
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration page is empty

Registration page is empty

Posted: July 3, 2023 at 2:25 pm

Viewing 23 reply threads


July 3, 2023 at 2:25 pm

I am a new user. Setup a new event, added venue, ticket prices, dates, etc. But when I preview the ‘Registration Checkout’ page it is empty, except my familiar page header and footer. In edit mode I see the page contains [ESPRESSO_CHECKOUT].

A suggestion I saw on the forms was to add logging in case php was throwing an error. I did that but do not see any php errors.

I was using Customify theme but switched to Twenty Twenty-one which made no difference.

Am running wordpress version 6.2.2 and Event Express 5.0.7p

What else can I try?


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2023 at 2:53 pm

Hi there,

When you preview the Registration Checkout page? How and in what way?

Are you starting from the single event page and selecting a ticket via the ticket selector to start the registration process?


July 3, 2023 at 4:53 pm

I am looking at the page in the wordpress page editor which has a Preview button at the top and I click that button. Is it not possible to preview that page? Is there some sequence I should be following? You mention the event page and the ticket selector. What is the event page called? Or is there some documentation on the page flow I should be following? I read your quickstart guide but it appears to stop short of actually showing how the final system is integrated into my web pages to produce a working registration.


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2023 at 7:19 pm

In Order to test / View Registration, you can go to your event then click view. Try to do dummy purchase.


July 3, 2023 at 8:47 pm

Excellent. That was easy – thank-you. One more question, if you wouldn’t mind. When I do that and select the tickets I click on the Register Now button and the next page says I must select an event first. But I have only the one event and that was the one I clicked on View. What do I need to do to tell it the selected event is the one I choose the tickets for?


  • Support Staff

July 4, 2023 at 4:59 am

Can you link me to the page you are viewing so I can take a look?


July 4, 2023 at 5:30 pm

Unfortunately this development site is not on a public server yet. But I have taken some screen shots maybe they will give you a clue. Start with Register now which is where I pick a ticket. This followed by Nothing in Your Queue. This is followed by the form which pops when I click on You need to select at least one event. I have included Event Setup Page 1 snippet, and Event Setup.pdf although it is not very readable, and finally Event Registration Options where it says Status: Upcoming – is that an issue?

Well after typing all that I see no place to upload those images! How do I do that?


  • Support Staff

July 4, 2023 at 7:24 pm

Can you send us a video on the problem you experience? You can use loom to do it.

Send us also a detail of your current setup. You can do that by going to EE Dashboard -> Help & Support



July 4, 2023 at 8:28 pm

Here is the Loom video link:

Detail requested on Help and Support: (note site is local not on the web)
WordPress Version: 6.2.2
PHP Version: 8.1.9
MySQL Version: 8.0.16
Event Espresso Version: 5.0.7.p
WordPress Address (URL): http://eckankar-texas.local
Site address (URL): http://eckankar-texas.local


  • Support Staff

July 5, 2023 at 4:24 am

The ‘nothing in your event queue’ error is almost exclusively caused by caching, you wouldn’t see that as part of a normal registration.

EE uses your visitor’s PHP session to track the requests, caching prevents that from working so you get the nothing in your event queue error. I can see in your video you have caching enabled, which plugin?

Usually, you will have a section within the cache settings to set excluded pages, you’ll need to exclude all of EE’s critical pages:

(Generally speaking, caching is disabled for logged-in users so you wouldn’t see that whilst logged in, I’m guessing you have it enabled for all?)


July 5, 2023 at 2:20 pm

Thanks for replying. We do not have a caching plugin installed. I assume you see the word caching at the top of the admin page but it seems to be a misnomer. When I click on Cache Settings underneath all it shows is the Site Title, the site url, email, etc. Nothing about what you and I think of caching.


July 5, 2023 at 2:29 pm

P.S. We do not have user logins to our site so all these pages are public.


  • Support Staff

July 5, 2023 at 8:26 pm

The ‘nothing in your event queue’ error is almost exclusively caused by caching. Can you look on all the plugin installed in your site?

You can also find the culprit by disabling the plugin one by one, or just install or any similar plugin that allow you to disable plugin without really disabling it in your customer end.



July 5, 2023 at 8:52 pm

Thanks for replying. I disabled all the plugins to no effect (well obviously except for Event Expresso). Then, I found a plugin I missed listed separately under the ‘Must Use’ category called ‘Endurance Page Cache’. Disabled that, did a Cache Purge, stopped/restarted site and although I crossed my fingers, alas, still getting the ‘Nothing in your event queue’.


  • Support Staff

July 5, 2023 at 9:22 pm

Can you try clearing your cache in your browser.

For chrome, You can do this by Just open the Chrome Dev Tools by pressing F12. Once the chrome dev tools are open, just right click on the refresh button and a menu will drop down. This menu gives you the option of doing a hard refresh, or even clearing the cache and do a hard refresh automatically.



July 6, 2023 at 1:57 pm

Chrome cache completely cleared. Still getting ‘nothing in your event queue’ after clicking the Register Now button. Got any tips to make sure I have the event queue setup properly? Do you guys do zoom? It may be quicker if you can see the pages and walk me through things to try.


  • Support Staff

July 7, 2023 at 6:03 am

You don’t set up the event queue, that error is basically saying that EE can’t find any events linked to your session.

99% of the time that error is from caching, the other is something clearing sessions on every request to the site. As your site has/had a caching plugin it is most likely the former causing this. You disabled all plugins and got the same, so its unlikely another plugin clearing sessions here.

I assume you see the word caching at the top of the admin page but it seems to be a misnomer.

That’s NOT included within WordPress by default, so that caching head does indeed mean something.

Then, I found a plugin I missed listed separately under the ‘Must Use’ category called ‘Endurance Page Cache’. Disabled that, did a Cache Purge, stopped/restarted site and although I crossed my fingers, alas, still getting the ‘Nothing in your event queue’.

You disabled it then did a cache purge? How did you purge the cache?

I’m not being nitpicky with my questions here, the specifics will make all the difference here. As mentioned this issue is almost exclusively caching, you’ve found a caching plugin and disabled it, but if the site is still serving cached responses you’ll still get the error.

I assume this is a local copy of a live site?

Do you guys do zoom? It may be quicker if you can see the pages and walk me through things to try.

Whilst I get why you suggest zoom, without this coming across the wrong way, me sitting and watching you you go through the site is unlikely to help with this (I wish it would).


July 7, 2023 at 5:28 pm

Question: “You disabled it then did a cache purge? How did you purge the cache?” Yes, even when the plugin is disabled it has an option to clear the cache. Not that it matters. I have turned it on, cleared the cache, turned it off, cleared the cache, etc. Also, wiped out the file mu-plugins/endurance-page-cache.php to be sure it could not function. Added define(‘WP-CACHE’, false) to wp-config, tried various other themes, and cleared my Chrome cache many times.

I am running wordpress on ‘local’ and I cannot get any reliable info on the web about whether it caches or not. It seems the consensus is no and the admin panel offers no options for caching. And no answers yet on their support form (nor prior questions on the subject of caching.)

My last course of action will be to pay for a hosting service such as Bluehost and abandon my ‘local’ development site. That provider can also support me when it comes to ensuring caching is turned off. I will get back to you when I have a Bluehost site running.


  • Support Staff

July 7, 2023 at 7:21 pm

Awesome. Let us know if there’s any problem.

Have a good day.


July 7, 2023 at 9:04 pm

Purchased a BLuehost site (had to pay for whole year.) Added Event Expresso, setup my event and dates. And, finally, when I click on ‘Register Now’ it takes me to the Registration Checkout page as opposed to the dreaded ‘Nothing in your event queue’. So I will develop on the Bluehost site but clearly your Event Expresso is not compatible with the ‘Local (by Flywheel)’ server (which uses nginx, mysql, etc.)


  • Support Staff

July 7, 2023 at 9:55 pm

What i used to test locally is through xampp.

not sure about flywheel setup, but ill check that next time. Anyway, we’re happy that everything works well.



  • Support Staff

July 11, 2023 at 5:35 am

Sorry, just to circle back to this….

Yes, even when the plugin is disabled it has an option to clear the cache. Not that it matters. I have turned it on, cleared the cache, turned it off, cleared the cache, etc. Also, wiped out the file mu-plugins/endurance-page-cache.php to be sure it could not function.

When you disable a plugin it doesn’t run, so how could it add code to clear the cache if it was disabled? I’m not being awkward here, I’m trying to figure out what is happening.

Added define(‘WP-CACHE’, false) to wp-config, tried various other themes, and cleared my Chrome cache many times.

We already add a bunch of no-cache headers to EE requests, it’s when caching plugins/services ignore those that there are issues.

So I will develop on the Bluehost site but clearly your Event Expresso is not compatible with the ‘Local (by Flywheel)’ server (which uses nginx, mysql, etc.)

I’ve used local before (I currently use Laragon for local development) and had no issues so I loaded up the version I had installed, updated to the latest version of local, installed EE5.0.7 and tested it, no issues with adding registrations.

I then updated to WP6.2.2 and PHP8.0.22, again with no issues.

Another member of the team uses local for all EE testing and has no issues with it, so I don’t think this is an incompatibility with local unless you have something enabled within it that I don’t by mine is the default install.


July 11, 2023 at 3:48 pm

Quote: When you disable a plugin it doesn’t run, so how could it add code to clear the cache if it was disabled? You will have to ask the Endurance plugin folks – the button to Clear cache is right beside the Activate/Deactivate button. Regardless, read my comments: I also activated the plugin, then cleared the cache and deactivated the plugin so your point is moot.

The Local support forum says it does not cache so I cannot accept this is a caching issue.

It is comforting to know you can run Local successfully with Event Expresso. For my part, all my development will now be done with Bluehost which is working fine.


  • Support Staff

July 11, 2023 at 4:32 pm

You will have to ask the Endurance plugin folks – the button to Clear cache is right beside the Activate/Deactivate button. Regardless, read my comments: I also activated the plugin, then cleared the cache and deactivated the plugin so your point is moot.

Well no, the reason I asked is that a disabled plugin shouldn’t be adding a button to the admin so the button you could have been clicking could have been doing absolutely nothing if it wasn’t linked to the caching plugin itself. It obviously is now that you’ve given more context, but I couldn’t know that from your reply, so I asked.

I’m aware of your replies but I’ll often see ‘Yes I’ve done X’ only to find it wasn’t related, so I ask and confirm, you’ll see me do it often.

The Local support forum says it does not cache so I cannot accept this is a caching issue.

Again the nothing in your event queue ‘error’ is almost exclusively caused by some form of caching (I’ve seen maybe 5 instances where sessions were completely messed up by some weird and wonderful server configs), so unless your version of local is doing something mine is not then caching is the most likely cause.

If you’re comfortable sending a copy of the site over I’ll happily set it up locally to see if I can narrow this down more if you’d like.


July 11, 2023 at 4:40 pm

I really appreciate all your support on this issue – you are now one of two software companies I rank as providing top-notch support. However I have moved on, am happy with Bluehost, and will need a ‘public’ site like that to share with other decision makers before we implement this product on our real public site.

I am going with the assumption my Local wordpress site has gotten messed up somehow. I really should do a clean install of Local and then install only your plugin. I believe this would work but my time is limited and I cannot afford to troubleshoot this anymore since I have abandoned the Local approach.


  • Support Staff

July 12, 2023 at 12:36 am

Thank you for your wonderful feedback.

We wish you all the best. if you need anything, feel free to reach us again.


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