.15.p

  • Fix CSS margins for cart page
  • Add listener to allow exiting cart modal using the Escape key
  • Fix current ticket count that’s displayed at the top of the cart modal
  • Clear ticket selections from Ticket Selector after adding them to the cart

November 7, 2018

EE4 WP User Integration 2.0.16.p

  • Use PHP function `is_readable` instead of method from EE filesystem class
  • Fix status label colors on “My Events” shortcode output

November 6, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.70.p


  • Populate States/Provinces for the “Your Organization” tab Country input
  • Add link to incomplete view in Transactions admin list table
  • Remove link to the “Failed Transactions” in Transactions admin list table
  • Filter Transaction list table query parameters and allow for dynamic views
  • Add detection for WP JSON API requests
  • Set light gray text to have WCAG level 2 recommended minimum contrast ratio
  • Remove unused JavaScript assets (and their registration)


  • Fix session not saving after clearing notices
  • Restore the ability to change PDF paper size
  • Don’t add version string to asset source when hash name assets are used
  • Fix “Add venues to the Venue Manager” link
  • Fixed fatal error and currency override on Countries settings page
  • Increase default time on normalizing invalid dates
  • Introduce default date coercing

October 16, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.69.p


  • Change Google map image shortcode to map link shortcode in default email templates
  • Change CSV reports so headers don’t include square brackets with field name
  • Improve venue metabox contents in event editor
  • Improve User Interface for country currency settings
  • Improve registration CSV reporting redirections
  • Add UTF-8 BOM to CSV files generated via batch system
  • Add offers.availability property to event structured data
  • Add Date and Time Filter Max Checked admin option and use to limit checked dates for Datetime Selector
  • Update DOMPDF library to version 0.8.2


  • Fix a warning when generating a registration report with no registrations in it
  • Fix the tickets_on_sale() method so it checks all tickets
  • Fix memory timeout for sites with hundreds of tags
  • Fix session exception triggered by error notices
  • Fix warning during registration reports in PHP 7.2

September 25, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.68.p

Enhancements & Updates

  • Add filter hooks to allow customizing the display of sub line items on the payment options step of Single Page Checkout
  • Improve REST Schema to include missing fields and call field calcualtor classes non-statically
  • Add a filter so the system status page’s content can be modified


  • Remove note about filters from the Event Espresso > Template Settings page
  • Fix pue slug in the skeleton new payment method add-on
  • Fix error when editing active plugins with the built-in WordPress code editor
  • Fix Session Start Fatal Errors when known Custom Session Save Handler is in use
  • Fix Fatal Error by using loader instead of direct instantiation of REST controller
  • Fix URL validation
  • Add instanceof checks to avoid fatal errors on transactions page
  • Fix warning during admin registration
  • Fix and update REST API documentation examples
  • Avoid error in Authorize.net AIM gateway when some non-ASCII characters were used
  • Fix HTML encoded character in Alan Islands name being saved to the database
  • Fix the organization settings form so that the license key section is not displayed on subsites

August 21, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.67.p

Enhancements, Fixes & Updates

  • Enqueue countdown.js only when needed
  • Allow for null gateway log objects when creating payment logs
  • Fix “You need to select a ticket quantity” error so it displays to logged-out users

August 15, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.66.p

Enhancements & Updates

  • Add support for Indian Rupees currency (INR) to PayPal Espresso and Pro
  • Add BUTTONSOURCE on all PayPal Express API calls.
  • Add foreign keys to REST API responses
  • Add format:money to money field schemas in json-schema
  • Update js build process to use Babel 7
  • Tweak capability checks to allow read-only for registration form answers
  • Account for worse-case CSS word-break scenarios


  • Fix a fatal error while using many page builder plugins resulting from template tags only being loaded on the front-end
  • Fix an error when migrating from EE3 from attendee email index being too big
  • Fix venue description on event page so line breaks are shown properly
  • Fix espresso_event_tickets_available() so it echoes out the tickets when default arguments are provided
  • Fix caching loader identifier
  • Fix Authorize.net AIM so payment currency is sent
  • Fix DuplicateCollectionIdentifierException errors when converting old PersistentAdminNotice Fixes
  • Fix error when trying to send messages in full maintenance mode
  • Fix a syntax issue inside EE_Config::register_ee_widget()
  • Namespace site-license-key in requests (to ee-site-license-key) to hopefully fix issue some users see with multiple pue license key requests happening
  • Fix translated event taxonomy slugs so they stay valid
  • Fixes very slow migration from EE3 when there are deleted events
  • Fix event slug sanitization for accents and unicode characters
  • Fix URL validation when URL was for a site denying access to our HTTP client
  • Fix the 1-click upgrade from Decaf so that a prompt to upgrade is displayed when a correct support key is entered
  • Fix a javascript error on admin pages showing both an EE error and persistent notice
  • Fix a bug which prevented sold out events from appearing in unauthenticated REST API results

EE4 Vanco Payment Gateway add-on 1.0.7.p


  • Use OpenSSL module functions in place of mcrypt as it has been deprecated in PHP 7.1+

August 6, 2018

EE4 Infusionsoft add-on 2.2.2.p


  • On free transactions send a payment to Infusionsoft so actions can be triggered. So send a zero dollar payment
  • Add privacy policy

July 31, 2018

EE4 Ticketing 1.0.8.p


  • Automatically fix malformed ticket URLs and improve error message

EE4 Events Calendar 3.2.13.p


  • Check we have an eeCAL object before attempting to use it in calendar scripts

July 17, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.65.p


  • Add classname to the markup that wraps the Event phone
  • Add CSS to help improve the display of ticket selector on small screens
  • Add CSS bulletproofing to protect registration form from worse-case scenarios

Bug Fixes

  • Fix state and country question types shortcode output
  • Fix REST API documentation links and make REST API BETWEEN operator work as documented
  • Fix privacy erasure so contact phones are also erased
  • Fix fatal error thrown when using WP4.5
  • Fix issue with [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES] shortcode to allow displaying attendees when specifying an archived ticket
  • Fix log calls when using transactions object
  • Force cURL to use TLS1.2 when connecting to PayPal (PayPal Express)
  • Check get_user_locale() exists before attempting to use it (Compatibility fix for WP4.5)
  • Use correct method name for payment method activation
  • Remove phone number from the EE Contact when personal data erase request is fulfilled

July 11, 2018

Auth.net Accept Payment method 1.0.2.p


  • Use transaction object to create payment logs when the payment object is not available
  • Only send the Primary Registrant’s address details to Auth.net if the billing form is set to show in the payment method settings
  • Send the state as a 2 letter abbreviation if the country selected is United States (per Auth.net documentation)
  • Only allow alphanumeric charaters and spaces when sending values to the Auth.net API

June 26, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.64.p


  • Add project changelog
  • Add hooks to venue address metabox
  • Add filters to EE_Radio_Button_Display_Strategy.strategy.php
  • Expose “routes” information on the eejs global and update packages

Bug Fixes

  • Fix section heading closing tag in content-espresso_events-header.php
  • Fix typo in PayPal Pro
  • Fix EE CPT objects not being added to WP_Post objects during Ajax Requests
  • Fix shortcode and template tag loading during AJAX requests

June 18, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.63.p


  • Filter the order_by array returned by _get_orderby_for_registrations_query()
  • Update Your Organization Settings Page to new form system and UXIP option fixes and improvements
  • Fix duplicate asset registration when do_action('admin_enqueue_scripts') is called multiple times on the same admin page
  • Change condition for offsite payment methods
  • Fix Level 2 maintenance mode causing fatal error from PrivacyPolicy.php
  • Facilitate having checkbox for consenting to site’s privacy policy for GDPR
  • Bug/registry check addons exist before using them
  • Fix Custom Post Type query filters being applied twice
  • Fix bug with lodash in vendor bundle trouncing the _ global used by underscore
  • Always use the ‘pretty’ value for the TXN paid column
  • Remove unimplemented methods from AssetManager(&interface)
  • add type specific getters and… hasers ??
  • Fix JavaScript error on WP > Plugins page: Jed localization error: Error: Domain event_espresso was not found
  • Switch webpack-assets-manifest plugin config to use the assets configuration vs merge
  • Fix Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'EventEspresso\core\services\request\middleware\RecommendedVersions' does not have a method 'minimum_wp_version_error'
  • Fix issue where assigning event category by slug, which also exists as regular post category, creates duplicates
  • Add option to deactivate payment method logging (helpful for GDPR compliance)
  • Update license validation config
  • Improve internal library export and webpack configuration
  • Add license checker to prevent conflicts with GPLv2 license
  • Update packages and do actual node & npm version check
  • Fix i18n api loading strings twice per handle
  • Fix issue with constants related to EE_Event_Category_Taxonomy

June 12, 2018

Infusionsoft 2.2.1
Bug fix and Enhancement:

  • Set higher limit (1000) for tags

June 11, 2018

Stripe 1.1.3
Bug fixes and Enhancements:

  • Disable the “debug mode” option when connected to Stripe
  • Fix incorrect price displayed in Stripe modal
  • Stripe Connect: Disregard settings even if disconnect malfunctions

May 17, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.62.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix Invalid field (count) passed to constructor of EE_Term_Taxonomy
  • Fix issue with constants related to EE_Event_Category_Taxonomy
  • Fix add-on Domain registration
  • Restore missing additional ticket information to the registration information step
  • Fix PHP Warning in EED_Events_Archive_Caff
  • Fix statement not echoing its value
  • Add ReservedInstanceInterface and tag classes that need to operate like a “singleton” then prevent Loader from creating more than one instance
  • Fix issue where canceling a registration in progress will subtract too many tickets from the reserved count
  • Fix phpunit test that fails from being one second off
  • Fix broken boolean indicator for whether the pricing metabox is being loaded for an event being created or not
  • Call perform_sold_out_status_check() from _release_registration_space
  • Convert Exception to EE_Error for sites messing with plugin_dir_url
  • Fix issue where add to calendar (iCAL) does not import into Google Calendar
  • Perform sold out status check on event after releasing registration space


  • Anonymize registrant IP address for GDPR
  • Erase EE Registration data upon request for GDPR
  • Add EE’s user data to WordPress user data export for GDPR
  • Hook in EE Privacy Policy Content to WP for GDPR
  • Create Privacy Policy Content for GDPR
  • Add Asset Value Objects plus Collection and Manager classes and update Registry to utilize them
  • Add hookpoint for benchmarking
  • Allow disabling form inputs
  • Improve ticket selector’s table markup for better accessibility

Updates to the build system:

  • Remove translation configuration related to eejs-core script
  • Update to Webpack 4 and npm audit fixes
  • Update npm requirement to 6+
  • Fix error in console with exit-modal regarding jed initialization
  • Add phpcs linting to our build process/automated tests
  • Fix phpcs violations with specific rule exclusions on linting rules
  • Implement wp.i18n for localization of JavaScript
  • Change eejs.data api to use wp_add_inline_script instead of wp_localize_script
  • Implement jest JavaScript testing framework
  • Implement WordPress code style standards for JavaScript (via es-lint)

April 12, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.61.p

Bug fixes and Updates:

  • Implement .eslint configuration and adopt WordPress JavaScript standards for code style
  • Avoid fatal errors when sites use relative URLs
  • Upgrade moment.js
  • Decode site name before passing over to gateway description

April 9, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.60.p

Remove unneeded source map files

April 9, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.59.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix property name generation in EE_Encryption_Test
  • Allow Reg. Approved registrations to pay after event has sold out
  • Fix fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function lifespan() on null
  • Add backwards compatibility for the Attendee Mover add-on
  • Fix ticket reserved count not resetting if txn isn’t created but ticket quantities selected and reserved
  • Fix overselling issue if Multi Event Registration add-on is activated and multiple registration sessions overlap at a given moment
  • Fix Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST)
  • Add workaround/handling for PHP DateTime bug
  • Fix failing test in Registrations_Admin_Page_Test::test_get_registrations
  • Remove cc email address field from batch template
  • Remove the automatic creation of folders in uploads/espresso on activation
  • Fix ModelDataTranslatorTest::testPrepareConditionsQueryParamsForModels__gmtDatetimes phpunit test
  • Search for usage of deprecated jQuery bind and unbind methods and replace with on or off
  • Correctly dequeue instead of deregistering style in Registrations_Admin_Page
  • Add error proofing to EE_Messages_incoming_data‘s _assemble_data method
  • Fix ee_edit_payments and ee_delete_payments capabilities
  • Fix issue where the from address shows HTML entity if company name includes an apostrophe in Settings → General → Site Title
  • Fix issue where Stripe sends incorrect amounts
  • Fix form submission error messages
  • Fix issue(s) with incorrect tax amount displayed after using Attendee Mover on registration
  • Fix PayPal Express when using http_build_query() and & is used as the default separator on some servers
  • Make Question Group div ID’s unique within the reg form when multiple attendee forms are displayed
  • Fix grammar errors in session timeout errors
  • Fix undefined index notices from Upcoming Events widget when using the Customizer
  • Make admin Add new registration screen responsive/usable for small screens


  • Upcoming Events Widget – add sort and show only expired options
  • Add additional actions to transaction details page and make it extensible
  • Upgrade jQuery validate
  • Improve form maliability
  • Upgrade qtip2 JS
  • Upgrade jQuery countdown JS
  • Verify PayPal API Credentials (PayPal Express)
  • Ignore form submission normalization strategy
  • Modify get_DateTime_object so that it returns a clone of the DateTime object
  • Add filters to messages system for aiding with jit manipulation of message sending and template field setting
  • Tweak behaviour for max value of screen options in EE Admin List Table
  • Add EventEspresso\core\domain\Domain as a dependency on EventEspresso\core\services\assets\Registry\
  • Ensure RequestStackBuilder still allows Legacy Middleware classes to operate
  • Add LIMIT clause to query in EEM_Line_Item::get_total_line_items_for_carts()
  • Modify EE_Encryption and its encrypt() and decrypt() methods to accept an encryption key and cipher method
  • Add option to use hidden reCAPTCHA to protect ticket selector form
  • Add a user ID to Event Espresso notices when saving to the database
  • Allow addon Database Migration scripts to utilize namespaced addon class
  • Create and share EventEspresso\core\domain\Domain during bootstrap process
  • Add RequestTypeContext and RequestTypeContextChecker classes
  • Add Bot Detection Middleware
  • Convert EE_Detect_File_Editor_Request over to new middleware
  • Update Plugin Update Engine and UXIP to better track EE4 features
  • Add survey to uninstall trigger
  • Improve cache busting of assets
  • Update required PHP version to 5.4

March 27, 2018

EE4 iDeal Mollie Payment Gateway 1.1.5.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix Mollie using POST rather than GET to direct the user to their payment page


  • Update Mollie payment method to use new _get_gateway_formatter() methods
  • Add locale setting so admins can choose which locale is used by the Mollie checkout page
  • Add additional log calls to the Mollie payment method

March 21, 2018

EE4 WP User Integration 2.0.15.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix non-static method EED_WP_Users_SPCO::_can_attach_user_to_attendee() being called statically
  • Fix missing brackets in maybe_restrict_ticket_option_by_cap method
  • Fix duplicate Event Ticket WP User Capabilities not copying to ‘new’ event
  • Fix ajax login method not removing the spinning icon on successful login
  • Fix [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS template=simple_list_table] loading the wrong template when using pagination


  • Wait List: Auto pre-fill wait list name and email fields if logged in
  • Extract ticket cap check logic from EED_WP_Users_Ticket_Selector and move into new public method
  • Update `[ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS]` shortcode to use the new shortcode system in EE core
  • Add color for Waitlist items to the legend for the ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS
  • Add hover text to action icons on My Events page
  • Hook into Wait List logic to monitor and adjust for processes that require login or other user specific controls

March 5, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.58.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix icon for column header having no representation in the screen option column toggle labels
  • Fix Icons/labels missing from events overview
  • Fix column methods in Event List Table echoing instead of returning values
  • Fix ModelDataTranslator::prepareFieldValueFromJson for date strings that are RFC3339 format with timezone information included
  • Fix issue where incoming data for the gateways data handler does not have an EE_Transaction object as the value for the first array index
  • Remove the “Event Location” heading from the events venue template
  • Remove the Cancel Registration link
  • Fix issue where [COMPANY] message shortcode outputs html entity if General Settings > Company Name field includes an apostrophe
  • EE_Register_Addon::deregister should catch new exception thrown
  • Fix EEH_Venue_View::get_venue not returning a venue that is not related to the global event post if it already has a venue


  • Add count of registrations for related contact to each row in the Contact List Table
  • Add admin notice regarding raising minimum required PHP version to 5.4
  • Truncate display of multiple datetimes on Registrations admin list table
  • Add filter for swapping out EE_CPT_Editors with something else

February 7, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.57.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix Fatal error after activation: Uncaught exception ‘DomainException’
  • Fix calculation for layout var for countdown timeout format
  • Remove EE cookie check
  • Remove space in new line item indexes


  • Add helper methods to EE_Event class for adding and removing question groups
  • Improvements to model system to support extra calculated selects on model queries
  • Add action hooks for after payment methods are deactivated
  • Add new template tag: espresso_next_upcoming_datetime()

January 29, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.56.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix issue where Argument number 1 is not an array in EE_Error.core.php on line 783
  • Add filters to query arg arrays for checkout URL related methods in EE_Registration
  • Fix new datetime end date pre-populating with the year 4036
  • Remove un-needed icon from check-in list view legend
  • Don’t call get_class on null in EE_Config::_reset_espresso_addon_config
  • Fix invoice payment method activation notification
  • Ignore ‘Maximum Allowed Response Size’ value for Date picker or similar questions


  • Add indexes for esp_line_item table
  • Add filter for removing notice about Datetimes in admin
  • Remove actions link from transactions page
  • Add new actions to EED_Ticket_Sales_Monitor::release_tickets_for_expired_carts
  • Add filters for more flexible screen options

January 16, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.55.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix undeclared datetime and ticket start and dates for generated objects in unit tests so that timestamps don’t equal NOW
  • Fix generated ticket objects for unit tests having start and end dates set to NOW
  • Fix blank screen when deleting a check-in record
  • Remove stray PHP tag from end of payment_settings.template.php file


  • Add ContextInterface and use instead of hard coding reference to Context classes
  • Wrap valid form data array returned from FormHandler::process() in a filter

January 9, 2018

Event Espresso 4.9.54.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix issue where sold out events with an expired ticket option do not get switched to sold_out post status
  • Fix fatal error during multisite assessment because persistent notice being added
  • Fix CopyRegistrationService::copyPaymentDetails() not copying payment details correctly
  • Fix issue where Static properties in Abstract DomainBase class are overwritten each time add-on Domain class initializes
  • Fix issue where HTML entities are decoded when displaying and editing messages
  • Fix all form input security issues
  • Refactor submit inputs so they always show the default value set on them (the original value), not the current value (which may change if user input populates the form using EE_Form_Section_Proper::receive_form_submission())
  • Fix conflict with WordPress 4.9 built in plugin code editor
  • Fix missing success notices on Message List Table actions
  • Fix conditional in EE_Messages_Validator::validate()
  • Delay instantiating EE_Payment_Method_Manager when EE_Register_Payment_Method::deregister is called
  • Add missing root path for the generated Check In Log url
  • Fix fatal error in DbSafeDateTime
  • Stop logging to espresso_error_log.txt


  • Add logic to core to disable specific add-ons before they can even register
  • Add URL Value Object
  • Only save session data if a valid cart exists
  • Add a concrete class extending PHP’s FilterIterator Abstract for filtering Event Espresso’s CollectionInterface collections
  • Change the default button for PayPal Express
  • Update best practices documentation
  • Create new CapabilitiesActionRestrictionInterface for EE_Base_Classes
  • Fix acceptance tests and improve framework
  • Implement Adapter for Datetime Helpers for PHP 5.6+ and PHP < 5.6

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  • Browse or search for more information on this topic in our support forums. Customers with an active support license can open a support topic and get help from Event Espresso staff.
  • Have an emergency? Purchase a support token and get expedited one-on-one help!
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Event Espresso