
Home Forums Wait List Manager Add-on Waitlist join-button doesn't show while all tickets show 'sold-out'

Waitlist join-button doesn't show while all tickets show 'sold-out'

Posted: November 3, 2022 at 6:30 am

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November 3, 2022 at 6:30 am


I’ve created a test event marked as private. It has a limit of 5 subscriptions and the two types of tickets that are available, are both sold out : One with two subscriptions and the other with 3 subscriptions. The waitlist spaces are set to 3, but unfortunately the join button doesn’t appear yet. What could I be doing wrong ? I could send you screenshots en links if you’d like.



  • Support Staff

November 3, 2022 at 6:36 am

Hi there,

Screenshots of the event editor would be great, you can either host them and post a link to them here or send them to support[at] so we can take a look.

Also, if you could link me to the event so I can take a look at it that will also help troubleshoot.


November 6, 2022 at 8:43 am


While creating this reply here, I might have found the issue, if it’s not ‘by design’ ofcourse 😉

Beccause the event link I wanted to send you was pointing to a private event, I had to change the visibility to either password-protected or public. I chose password-protected and the button appeared. Could this be the error ?



  • Support Staff

November 7, 2022 at 6:12 am

I’m not sure I follow, you changed the visibility from public to password-protected and then the waitlist button showed up?

If so it is more likely the update to the event itself changed the status to sold out which then ‘fixed’ the button.

I’d need to see the event in question to know more.


November 8, 2022 at 3:07 am

yes, that’s correct. When the event was marked as private, the button to join the waiting list did not appear. Once I changed the visibility to ‘password-protected’, the button appeared. You can also spot something related to this in the event editor. When I was troubleshooting the event, while it was marked as private, to see why the waitlist functionality did not kick in in the front-end, there was no message at the top of the page saying ‘Please note that the Event Status has automatically been changed to Sold Out because there are no more spaces available for this event. However, this change is not permanent until you update the event. You can change the status back to something else before updating if you wish.’ That message only appeared after I’d changed the visibility to password-protected and I pressed ‘publish’. It seems as if the Event editor page does not mark a private event as sold-out .
How can I give you access to a private event ? You’d need to be registered as a user with a certain role, isn’t it ?


  • Support Staff

November 11, 2022 at 4:16 am

I spent some time checking into this and I can reproduce the problem.

Unfortunately, due to how the statuses currently work there’s no way to work around this as it stands and to get the waitlist to show the event status needs to be changed from private.

I’ve created a ticket for our developers to investigate further to see what we can do here.


November 16, 2022 at 9:32 am

Hi Tony,
I’d like to ask you another question, if that’s ok in this thread. Can the logic of the waitlist be configured to depend on the number of registered participants rather than on the number of participants that have already paid ?
I can create a new support topic if you’d prefer that.


  • Support Staff

November 16, 2022 at 11:00 am

Hi Frank,

So, this may seem like I’m splitting hairs but bare with me.

The waitlist is not based on the number of registrants that have PAID, it’s based on the number of registrants that are Approved (approved registrations are those that count towards your sold values).

A registration’s status will automatically be set to be Approved when the transaction is paid in full (or the admin sets it manually) but that also means the registration status is what determines the sold-out check, not it actually being paid.

So to do what you are asking, you would need to set the ‘Default Registration Status’ to be Approved on the event(s) which basically means all registrations that make it to the thank you page and finalize, will be set to be Approved regardless of payment status. However, for that to work for all use cases you need to have an ‘offline’ payment method enabled as anyone trying to pay but can’t will need to select the offline payment and finalize in order for the registration status to be set to approved.

Does that work for you?


November 24, 2022 at 7:33 am

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I’ve implemented it as you suggested and it works for us. Yet another question rises up but I don’t think the waitlist won’t be able to handle this as it is probably quite uncommon.
While handing out tickets for our workshops, we try to balance the number of men and women. This means women should buy ticket 1 and men should buy ticket 2. When for example all tickets for women are sold out but still tehre are a few ticktes for men left, the ideal situation would be that the wait list kicks in but only for women.


  • Support Staff

November 24, 2022 at 8:50 am

Hi Frank,

We’ve had that requested a couple of times for basically the same use case/every type.

Currently, it’s not possible with the way the add-on works. The waitlist add-on would need to be changed so that it is applied per ticket rather than per event which is a significant change in behaviour and will increase the number of queries required per Ticket Selector (not so much of an issue for events with only a couple of ticket types, but will make a difference the more ticket types are loaded etc).

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