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Showing venues on event registration page

Posted: April 9, 2014 at 11:16 am

Bob Godnik

April 9, 2014 at 11:16 am

I’m using the mulit-event plugin. I added the venue shortcode [ESPRESSO_VENUE] to the event registration page so attendees can view the relevant info as they’re registering. Linking the event to the proper venue and leaving of the venue id in the shortcode successfully allows visitors to see only the related venue on the description/registration page. However, after adding it to the cart, all venues then appear when viewing the cart. Is there a way to prevent this behavior or to use another method for visitors to view the relevant venues only? I would have created separate event pages for each event with the proper venue and leave it off the registration page but the default links from the Event List leads to the registration page and I don’t want to have to manually create an Event List to link to the custom event page. Thanks.


April 10, 2014 at 1:56 am

Hi Bob,

Well, I’m not 100% sure how you have implemented it, but one way to limit it would be to add the shortcode to the event description rather than the event registration page.

If you wanted a similar style to how you have it now, then I think you would need to edit the registration_page_display.php and add the shortcode via PHP (do_shortcode()) and make some minor changes to the HTML and CSS to format it correctly.

So for example I added this code

Then I made the page use a full width template (your theme may or may not have this)

Individual events will look something like this but the event list and cart will look like this

That’s only an example, but I think it’s the best way to achieve what you are looking for, if I understood your needs correctly.

Bob Godnik

April 10, 2014 at 1:48 pm

Thanks Dean. It’s not an ideal for what I’d like but it’s workable and I’ll go with that for now. Can you tell me how I can remove the address of the event in the registration form. It shows up twice when I put the venue shortcode in the event. Thanks again.

Bob Godnik

April 10, 2014 at 1:58 pm

Also, in addition to hiding the address on the event registration form, is there a way I can move up the date information to show above the venue information? Thanks.


April 11, 2014 at 1:19 am


In the Template Settings change both of these to No

Display addresses in the event listings?
Display the address in the registration form?

“is there a way I can move up the date information to show above the venue information”

Not without editing the HTML/PHP of the appropriate template file (event_registration_display.php in this case).

Bob Godnik

April 11, 2014 at 8:34 am

Thank you. I’m using the multi-event registration plugin and I see a multi_registration_page_display.php file. Is that the one I would edit? I don’t see any event_registration_display.php file.

What changes should I make?


April 14, 2014 at 12:18 am

Sorry Bob, that’s me getting mixed up with names!

Templates that control the registration pages used with Multiple Event Registration:

Templates for the normal single registration pages:

Templates for the event list:

What changes? Well generally you would need to move the necessary code out of the if/else statements. If you do not have a good working knowledge of PHP I would advise contacting a developer for assistance.

Bob Godnik

April 14, 2014 at 9:09 am

Thank you, Dean.

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