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Specific Features Questions

Posted: January 15, 2015 at 9:58 am


January 15, 2015 at 9:58 am


I have an old website that was kludge together and mods with WP plug-ins and well, it’s starting to malfunction. (If you want to see what I did at my old site, the visual may be quicker to grasp – So, I am looking for an all-in-one solution. I want to make sure you can do the following, so if you can say yes or no (or future plan) to each item, I would appreciate it:

(a) display current month calendar in the widget sidebar
(b) display following month calendar in the widget sidebar
(c) hover over dates to see all events on that date
(d) be able to attach a social bar (FB, Twitter, etc.) per events built-in
(e) be able to auto-post event into Facebook page when event is published built-in
(f) be able to auto-post event into Twitter account when event is published built-in
(g) have a Facebook Followers Box (like in WP JetPack) built-in
(h) have a Twitter Followers Box (like above, but for Twitter) built-in
(i) Event category pick list
(j) Event tag pick list – Just like WP, Categories are in a pick list but Tags aren’t. I need all choose-able items to be in a locked down list so that data entry personnel don’t mess up. For example, I need “California” to be “California” and not “CA” or “ca” or “CAlifornia” or “california – which happens for Tags a LOT. If you have multiple list lock down methods which can be used, that would be great.
(k) All lists above can be searchable by the user via sidebar widget and/or page listed.

Some of these seem minor but other third party plug-ins either don’t work, mess up, don’t get updated with WP updates and becomes uncompilable with WP, or incompatible with events managers (i.e. Event Espresso in this case) down the line and that would be bad. So more things built in, the better…

Thank you,



January 16, 2015 at 3:22 am


Thanks for your interest in Event Espresso.

The first thing I need to advise is that Event Espresso is not an all-in-one solution for a website, but it is an all-in-one solution for event management.

We have two versions of our plugin currently, EE3 and EE4. I would recommend EE4 in this case, as it fits your needs better.

You can test drive EE4 for free over at

(a) display current month calendar in the widget sidebar

Yes. We have a calendar widget with the Calendar addon.

(b) display following month calendar in the widget sidebar

No. The calendar displays the current month unless the user changes the month in the widget.

(c) hover over dates to see all events on that date

Yes (sort of). Each date will have an event marked, and hovering over each event will display more info.

(d) be able to attach a social bar (FB, Twitter, etc.) per events built-in

Yes. EE4 has a social addon, though currently limited to Twitter and Facebook.

(e) be able to auto-post event into Facebook page when event is published built-in

No. However a third party plugin or service (IFTTT is good) can do this with EE4.

(f) be able to auto-post event into Twitter account when event is published built-in

No. Same as above.

(g) have a Facebook Followers Box (like in WP JetPack) built-in

No. Event Espresso only covers event related items. You would need a separate plugin for that.

(h) have a Twitter Followers Box (like above, but for Twitter) built-in

No. Same as above.

(i) Event category pick list

Yes. You can do that via the Calendar and the Event Table addon. As an alternative the core plugin has shortcodes, so you can show events from only a specific category (but no filter).

(j) Event tag pick list – Just like WP, Categories are in a pick list but Tags aren’t. I need all choose-able items to be in a locked down list so that data entry personnel don’t mess up. For example, I need “California” to be “California” and not “CA” or “ca” or “CAlifornia” or “california – which happens for Tags a LOT. If you have multiple list lock down methods which can be used, that would be great.

No. EE only supports standard tags.

(k) All lists above can be searchable by the user via sidebar widget and/or page listed.

In EE4, events are custom post types so the default WordPress search or third party search system will be able to find them.

As an aside, no matter what plugins and themes you use, we do recommend keeping WP, the plugins and theme up to date. Letting any of them lapse for a period of time can lead to security issues.

let me know if you have any other questions.


January 16, 2015 at 6:50 pm


Thank you for the detailed response.

My old site is failing due to non-support of plug-ins so I started building a new site.

I then installed “Events Manager” and started working with it. And ran into the same issues – unsupported third party plugins trashing the site.

Hence the long list of questions. Again, thank you for your detailed response.

I need “built-in” functionality for: FB box, Twitter Box, FB auto-repost and Twitter auto-repost – because these four things break more often than anything else, causes site-wide issues upon failure, and I have switched out dozens of these plug-ins and they all eventually fail due to the author giving up, or lack of timely updates to keep up with WP updates.

Since your product does not have these four things, I will probably run into the same issues with dinky-unsupported-plugins causing issues, so I think I will pass on using your software at this time.

Thank you,


P.S. I will look at IFTTT, thank you for the suggestion…

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