Posted: April 9, 2014 at 7:38 am
I too want to do this and as advised I have copied both event_list_display.php and event_list.php into wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates. But I am totally unclear what I replace in event_list_display with what? Thanks in advance for your help. I called my Event List page Registration: |
Hi Charlie, Open up wp-content/uploads/espresso/template/event_list_display.php On lines 149-152 you’ll find: <p id="register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="register-link-footer"> <a class="a_register_link ui-button ui-button-big ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" id="a_register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" href="<?php echo $registration_url; ?>" title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>"><?php _e('Register', 'event_espresso'); ?></a> <?php echo isset($cart_link) && $externalURL == '' ? $cart_link : ''; ?> </p> Removing line 150 leaves: <p id="register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="register-link-footer"> <?php echo isset($cart_link) && $externalURL == '' ? $cart_link : ''; ?> </p> Which removes the Register Now/View Details button, although ‘or’ that is currently between those buttons will remain. To remove that got to line 135, you should find: 'separator' => __(" or ", 'event_espresso') Comment that out as follows: //'separator' => __(" or ", 'event_espresso') Save the template and reload the page. Be sure to make a backup of the files before modifying them. |
Thanks Tony. I did that to the version in wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates but nothing has changed. Should I have changed the original one? |
No you should edit templates within wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/ Can you go to you sites Dashboard, then Event Espresso -> Template Settings. On the bottom of the page you’ll find a ‘Developers Only’ section, are your event_list.php & event_list_display.php template files shown as ‘moved’? |
Yes. What I did was ftp the modified event_list_display and the unmodified event_list to wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates. |
<code><?php //This is the event list template page. //This is a template file for displaying an event lsit on a page. //There should be a copy of this file in your wp-content/uploads/espresso/ folder. /* * use the following shortcodes in a page or post: * [EVENT_LIST] * [EVENT_LIST limit=1] * [EVENT_LIST css_class=my-custom-class] * [EVENT_LIST show_expired=true] * [EVENT_LIST show_deleted=true] * [EVENT_LIST show_secondary=false] * [EVENT_LIST show_recurrence=true] * [EVENT_LIST category_identifier=your_category_identifier] * * Example: * [EVENT_LIST limit=5 show_recurrence=true category_identifier=your_category_identifier] * */ //Print out the array of event status options //print_r (event_espresso_get_is_active($event_id)); //Here we can create messages based on the event status. These variables can be echoed anywhere on the page to display your status message. $status = event_espresso_get_is_active(0,$event_meta); $status_display = ' - ' . $status['display_custom']; $status_display_ongoing = $status['status'] == 'ONGOING' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_deleted = $status['status'] == 'DELETED' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_secondary = $status['status'] == 'SECONDARY' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; //Waitlist event $status_display_draft = $status['status'] == 'DRAFT' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_pending = $status['status'] == 'PENDING' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_denied = $status['status'] == 'DENIED' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_expired = $status['status'] == 'EXPIRED' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_reg_closed = $status['status'] == 'REGISTRATION_CLOSED' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_not_open = $status['status'] == 'REGISTRATION_NOT_OPEN' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_open = $status['status'] == 'REGISTRATION_OPEN' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; //You can also display a custom message. For example, this is a custom registration not open message: $status_display_custom_closed = $status['status'] == 'REGISTRATION_CLOSED' ? ' - <span class="espresso_closed">' . __('Regsitration is closed', 'event_espresso') . '</span>' : ''; global $this_event_id; $this_event_id = $event_id; ?> <div id="event_data-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="event_data <?php echo $css_class; ?> <?php echo $category_identifier; ?> event-data-display event-list-display event-display-boxes ui-widget"> <h3 id="event_title-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="event_title ui-widget-header ui-corner-top"><a title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>" class="a_event_title" id="a_event_title-<?php echo $event_id ?>" href="<?php echo $registration_url; ?>"><?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?></a> <?php /* These are custom messages that can be displayed based on the event status. Just un-comment the one you want to use. */ ?> <?php //echo $status_display; //Turn this on to display the overall status of the event. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_ongoing; //Turn this on to display the ongoing message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_deleted; //Turn this on to display the deleted message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_secondary; //Turn this on to display the waitlist message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_reg_closed; //Turn this on to display the registration closed message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_not_open; //Turn this on to display the secondary message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_open; //Turn this on to display the not open message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_custom_closed; //Turn this on to display the closed message. ?> </h3> <div class="event-data-display ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"> <?php /* Venue details. Un-comment to display. */ ?> <?php //echo $venue_title != ''?'<p id="event_venue_name-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_name">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_title).'</p>':'' ?> <?php //echo $venue_address != ''?'<p id="event_venue_address-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_address">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_address).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_address2 != ''?'<p id="event_venue_address2-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_address2">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_address2).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_city != ''?'<p id="event_venue_city-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_city">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_city).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_state != ''?'<p id="event_venue_state-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_state">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_state).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_zip != ''?'<p id="event_venue_zip-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_zip">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_zip).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_country != ''?'<p id="event_venue_country-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_country">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_country).'</p>':'' $event->event_cost = empty($event->event_cost) ? '' : $event->event_cost; //Featured image echo apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_display_featured_image', $event_id, !empty($event_meta['event_thumbnail_url']) ? $event_meta['event_thumbnail_url'] : ''); //Show short descriptions if (!empty($event_desc) && isset($org_options['display_short_description_in_event_list']) && $org_options['display_short_description_in_event_list'] == 'Y') { ?> <div class="event-desc"> <?php echo espresso_format_content($event_desc); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="event-meta"> <?php if ( $event->event_cost != '0.00' ) { ?> <p id="p_event_price-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="event_price"><span class="section-title"><?php echo __('Price: ', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <?php echo $org_options['currency_symbol'].$event->event_cost; ?></p> <?php } else { ?> <p id="p_event_price-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="event_price"><span class="section-title"><?php echo __('Price: ', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <?php echo __('Free Event', 'event_espresso'); ?></p> <?php } ?> <p id="event_date-<?php echo $event_id ?>"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Date:', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <?php echo event_date_display($start_date, get_option('date_format')) ?> <?php //Add to calendar button echo apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_display_ical', $all_meta);?> </p> </div> <?php if ( (isset($location) && $location != '' ) && (isset($org_options['display_address_in_event_list']) && $org_options['display_address_in_event_list'] == 'Y') ) { ?> <p class="event_address" id="event_address-<?php echo $event_id ?>"><span class="section-title"><?php echo __('Address:', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <br /> <span class="address-block"> <?php echo stripslashes_deep($venue_title); ?><br /> <?php echo stripslashes_deep($location); ?> <span class="google-map-link"><?php echo $google_map_link; ?></span></span> </p> <?php } $num_attendees = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'num_attendees'); //Get the number of attendees. Please visit for available parameters for the get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit() function. if ($num_attendees >= $reg_limit) { ?> <p id="available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="available-spaces"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Available Spaces:', 'event_espresso') ?> </span><?php echo get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'available_spaces', 'All Seats Reserved') ?></p> <?php if ($overflow_event_id != '0' && $allow_overflow == 'Y') { ?> <p id="register_link-<?php echo $overflow_event_id ?>" class="register-link-footer"><a class="a_register_link ui-button ui-button-big ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" id="a_register_link-<?php echo $overflow_event_id ?>" href="<?php echo espresso_reg_url($overflow_event_id); ?>" title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>"><?php _e('Join Waiting List', 'event_espresso'); ?></a></p> <?php } } else { if ($display_reg_form == 'Y' && $externalURL == '') { ?><p id="available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="spaces-available"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Available Spaces:', 'event_espresso') ?></span> <?php echo get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'available_spaces') ?></p> <?php } /** * Load the multi event link. * */ //Un-comment these next lines to check if the event is active //echo event_espresso_get_status($event_id); //print_r( event_espresso_get_is_active($event_id)); if ($multi_reg && event_espresso_get_status($event_id) == 'ACTIVE'/* && $display_reg_form == 'Y'*/) { // Uncomment && $display_reg_form == 'Y' in the line above to hide the add to cart link/button form the event list when the registration form is turned off. $params = array( //REQUIRED, the id of the event that needs to be added to the cart 'event_id' => $event_id, //REQUIRED, Anchor of the link, can use text or image 'anchor' => __("Add to Cart", 'event_espresso'), //'anchor' => '<img src="' . EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . 'images/cart_add.png" />', //REQUIRED, if not available at this point, use the next line before this array declaration // $event_name = get_event_field('event_name', EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE, ' WHERE id = ' . $event_id); 'event_name' => $event_name, //OPTIONAL, will place this term before the link 'separator' => __(" or ", 'event_espresso') ); $cart_link = event_espresso_cart_link($params); }else{ $cart_link = false; } if ($display_reg_form == 'Y') { //Check to see if the Members plugin is installed. $member_options = get_option('events_member_settings'); if ( function_exists('espresso_members_installed') && espresso_members_installed() == true && !is_user_logged_in() && ($member_only == 'Y' || $member_options['member_only_all'] == 'Y') ) { echo '<p class="ee_member_only">'.__('Member Only Event', 'event_espresso').'</p>'; }else{ ?> <p id="register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="register-link-footer"> <a class="a_register_link ui-button ui-button-big ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" id="a_register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" href="<?php echo $registration_url; ?>" title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>"><?php _e('Register', 'event_espresso'); ?></a> <?php echo isset($cart_link) && $externalURL == '' ? $cart_link : ''; ?> </p> <?php } } else { ?> <p id="register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="register-link-footer"> <a class="a_register_link ui-button ui-button-big ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" id="a_register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" href="<?php echo $registration_url; ?>" title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>"><?php _e('View Details', 'event_espresso'); ?></a> <?php echo isset($cart_link) && $externalURL == '' ? $cart_link : ''; ?> </p> <?php } } ?> </div><!-- / .event-data-display --> </div><!-- / .event-display-boxes --> </code> |
Replaced with: <code><?php //This is the event list template page. //This is a template file for displaying an event lsit on a page. //There should be a copy of this file in your wp-content/uploads/espresso/ folder. /* * use the following shortcodes in a page or post: * [EVENT_LIST] * [EVENT_LIST limit=1] * [EVENT_LIST css_class=my-custom-class] * [EVENT_LIST show_expired=true] * [EVENT_LIST show_deleted=true] * [EVENT_LIST show_secondary=false] * [EVENT_LIST show_recurrence=true] * [EVENT_LIST category_identifier=your_category_identifier] * * Example: * [EVENT_LIST limit=5 show_recurrence=true category_identifier=your_category_identifier] * */ //Print out the array of event status options //print_r (event_espresso_get_is_active($event_id)); //Here we can create messages based on the event status. These variables can be echoed anywhere on the page to display your status message. $status = event_espresso_get_is_active(0,$event_meta); $status_display = ' - ' . $status['display_custom']; $status_display_ongoing = $status['status'] == 'ONGOING' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_deleted = $status['status'] == 'DELETED' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_secondary = $status['status'] == 'SECONDARY' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; //Waitlist event $status_display_draft = $status['status'] == 'DRAFT' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_pending = $status['status'] == 'PENDING' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_denied = $status['status'] == 'DENIED' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_expired = $status['status'] == 'EXPIRED' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_reg_closed = $status['status'] == 'REGISTRATION_CLOSED' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_not_open = $status['status'] == 'REGISTRATION_NOT_OPEN' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; $status_display_open = $status['status'] == 'REGISTRATION_OPEN' ? ' - ' . $status['display_custom'] : ''; //You can also display a custom message. For example, this is a custom registration not open message: $status_display_custom_closed = $status['status'] == 'REGISTRATION_CLOSED' ? ' - <span class="espresso_closed">' . __('Regsitration is closed', 'event_espresso') . '</span>' : ''; global $this_event_id; $this_event_id = $event_id; ?> <div id="event_data-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="event_data <?php echo $css_class; ?> <?php echo $category_identifier; ?> event-data-display event-list-display event-display-boxes ui-widget"> <h3 id="event_title-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="event_title ui-widget-header ui-corner-top"><a title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>" class="a_event_title" id="a_event_title-<?php echo $event_id ?>" href="<?php echo $registration_url; ?>"><?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?></a> <?php /* These are custom messages that can be displayed based on the event status. Just un-comment the one you want to use. */ ?> <?php //echo $status_display; //Turn this on to display the overall status of the event. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_ongoing; //Turn this on to display the ongoing message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_deleted; //Turn this on to display the deleted message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_secondary; //Turn this on to display the waitlist message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_reg_closed; //Turn this on to display the registration closed message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_not_open; //Turn this on to display the secondary message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_open; //Turn this on to display the not open message. ?> <?php //echo $status_display_custom_closed; //Turn this on to display the closed message. ?> </h3> <div class="event-data-display ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"> <?php /* Venue details. Un-comment to display. */ ?> <?php //echo $venue_title != ''?'<p id="event_venue_name-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_name">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_title).'</p>':'' ?> <?php //echo $venue_address != ''?'<p id="event_venue_address-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_address">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_address).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_address2 != ''?'<p id="event_venue_address2-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_address2">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_address2).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_city != ''?'<p id="event_venue_city-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_city">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_city).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_state != ''?'<p id="event_venue_state-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_state">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_state).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_zip != ''?'<p id="event_venue_zip-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_zip">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_zip).'</p>':''?> <?php //echo $venue_country != ''?'<p id="event_venue_country-'.$event_id.'" class="event_venue_country">'.stripslashes_deep($venue_country).'</p>':'' $event->event_cost = empty($event->event_cost) ? '' : $event->event_cost; //Featured image echo apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_display_featured_image', $event_id, !empty($event_meta['event_thumbnail_url']) ? $event_meta['event_thumbnail_url'] : ''); //Show short descriptions if (!empty($event_desc) && isset($org_options['display_short_description_in_event_list']) && $org_options['display_short_description_in_event_list'] == 'Y') { ?> <div class="event-desc"> <?php echo espresso_format_content($event_desc); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="event-meta"> <?php if ( $event->event_cost != '0.00' ) { ?> <p id="p_event_price-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="event_price"><span class="section-title"><?php echo __('Price: ', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <?php echo $org_options['currency_symbol'].$event->event_cost; ?></p> <?php } else { ?> <p id="p_event_price-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="event_price"><span class="section-title"><?php echo __('Price: ', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <?php echo __('Free Event', 'event_espresso'); ?></p> <?php } ?> <p id="event_date-<?php echo $event_id ?>"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Date:', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <?php echo event_date_display($start_date, get_option('date_format')) ?> <?php //Add to calendar button echo apply_filters('filter_hook_espresso_display_ical', $all_meta);?> </p> </div> <?php if ( (isset($location) && $location != '' ) && (isset($org_options['display_address_in_event_list']) && $org_options['display_address_in_event_list'] == 'Y') ) { ?> <p class="event_address" id="event_address-<?php echo $event_id ?>"><span class="section-title"><?php echo __('Address:', 'event_espresso'); ?></span> <br /> <span class="address-block"> <?php echo stripslashes_deep($venue_title); ?><br /> <?php echo stripslashes_deep($location); ?> <span class="google-map-link"><?php echo $google_map_link; ?></span></span> </p> <?php } $num_attendees = get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'num_attendees'); //Get the number of attendees. Please visit for available parameters for the get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit() function. if ($num_attendees >= $reg_limit) { ?> <p id="available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="available-spaces"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Available Spaces:', 'event_espresso') ?> </span><?php echo get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'available_spaces', 'All Seats Reserved') ?></p> <?php if ($overflow_event_id != '0' && $allow_overflow == 'Y') { ?> <p id="register_link-<?php echo $overflow_event_id ?>" class="register-link-footer"><a class="a_register_link ui-button ui-button-big ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" id="a_register_link-<?php echo $overflow_event_id ?>" href="<?php echo espresso_reg_url($overflow_event_id); ?>" title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>"><?php _e('Join Waiting List', 'event_espresso'); ?></a></p> <?php } } else { if ($display_reg_form == 'Y' && $externalURL == '') { ?><p id="available_spaces-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="spaces-available"><span class="section-title"><?php _e('Available Spaces:', 'event_espresso') ?></span> <?php echo get_number_of_attendees_reg_limit($event_id, 'available_spaces') ?></p> <?php } /** * Load the multi event link. * */ //Un-comment these next lines to check if the event is active //echo event_espresso_get_status($event_id); //print_r( event_espresso_get_is_active($event_id)); if ($multi_reg && event_espresso_get_status($event_id) == 'ACTIVE'/* && $display_reg_form == 'Y'*/) { // Uncomment && $display_reg_form == 'Y' in the line above to hide the add to cart link/button form the event list when the registration form is turned off. $params = array( //REQUIRED, the id of the event that needs to be added to the cart 'event_id' => $event_id, //REQUIRED, Anchor of the link, can use text or image 'anchor' => __("Add to Cart", 'event_espresso'), //'anchor' => '<img src="' . EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLURL . 'images/cart_add.png" />', //REQUIRED, if not available at this point, use the next line before this array declaration // $event_name = get_event_field('event_name', EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE, ' WHERE id = ' . $event_id); 'event_name' => $event_name, //OPTIONAL, will place this term before the link 'separator' => __(" or ", 'event_espresso') ); $cart_link = event_espresso_cart_link($params); }else{ $cart_link = false; } if ($display_reg_form == 'Y') { //Check to see if the Members plugin is installed. $member_options = get_option('events_member_settings'); if ( function_exists('espresso_members_installed') && espresso_members_installed() == true && !is_user_logged_in() && ($member_only == 'Y' || $member_options['member_only_all'] == 'Y') ) { echo '<p class="ee_member_only">'.__('Member Only Event', 'event_espresso').'</p>'; }else{ ?> <p id="register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="register-link-footer"> <a class="a_register_link ui-button ui-button-big ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" id="a_register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" href="<?php echo $registration_url; ?>" title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>"><?php _e('Register', 'event_espresso'); ?></a> <?php echo isset($cart_link) && $externalURL == '' ? $cart_link : ''; ?> </p> <?php } } else { ?> <p id="register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="register-link-footer"> <a class="a_register_link ui-button ui-button-big ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" id="a_register_link-<?php echo $event_id ?>" href="<?php echo $registration_url; ?>" title="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name) ?>"><?php _e('View Details', 'event_espresso'); ?></a> <?php echo isset($cart_link) && $externalURL == '' ? $cart_link : ''; ?> </p> <?php } } ?> </div><!-- / .event-data-display --> </div><!-- / .event-display-boxes --> </code> |
Hi Charlie, Please can you post large blocks of code on a service like Pastebin. It works better than our forums system and is generally easier to copy, and read. |
OK but basically I did what was asked but nothing changed. Could you help please Dean? |
Hello, Please repost your edits to a service like Pastebin or Gist and then link to it here. — |
It looks like any new events listed are subject to this but the old ones are not. I’m going to reload the first ones. |
Are you running a caching plugin? Can you link us to the page so we can view what is happening please? |
The support post ‘Remove View Event link – just add to cart link’ is closed to new replies.
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