2016 Changelog Archive

December 13, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.23.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix fatal error in DbSafeDateTime
  • Add checks for ticket availability at each step of Single Page Checkout to avoid overselling
  • Avoid errors in gateways when line items have quantity of 0
  • Fix Page Template switcher added by Event Espresso for admin editor routes in WP 4.7
  • Fix incorrect datetime selections within tickets when using the ‘duplicate’ feature
  • Prevent datetimes from being deleted if they have un-sold registrations assigned to them
  • Fix admin pages that have duplicated content/settings
  • Add bottom margin to Ticket Selector table CSS
  • REST API: Expose the model query parameter “default_where_params” option “minimum” for registration ticket date times
  • Fix issue where Emojis in event description causes registration checkout to fail


  • Add support for Template Post Type: theme templates (new WordPress 4.7 feature)

November 29, 2016

WP User Integration 2.0.14


  • Fix Notice: Undefined index: default_user_create_role in EED_WP_Users_Admin.module.php on line 754 when using Events Administrator role
  • Remove ‘hidden’ class from ee-admin-dialog-container element when displaying the login form

Event Espresso 4.9.22.p
Bug fixes:

  • Use the primary attendee details if the “critical data” (first & last name and email) for the current attendee is missing. This prevents additional contacts from being created.
  • Fix closing div mismatch in Ticket Selector when an Alternative Reg page URL is set
  • Raise minimum required version of PHP to 5.3.9 to avoid fatal errors that happen on servers with older PHP versions
  • Fix missing text domain in translated string in Events_Admin_Page::_create_new_cpt_item()
  • Fix condition that leads to internal server errors during Single Page Checkout
  • Add error proofing to avoid empty needle warning on homepage
  • Open new tab with preview button for a draft event
  • Fix incomplete adminpage setup mimicking WP due to $hooksuffix global
  • Remove View / Edit this Contact button from Transactions and Registrations admin pages if user account does not have view/edit contact capabilities
  • Only wp_die() on no access fails in admin page when user is logged in. Otherwise allow WordPress to do its normal redirects.
  • Fix QUESTION_LIST shortcodes in messages
  • Clean up Event Type Taxonomy term descriptions and add robots noindex meta tag to their front end archives
  • Fix help tour alignment on Registration Forms admin page and General Settings Admin page
  • Remove wp-cron inactive notice and replace with intelligent default setup for messages
  • Include “Sold Out” events when displaying Active and Upcoming events in the admin event list table view
  • Fix sending a test email within messages always using the Event Admin context
  • Use wpjsonencode when encoding Single Page Checkout response
  • Allow for using multiple Invoice payment methods within messages
  • Fix conflict with Contact Form 7 plugin
  • Improve invalid input handling in EEFormSection_Proper::exclude
  • Fix untranslatable strings within venues ‘physical location’ metabox


  • Add Model Form section filters
  • Add JavaScript functions for determining which background color to use for modal windows or other containers that get dynamically added to templates
  • Add validation to require the personal question group if the Address Group is selected for an additional attendee
  • Add filter to invoice [PAYMENT_LIST_*] shortcode
  • Remove the ‘don’t migrate my data option’ for EE4 update migrations
  • Remove redirect to About page on minor updates

November 8, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.21.p
Bug fixes:

  • Remove redirect to /events/ page that was added in prior version
  • Fix off site payment return to SPCO
  • Fix models getting instantiated in EECapabilities::mapmeta_caps too early
  • Fix failing EECapabilitiesTest due to deprecated method in WP_User
  • Fix issue where some SPCO form JavaScript is not getting enqueued correctly
  • Fix skeleton add-on so add-ons are ready for grunt

November 3, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.20.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix PHP warning messages when registering for an event if WP_DEBUG is activated
  • Fix SPCO for non-pretty permalink structures
  • Don’t display “Direct access to the registration checkout page is not allowed” notice unless WP_DEBUG is turned on

November 1, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.19.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix adding registrations via the admin
  • Fix output of custom question answers so they display ampersands correctly in registration CSV report
  • Add escaping to migration errors that contain HTML
  • Avoid an infinite loop while migrating in case the country ID from the EE3 attendee data was badgered


  • Add enhancements to Countries and Territories list

October 31, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.18.p
Bug fixes:

  • Add option to encode session data to avoid internal server errors during SPCO related to borked session data
  • WordPress 4.7 compatibility fixes:
    • remove obsolete debugging code
    • replace usage of gmdate with date
    • replace usage of gmt for the third parameter value with true
  • Remove trailing whitespace from question registration questions
  • Fix use of “continue” in \Extend_Registrations_Admin_Page::_newsletter_selected_send()
  • Escape html when viewing payment logs


  • Add Register Namespace to Register Addon API
  • Use home URL for receipt and invoice links instead of site URL
  • Refresh Help & Support Pages

October 27, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.17.p
Bug fixes:

  • Don’t run the config log unless it is explicitly turned on via a filter
  • Fix auto-deactivate for servers that run PHP 5.2
  • Fix closing div mismatch in Ticket Selector
  • Improve handling of conditions for Transaction Reports to avoid errors when there are no payments in last 30 days
  • Fix styles for Registration CSV report and Contact List Report buttons
  • Fix styles where status legend heading in the ticket editor of the event editor appears to be missing due to font color
  • Add php comments to empty messages template files to explain their emptiness
  • Improve ui/ux for Event Checkin views
  • Rename “Newsletter” Message to “Batch” and Update Description
  • Add email address fallback for from field in outgoing messages generated emails
  • Fix FHEE__content_espresso_events_details_template__the_content filter hook
  • Don’t autoload EE core API routes from the options table on non-API requests
  • Avoid saving “Invoice” billing info, and avoid throwing an exception if it does get saved somehow
  • Add error proofing to avoid a fatal error and other errors migrating from EE3 where special characters are included in the event content
  • Don’t Show Hidden inputs in transaction billing metabox
  • REST API: Unhide old versioned namespaced routes when requested
  • Send event name in the order description that’s sent to PayPal Pro, PayPal Standard, Mijireh, and Authnet AIM when Promotions are applied


  • Add filter switch to conditional where it checks to fill form with attendee info if applicable
  • Improve filterability of EEH_Template::powered_by_event_espresso
  • Add admin notice if using UTC +0 timezone
  • Use credit card normalization for credit card input field to correct the value if the credit card number is input with spaces
  • New bundled payment method: PayPal Express

October 6, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.16.p
Bug fixes:

  • Restore price column to Ticket Selector when “Maximum number of tickets allowed per order for this event” is set to 1
  • Fix broken html in Event editor’s notifications section
  • Remove div tags that are included with the powered by message that’s added to the admin via the admin_footer_text filter hook
  • Make sure serialized objects are not saved for messages added to the generation queue
  • Fix issue where selecting large groups of registrations to trigger messages throws an exception
  • Escape pretty formatted email addresses when displayed in the messages list table or error messages
  • Fix EE_Form_Input_Base::set_required(false) not removing JS validation from the input field

October 5, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.15.p
Bug fix:

  • Fix closing div mismatch in the ticket selector markup

WP User Integration 2.0.13

Bug fix:

  • Fix login form that works with the WP User Integration’s “Force Login for registrations?” setting

October 4, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.14.p
Bug fixes:

  • Make Settings Page easier to read
  • Fix conflict with Application Passwords plugin
  • Fix closing div mismatch in the ticket selector markup
  • Fix issue where validation scripts do not load on SPCO page


  • Create interface for getting all the post_ids registered to a given shortcode
  • Change message templates default From/To fields to use unformatted version of shortcodes

September 28, 2016

WP User Integration 2.0.12

Bug fixes:

  • Ensure redirects after triggering a resend of messages via the “My Events” page do not include request parameters that will trigger the resend again (creating a loop)
  • Use version_compare for DMS version comparisons in User Integration


  • Add a “forgot password” link to the WP User integration log in modal box

Event Espresso 4.9.13.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix issue where JavaScript error is thrown after adding tickets to the cart using the iframe embed Ticket Selector
  • Fix can_migrate_from_version() in DMS scripts equating that 4.10.0 is less than 4.2.0
  • Fix attendee mover “Can not cancel ticket(s)” error
  • Restore Show Active/Inactive events filter button to the Events admin list table
  • Fix EE_Registry::reset() clearing all models stored on `LIB` before resetting all model instances
  • Fix EEM_Base::reset() so it doesn’t change the instance stored on EEM_Base::$_instance and the EE_Registry
  • Fixes for EE_Messages_Generator
  • Fix REST API term_taxonomies links
  • Make EEH_Activation delete table methods more granular and efficient
  • Fix issue where billing form cannot be submitted when a payment method is set to open by default + Contact Form 7 plugin is activated
  • Add error proofing to double check session is in registry before using it
  • Only delete global EE tables when deleting main site’s tables


  • Add Tax Settings option for Ticket Selector to control whether or not to display ticket prices with taxes included
  • Add JS to dynamically populate states based on the selected country
  • Add Powered by text link to Ticket Selector
  • Add button to set Abandoned TXN’s to Complete
  • Add hooks to Messages where different error conditions exist for adding extended logging and fix potential problems with cached data handler objects
  • Add link anchor to scroll to ticket selector after redirect/refresh when no tickets are selected after the ticket selector form is submitted
  • Add rel=”nofollow” attribute to Powered by Links

September 14, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.12.p
Bug fixes:

  • Remove “Wait List” from event editor “Default Registration Status” dropdown
  • Add new SendMessageException for handling a messenger send catastrophe
  • Fix typo in translation function in Registrations_Admin_Page.core.php

September 9, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.11.p
Bug fix:

  • Reinstate deprecated method: EE_Registration_Processor::generate_reg_code()

September 7, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.10.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix issue where using multiple ticket selectors on the same page can result in one of them not working if one of the events becomes sold out
  • Fix ticket selector closing tag mismatches when free event is sold out
  • Don’t use is_callable() to check for Closures
  • Add PHP 5.3 work around to avoid Fatal Error on Single Page Checkout
  • Fix unit test errors
  • Only register the select2 scripts and styles when needed, and only after deregistering other copies of the same script
  • Fix issue where the display strategy is looping thru the sub line items but no returned value is getting added into the returned html
  • Add error proofing to avoid errors in the “Attendees Registered in this Transaction” meta box on the Transactions details page
  • Fix issue where submitting nothing for a checkbox input can cause validation errors if 0 is not a viable option


  • Add timestamp parameter to registration checkout URL from ticket selector in an attempt to bust site caching
  • Adjust Transaction Totals when Registrant Status Changed to “Declined” or “Cancelled”
  • Add new shortcodes for Message templates
  • Add new message template shortcode, [EVENT_IMAGE_*size=$ width=$ height=$], that allows both the image size to load and the width/height of the image displayed

August 24, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.9.p
Bug fixes:

  • Make admin list table header layouts behave more like native WP list table header layouts
  • Add minimum WordPress version requirement for add-ons, don’t allow addon activation if below specified version to avoid PHP fatal error
  • Improve the Messages List table filter drop-down to be consistent and to query the correct table for the list table being generated
  • Updated date filter in transaction list table to include WP timezone offset
  • Fix issue where blank contact list search showing unexpected results and search result counts off for non-blank searches
  • Change usage of the show_ui argument in registered CPTs to determine whether to automatically modify the edit links to point to the custom EE UI. If that argument is set to true for a CPT, then do NOT modify the edit links
  • Add clear fix to allow self clearing to avoid the broken layout when there’s a floated div inside the admin ticket selector
  • Convert batch file templates to php files
  • Made sure that related EE_Message objects to the registration being deleted permanently are also deleted permanently
  • Add a space in the list of acceptable html tags in the error message shown when users try to use an unnacceptable html tag in a form input using the validation strategy EE_Full_HTML_Validation_Strategy
  • Fix issue where Enhanced Media Library plugin conflicts with EE_Admin_File_Uploader_Display_Strategy and throws a Fatal error in payment settings
  • Make basic auth removal warning removable


  • New shortcodes for the Registration Approved message type
  • Add a Github Plugin location header to the plugin header
  • Add site timezone and currency to WP JSON index info

August 15, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.8.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix issue where applying a promotion code, making transaction $0, billing form still requires cc
  • Fix issue where a return to pay can oversell a sold out event
  • Fix possible flaws in EE_CPT_Strategy::pre_get_posts
  • Fix issue where validation causes no saving of email input fields on some servers
  • Fix the ‘show details’ link when there are multiple tickets selectors displayed one event page
  • Fix Bot Trap when MER is active
  • Fix issue where numbers (0, 1, 2) appear between email shortcodes for the main content area of the Ticket template
  • Fix issue where Messages > Settings > “Generate and send all messages” option doesn’t stick when saving on WordPress Multisite
  • Fix issue where Multisite license key field goes blank after saving
  • Fix issue where occasionally a theme’s layout breaks because CSS class names are too generic
  • Fix CSS for Media File Uploader Input
  • Facilitate removing a model from the EE4 REST API


  • Add links for filtering the Registrations Admin list table by both Event and Datetime
  • Improve EED_Bot_Trap::process_bot_trap to allow for changing success/fail behaviour
  • Add Events Administrator user role with predefined events capabilities
  • Expose more useful data to action hooks used in attendee list templates

August 3, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.7.p
Bug fixes:

  • Remove recently added styles that target the body element on small screens
  • Fix warning: Array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array
  • Override capabilities for frontend registrations

August 2, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.6.p
Bug fixes:

  • Remove capcheck middleware for registrations from frontend

August 1, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.5.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix missing closing ul tag in the EE admin List table actions list
  • Fix typos in textdomains
  • Make ‘Payments Total’ string i18n friendly
  • Add clarification to decaf migration message


  • Add ProgressStepManager and supporting classes
  • Add venue website to the content that’s displayed for the venue info in the event custom post type
  • Add Introductory Area to Top of Each payment gateway screen
  • Add class to Attendee divs displayed when no information is asked for additional attendees
  • Remove un-used template file from PayPal Standard payment method
  • Build Dependency Injection Container for enabling the storage and retrieval of factories and services — see our developer documentation for more details

July 25, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.4.p
Bug fixes:

  • Use i18n ready strings for ‘obj_type’ within Line Item display strategies
  • Add spacing to EE Attendee Shortcode error messaging
  • Fix issue where messengers become inactive when the ticketing add-on is deactivated
  • Fix missing text domains for transaction revenue graph titles
  • Clean up strings for better i18n
  • EE4 REST API: Unhide old versioned namespaced routes when requested
  • Fix issue where wp_posts.post_name (or slug) for Event posts are exactly the same after migrating 50 or more of the same recurring events from EE3
  • Fix shortcode documentation link within Event Espresso – Help & Support
  • Change primary contact email description, it is currently not where all notifications are sent by default
  • add i18n support to [PAYMENT_TIMESTAMP] shortcode
  • Fix incorrect event name listed in “Other Registrations in the Transaction” when Multiple Event Registration is used

July 14, 2016

Espresso Calendar 3.2.7.p


  • Allow Calendar’s View More link text to be translated
  • Fix Calendar tooltip so it doesn’t display protected event content
  • Fix Calendar widget’s Display Expired Events? option.
  • Fix Category legend’s links when using default WP Permalink settings


  • Don’t use “show tables” queries unnecessarily when running data migrations
  • Add filter hook to allow customizing the Calendar’s event title and description output

Event Espresso 4.9.3.p
Bug fixes:

  • Remove “example.com” for EE_Email_Validation_Strategy_Test::test_DNS_and_MX_record_check_fail
  • Fix missing text domain in Registration admin screen
  • Fix Upcoming Events widget so it does not display password protected event content
  • Remove universal currency symbol from display if nothing is input for currency symbol
  • Update Paypal Pro Autofilled billing form info and add help text to explain what Debug Mode is for
  • Add filter hooks for displaying and setting the Google Maps api key field
  • Fix issue where empty required checkbox questions validate
  • Add Google maps API key to static map calls
  • Remove required attribute from Google Maps API key field


  • Trim whitespace from email address entered within the reg form, fix for mobile autocomplete
  • Add better US phone number validation
  • Add filter hook to allow removing the currency code from output

June 28, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.2.p
Bug fixes:

  • Add Google Maps API key option for venue maps
  • If part of venue address is not available then show nothing instead of showing “Unknown”
  • Fix umlauts being stripped from the users email address during registration
  • Change all EE_Full_HTML_Fields model fields to EE_Post_Content_Fields (except those which aren’t directly set by users)
  • Add filters to customize display of money amounts
  • Add error proofing to the unlock_transaction() method

June 16, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.1.p
Bug fixes:

  • Fix issue where the Promotion add-on’s config could get reset to the defaults
  • Escape iframe embed in event editor for the ticket selector embed
  • Save `ee_has_activated_messenger` option whenever deactivating a messenger or message type
  • Change Upcoming Events Widget so it links to Alt Reg page URL instead of the event CPT if Alt Reg page URL is set
  • Don’t merge in any attributes passed via fallback shortcode processor
  • Fix Mijireh payment checker causing fatal error
  • EE4 forms system: Allow all display strategies to use other_html_attributes
  • Fix issue where Bundled Basic Auth can cause Fatal Error
  • Fix issue where migration errors causing crash report page to not render properly


  • Add more specific class to the ‘View Invoice’ link shown on the payment overview page
  • Add filter for the default value used for ‘Display Ticket Selector’ within the event editor

June 9, 2016

Event Espresso 4.9.0.p
New Features:

  • Add Messages Queue and Recording System
  • Add Messages Activity List table
  • Add option to switch to send messages immediately instead of on separate requests
  • Add new Search Input class and fix JS validation improvements
  • Add new registration form question types: email, phone, int, decimal, yes-no, url, year, month, multiselect


  • Refactor EE_Registry::_load() to automagically inject dependencies into service classes
  • Improve how Add New State module form subsections are removed when they are not required
  • EE_Registry:: Remember when a file has been loaded on `$load_only` calls to reduce unnecessary $path checks and file checks for multiple requests to the same file in a request
  • Add Cache Control to Dependency Map
  • Load EE_Request_Handler Earlier
  • Multisite: Implement method for models to have blog_id set as a property of the model
  • Add param to ALLOW EE to load on wp-login.php routes when specifically requested.
  • Add notification for WP API users that Event Espresso plans to remove Basic Auth plugin soon, advise to install it or the Application Passwords plugin
  • Add action/filter to EE_Error::add_error so behaviour can be customized
  • Default to use the new Akamai AIM server unless specified via the Server option in Authorize.net AIM payment method settings

Bug fixes:

  • Fix empty required fields are validating
  • Bump up the field size to allow transaction totals of more than 10,000,000
  • Fix revisit (edit attendee info or make a payment) links
  • Move transaction locks to the extra meta table and recorded individually for each transaction
  • Use a timestamp of when transaction locks were applied so that they can be invalidated
  • Improve labels for Question Types in Reg Form admin
  • Fix how Registry loads Dependency Map
  • Improve process of registering new class_loaders in `EE_Dependency_Map`
  • Improve process of registering new dependencies in `EE_Dependency_Map`
  • Make default route capability requirement consistent with menu item
  • Multisite: Instead of checking for full wpdb prefix, just check for the base prefix (in case its a global table and it only has the gloabl prefix on the front
  • Fix for warning in logs for Transactions_Admin_Page
  • Fix issue where events can’t be permanently deleted
  • Fix fatal errors discovered when migrating sites on demoee.org (related to EE_CPT_Strategy call, and EEM_Base::count() call)
  • Clarify EEH_File::is_readable throws exceptions when EE needs credentials to read a file
  • Don’t interpret random DB errors as a table not existing
  • Add back compat fix for using the REST API with WordPress 4.1
  • Fix bundled version of the Basic Auth plugin because Authorization headers are removed sometimes
  • Improve FHEE__EE_Billing_Attendee_Info_Form__populate_from_attendee filter
  • Only notify of deactivated payment method for paymetn methods that were just active but their plugin has been deactivated and so need to be deactivated now
  • Switch usage of `SHOW TABLES` in core
  • Enforce character input to match limit set on QST_required_text
  • Add a DMS stage for 4.9 that just deletes all answer records where REG_ID=0.
  • Fix issue where modal window stays active after applying a payment/refund

May 16, 2016

WP User Integration 2.0.11

Bug fixes:

  • Remove any actions that other plugins might be adding to the wp_login action hook
  • Fix ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS short code output so it does not display edit attendee links if there are no question groups for the registration


  • Add redirect to Single Page Checkout from the new user register form page
  • Add invoice icon to the My Events legend

May 5, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.43.p

Bug fix:

  • Cache EE4 REST API endpoints in multiple options

April 27, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.42.p

Bug fix and Enhancement:

  • Add an option to the Authorize AIM payment method settings to allow site admins to use authorize.net’s new server (akamai) earlier than June 30th
  • Allow changing critical page settings on the Event Espresso > General Settings > Critical Pages screen

April 25, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.41.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix TXN Timestamp not being translated on the individual transaction page
  • Fix TXN Timestamp not being translated on the individual registration page
  • Fix incorrect registration checked in or out calculations
  • Fix issue where br and p tags are stripped from html fields when being pulled from the database
  • Add error proofing to avoid fatal errors when event post is updated
  • esp_question.QST_system can be NULL. Avoid, but account for it
  • Add capabilities check to the ‘All Registrations CSV report’
  • Fix validation errors when applying payment from admin not shown
  • Fix Post Shortcode tracking
  • Move definition of php version 7 constant outside of `EE_Recommended_Versions` middleware
  • Fix issue where password protected venues protect the_content, but not EE content
  • Don’t use reserved words Transaction and Status in MySQL queries
  • Fix front end edit links for venues and people CPTs


  • Add hook to display the template that was found using locate_template
  • Facilitate extending EE_PMT_Aim and EEG_Aim
  • EE4 month input: allow for starting with 0 instead of 1
  • Whenever a payment method is activated, deactivated, or has its scope changed (eg. where it’s allowed to be used), log it (assuming logging is enabled) to the log file
  • Add CSS float styles to datetime list items
  • Allow EE_Required_Validation_Strategy to be dependent on the value of another field in the form, both client-side and server-side
  • Add an input called EE_Select_Reveal_Input, where the values correspond to other inputs or subsections in the form. When a value is selected, the corresponding input or section is shown in the UI, and all others are hidden
  • Make the javascript EEFV::initialize() emit an event which can be used for other code to initialize their forms
  • Billing Form Validation: CVV/CCV/CSC numbers should always be 3 or 4 digits
  • Remove “Recommended WP version” recommendation
  • Allow gateways to dynamically decide whether to handle IPN

April 12, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.40.p

Bug fixes and Enhancements:

  • Add check for WP-cron and display warning if feature is disabled
  • Don’t add reCaptcha on the payment options step to avoid conflicts with Stripe and Braintree payment forms
  • EE4 REST API: Add registrations’ datetimes checkin statuses

April 7, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.39.p

Bug fixes and Enhancements:

  • Breakout str_trim() logic into new string_trim() function;
    Add hasOwnProperty() check when looping over $subs;
    see https://github.com/eventespresso/event-espresso-core/issues/155
  • Fix h3 tags inside p tags on thank you page
    see https://github.com/eventespresso/event-espresso-core/issues/149
  • Add a middleware app that blocks EE from fully loading if the user is on either the wp-login.php or register.php pages
  • Fix ticket selector datetime selections not saving when creating event if you duplicate the tickets/datetimes
  • Fix fatal error when EEME_Base::deregister is called
  • Automatically add `group_by` against primary key field to incoming params in get_all method
  • Fix bundled wp basic auth for multisite
  • Fix EE4 REST API X-WP-Total is wrong when including related items
  • Allow filtering of batch temp folder

March 24, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.38.p

Bug fixes:

  • Add Email Validation settings
  • Use Default WordPress email validation
  • Avoid unnecessary ALTER TABLE database queries when checking database

March 22, 2016

Braintree Payment Method add-on 1.0.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fix Pay Now button after using change payment method feature
  • Allow multiple Braintree payment methods, and namespace transaction_args js variable

March 21, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.37.p

Bug fixes:

  • Remove obsolete [EVENT_IDENTIFIER] shortcode
  • Fix issue where HTML tags were not permitted in some payment method settings fields
  • Fix scripts and styles not loading for Stripe and Braintree payment methods

March 16, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.36.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix HTML Question type validation not passing
  • Cookie-proof the Request classes
  • Change form validation to allow German Umlauts in email address input
  • Fix conflicts with BBPress that affect posting to topics and Single Page Check-Out
  • Improve the cron removal so that if the cron timestamp array is empty it gets removed
  • Fix INF comparisons that will fail in PHP5.3
  • Fix issues in unit tests related to failed builds reported by Travis-CI
  • Fix Transaction Reports using incorrect value for ‘Total Revenue per Event’
  • Add new columns to reports to represent the number of registrations for a specific status
  • Repurpose newsletter message type so it uses correct data depending on context
  • Remove single quotes from shortcode examples in event editor
  • Remove quotes from Event category shortcode examples in event categories screen
  • Fix issue where EE tables could be set up more than once on plugin activation
  • Only deactivate the payment method if it’s confirmed that its payment method type object doesn’t exist
  • Fix missing client side credit card field validation
  • EE4 REST API: Fix fatal error in check-in endpoint
  • EE4 REST API: Normalize calculated field response things
  • EE4 REST API: Facilitate getting different sizes of images
  • EE4 REST API: add headers for totals, calculated fields, and use NULL for inf instead of -1
  • Basic Auth should issue error when bad username or password provided
  • Add support for HHVM returning nothing for max_input_vars
  • Fix potential fatal error when starting a CSV report
  • Minimize rounding errors that have an affect on syncing payments to Infusionsoft


  • Implement Authorize.net Solution ID to AIM
  • Add ‘Current input vars’ and ‘max_input_vars’ value to the popup shown on the event editor

March 3, 2016

Ticketing add-on 1.0.4.p


  • Add compatibility for messages queue system in Event Espresso core 4.9
  • Ensure ticket notice message type is sent when messages are triggered on registration status change in registration details page
  • Fix an issue where Bulk Edit > Registrations > Approve and Notify Registrations do not send Ticket Notices
  • Fix [BARCODE_* output_type=canvas] shortcode parameter

February 26, 2016

WP User Integration 2.0.10


  • Set the “Default role for auto-created users:” option to display in the event metabox only if user has manage_options capability
  • For user accounts that manage events and do not have the manage_options capability, please see this example in the code library that shows how to specify a list of selectable roles for new user accounts

February 25, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.35.p

Bug fixes:

  • Initialize critical pages after db tables and content
  • Add cap to admin registration redirect_to_txn route

February 22, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.34.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix SPCO not finalizing admin registrations
  • Fix Fatal error on wp-login.php when Maintenance mode is active
  • Fix deleting payments within abandoned transactions
  • Fix Registration Admin Page switching reg status resulting in malformed success message
  • Return to SPCO Payment methods when cancelling an offsite Payment
  • EE4 Decaf: Remove extra tickets in display if multiple datetimes exist
  • EE4 REST API add error-proofing to avoid PHP warnings
  • EE4 REST API remove assumption that EE core version is in compatibilities array
  • Save the payment method before adding extra meta to it (extra metas need this in order to have an ID)
  • Reduce the amount of stops in the help tours


  • Add filter to allow overriding persistent notices to better UX
  • Add basic auth functionality to EE core
  • Add filter to allow messages to send to multiple registrants when the same email address is used for all registrations in a group

February 18, 2016

SagePay Payment Method 1.1.3

Bug fixes:

  • Remove Expiry Month from the transaction billing information
  • Improve a11y headings hierarchy
  • Fix missing CVV label on billing form
  • Add PCI notice to the top of setting page

February 11, 2016

People add-on 1.0.5

Bug fixes:

  • Ensure person relations to Events are removed when event is permanently deleted
  • Improve a11y headings hierarchy
  • Use array of published event statuses instead of publish for querying the list of events for people CPTs
  • Fix people add-on locate template call to allow custom templates to be loaded

February 8, 2016

WP User Integration 2.0.9

Bug fixes:

  • Remove feature that adds an attendee/contact into the system when a WP user account is created or updated
  • Add notice to edit attendee information with WP User Add-on active after the user account is automatically created
  • Improve a11y headings hierarchy
  • Ensure any WP_User setting relation to events are correctly handled when an event is permanently deleted


  • Add filter hook to allow altering the html for member only ticket rows
  • Add settings link by Plugin Name in WP Plugins Screen
  • Add a title heading to the simple list table template

February 8, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.33.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix payment details metabox not showing when transaction is TCM, there are payments, and the grand total is 0
  • Fix WP User integration forcing SPCO to show ‘Proceed to Attendee Information’ on initial page load
  • Fix conflict between reCaptcha and WP Users Integration
  • Fix regression for duplicate payment error notices being displayed in SPCO
  • Fix EEM_Datetime::get_dtt_months_and_years
  • Fix the multi event registration add-on breaking the alt registration page redirect
  • Fix end-of-the-month Month Dropdown selector double month bug
  • Fix an issue where changing the payment date for a transaction through the transaction details screen sets it to the current time and date
  • Fix report chart’s currency formats so its formats are consistent with what’s set in country settings
  • Fix an ampersand (&) in an answer choice causes radio, dropdown, and checkbox question types to not display correctly in reg admin
  • Fix Declaration of Events_Admin_List_Table::_get_row_class() should be compatible with EE_Admin_List_Table::_get_row_class($item)


  • EE4 REST API add headers for EE notices
  • EE4 REST API checkin/checkout endpoints
  • EE4 REST API cannot request registrations’ status
  • Update Help & Support content

January 28, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.32.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix handling of dynamic variables and properties for compatibility with PHP7
  • Fix Registrations per day report so it starts the 24 hour day at midnight local time instead of UTC 00:00
  • Revert changes from 9165 that got into 4.8.30.p
  • Fix REST API non-static method called statically
  • EE_Payment::redirect_form needs to take out GET parameters from querystring and put them into the form
  • PayPal Standard: if there is an error in validating the IPN, then ensure the response is not a WP_error


  • Update reports to use Google Charts
  • Check for `DOING_AJAX` before settting doing_it_wrong notices
  • Cleanup admin headings hierarchy to be in parity with WordPress changes
  • Add filter hook to allow changing what’s sent to Mijireh for the Invoice Description
  • Add filter hook to allow passing custom meta_data to Mijireh
  • a11y and index file improvements to skeleton payment method
  • Implement EE_Boolean_Field::prepare_for_pretty_echoing
  • Put EE Batch Job page into module instead of EE Admin Support Page

January 18, 2016

Infusionsoft Add-on version 2.1.3

Bug fixes:

  • Ensure that the tax line item gets synced to Infusionsoft properly
  • Add logging to record errors in communication with infusionsoft to EE log
  • Ensure that promotions/discounts line items gets synced to Infusionsoft properly

January 15, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.31.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix EE_Base_Class::delete_permanently hooks not firing for non soft delete permanent deletes
  • Fix EE_Datetime_Test::test_ticket_types_available_for_purchase unit test: Failed asserting that 0 matches expected 1
  • Revert changes from 9165 that got into 4.8.30.p


  • Add CSS class to spco-attendee-panel-dv div to allow customizing the style of a registration form based on the ticket’s ID

January 13, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.30.p

Bug fixes:

  • Prevent Event Cart from MER from being shown below the registration form on the event cart view with the Canvas theme
  • Make sure any initial default ticket (the main default) has any default prices showing with it
  • Fix incorrect trash item count on price admin page for trashed prices and price types
  • Remove extra single quote from PayPal Pro description field
  • Update DMS so esp_registration_payment table shows it was added in 4.7 DMS, not 4.8 DMS
  • Fix inconsistency with EE_Base_Class::delete_permanently and EE_Soft_Delete_Base::delete_permanently and no action hooks for this route
  • Change locate_template to use get_stylesheet_directory() so that it searches child themes


  • Add the payment method in the registrations overview
  • Add action hook to Transactions_Admin_Page::apply_payments_or_refunds
  • Add item ID to current_user_can() check in Registration_Form_Question_Groups_Admin_List_Table->column_cb()
  • Add .htaccess to force safari to download csvs as a file and not open in browser
  • Add filters to allow the_content filters to do work when the single-espresso_events.php template and archive-espresso_events.php templates are selected
  • Pass the template file name to the FHEE__EEH_Template__locate_template__full_template_paths filter

January 4, 2016

Event Espresso 4.8.29.p

Bug fixes:

  • Fix event custom post type display (single and archive) when get_the_excerpt() is used within theme templates
  • Add custom callback to allow for non-scalar ticket editor inputs
  • Fix system question/group cap requirements
  • Update the REST API index to point to new documentation links
  • Fix ‘This Question is currently linked to one or more Question Option records.’ when attempting to perm delete option questions
  • Fix event duplicator feature so it allows sold out events to be duplicated
  • API: When getting the pretty value of a Post Content Field, it should call do_shortcode
  • Fix _has_billing_form so it’s not ignored
  • Changed the payment method settings form’s field “PMD Order” (non-i18n) to “Order” (i18n)


  • Put EE4 REST API into EE4 core
  • Pass arguments to a Payment Method help tab template

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  • Browse or search for more information on this topic in our support forums. Customers with an active support license can open a support topic and get help from Event Espresso staff.
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Event Espresso