
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Seat assignment of reservation not saved or deleted

Seat assignment of reservation not saved or deleted

Posted: April 24, 2015 at 3:43 am

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Joël van de Pol

April 24, 2015 at 3:43 am

We just finished installing EE with Seating Chart 1.2.1-alpha for a new client. The reservation system opened to public three days ago. Already we encountered problems with the seat assignments, just as with a installation for another client last year.

There are now two reservations which appear correctly in the database table wp_events_attendee.

payment_status: Pending resp. Completed
txn_type: EFT resp. PayPal
price_option: for example V37 | Booking ID:198

But the corresponding entries in wp_events_seating_chart_event_seat are missing. It is unclear whether they were never inserted into the table or whether they were inserted and later deleted.

For the first reservation we received two admin mails, one at 9:01am and one at 9:04am, suggesting th

The new installation is clean, we did not clone the previous installation. We made some alterations to the template and core files, but those alterations mostly concern the html output (e.g. which fields are shown, added order functions to ensure rows and seats are displayed in the right order, space between currency symbol and number etc.).

The only functional alterations we made are these.

add_attendees_to_db.php: commented lines 126-130 as instructed in a previous support topic to prevent ordering of free tickets when reloading the payment page.

add_attendees_to_db.php: lines 540-542 changed to

'lname' => $lname,
'fname' => $fname,
'email' => $email,

so that the data of the primary attendee is used for additional attendees. The input fields for additional attendees are hidden in main.php.

email.php: additional shortcodes, content of admin mails, only send confirmation mails to primary attendee

Joël van de Pol

April 24, 2015 at 3:52 am

I’m sorry, half a paragraph was missing in the post above.

For the first reservation we received two admin mails, one at 9:01am and one at 9:04am, suggesting that the customer reloaded the payment page. Our client deleted one of the two entries from the database. This customer only reserved one seat.

The second customer ordered two seats. We only received one admin mail, so the page was not reloaded. wp_events_attendee contains both entries for this reservation.

Joël van de Pol

April 24, 2015 at 4:03 am

Forget the second post. It is all about the second customer. He reserved two seats, but only one of those can be found in wp_events_seating_chart_event_seat.

Joël van de Pol

April 29, 2015 at 8:07 am

Is anyone looking into this?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 29, 2015 at 8:59 am

Hi Joel, could you update to the latest version of Event Espresso 3?


Joël van de Pol

April 30, 2015 at 3:45 am

Hi Lorenzo, I just did, but a file comparison revealed no changes regarding to the problem…

Joël van de Pol

May 12, 2015 at 8:25 am

Again: Is anybody looking into this?

Seth Shoultes

May 18, 2015 at 2:24 pm

Hello Joël,

Maybe they started with one seat, then changed their mind and picked something different? Have you tried reaching out to the customer to see if they purchased one, or two tickets? It might help to get their feedback as well.

Joël van de Pol

May 21, 2015 at 10:25 am

Hi Seth,

the confirmation mails to customer and admin include both seats.

Another perhaps related instance was reported. A customer reserved two seats for an event. One day later, she revisited the seating plan to see one of the reservered seats being displayed as free. She then proceeded to make another reservation for that seat. The weird thing is that both reservations appear in the attendee list, thus she managed to make two reservations for the same seat on the same event.

All in all, we’re not very pleased with Event Espresso. We opted for Event Espresso because it was the only solution that includes a seating chart. We were ok with getting an alpha version two years ago, but we didn’t expect the addon never to proceed to beta and release versions. The support seems to be widely unable to fix bugs. Bugs reported two years ago still remain unfixed. We cannot use automatic updates of EE because our own fixes would be overwritten. The overall code quality is terrible. And then we frequently encounter severe problems like these which we are unable to find the causes for, and you are unable to provide any helpful answers.

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