
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Resend Ticket Email to ALL Attendees

Resend Ticket Email to ALL Attendees

Posted: April 4, 2015 at 9:35 pm


April 4, 2015 at 9:35 pm

I administer a website that has registered and sent ticket emails to hundreds of registrants. It is my intent to use a barcode scanner to check in registrants. Today I tested the check in process only to find that the 1D barcodes being sent in the emails were incorrectly formatted. For some unknown reason, the default barcodes were formatted with a black background and white bars. A barcode scanner cannot read that formatting, so I changed the formatting to white background/black bars. Now the barcodes allow for check in using the scanner.

Now I have a BIG problem. All the registrants ALREADY have tickets with incorrect formatting. Now I must send an email to every registrant letting them know that their old tickets won’t work and that they should show up with the NEW tickets.

How do I accomplish this? How do I send the emails to all registrants at once instead of one at a time?


April 6, 2015 at 1:45 am


GO to the event overview, hover over the event in question and click attendees. Then you can use the Send Batch Message button to send emails. This won’t send emails all at once, so it may take a little bit of time to go through them. This is generally a good thing as most servers will reject hundreds of emails being sent at once as spam.

I would recommend setting up a custom message for this.

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