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Sell Merchandise?

Posted: April 9, 2014 at 7:32 pm

Michael Cermak

April 9, 2014 at 7:32 pm

I’m using EE4 (but would be happy to go back to EE3 if necessary!)… I have my tickets set up, but also need to sell merchandise. If someone buys tickets to the event, I need their personal information and dietary restrictions for each attendee. If they’re buying a ticket and a hat, I only need to ask for their dietary restrictions once — not twice. Any tips on how I can accomplish this? Thanks!


April 10, 2014 at 12:49 am


Right now EE4 doesn’t have any sort of merchandise system in place. You could add it as another ticket but if you are requiring additional attendee data then it may not be suitable.

EE3 has a Beta addon called Price modifier that uses questions to modify the price. So you could ask for a hat size and add $10 onto the ticket.

2 caveats with it: it needs Multiple Event Registration to work and it will not accept 0 as a price option.

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