
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration page gives 500 server error

Registration page gives 500 server error

Posted: November 9, 2018 at 3:45 am

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Matija Boban

November 9, 2018 at 3:45 am

I am a Web Developer. Working on a site of one of my clients. We have migrated the event espresso to version 4 and also migrated the data with event espresso’s data migration tool. but we are getting few issues
1. Not all data is migrated. Events are migrated but registration against those events are now showing in the admin panel on the registration page.

2. The new Registration page gives a 500 server error when someone tries to buy tickets. here is an event page

3. can I request to sent followup and notification emails for this issue to *redacted*

  • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed email address


  • Support Staff

November 9, 2018 at 4:36 am

Hi there,

Although you’ve sent login credentials, we generally won’t work directly on your site unless you purchase a support token(s) for us to do so. We can help work through your issues on the forums (or via email).

1. Not all data is migrated. Events are migrated but registration against those events are now showing in the admin panel on the registration page.

I checked your migration log and there are multiple Received error "Table '{table_name}' doesn't exist" errors during the migration.

Generally, this happens when your site doesn’t have permissions to create tables within the database, meaning EE cant create its tables and cannot insert rows into the table as it doesn’t exist.

Do you still have the EE3 tables saved within the database?

2. The new Registration page gives a 500 server error when someone tries to buy tickets. here is an event page

The errors shown on that page aren’t from Event Espresso:

Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class Ce_Wp_Menu_Per_Page in /wp-content/plugins/ce-wp-menu-per-page/ce-wp-menu-per-page.php on line 38
WordPress database error: [Table 'wp_feeds' doesn't exist]
SELECT <code>content</code> FROM <code>wp_feeds</code> WHERE <code>id</code> = 19966

Both the standards notice and the database error are thrown on all pages currently.

Are there any errors shown in the error log?

Matija Boban

November 9, 2018 at 5:11 am

Do you still have the EE3 tables saved within the database?


The errors shown on that page aren’t from Event Espresso:
Both the standards notice and the database error are thrown on all pages currently.

I know that, but see the screenshot there is a 500 Internal Server Error in the browser’s console window and this is not due to these notices. Because these notices are appearing on all pages.
500 error screenshot


  • Support Staff

November 9, 2018 at 5:28 am

I know about the 500 error, but it’s not displayed on the page.

Which is why I asked if the error is in the error logs?

Matija Boban

November 9, 2018 at 5:50 am

I just checked and the weird thing is there is no error log on the root folder of this site.


  • Support Staff

November 9, 2018 at 7:36 am

You can add a WordPress generated error log by following the steps outlined here:


  • Support Staff

November 9, 2018 at 7:39 am

OK, I think the best thing to do is reset EE and run the migration with no plugins active and a default theme.

First, backup your database just to be safe. You can use any method you like to do so, for example a plugin such as BackUpWordPress or export the tables using phpMyAdmin or similar.

Go to Dashboard -> Plugins and de-activate everything other than EE4.

Switch a default theme such as twentyseventeen.

Next, go to Event Espresso -> Maintenance -> Reset/Delete Date.

There you’ll find a button to ‘Permanently Delete ALL Event Espresso Data’

Click that and EE will drop all EE tables from the database and de-activate EE4.

When you activate EE4 again it will ask you to run the migrations, run through each step of the migration again and check for errors along the way (EE will display them).

Then retest the above, do you get an error? (Note leave the other plugins de-activated and use the default theme during this test).

Matija Boban

November 12, 2018 at 10:29 pm

Dear Tony your solution worked. but here are some differences I experienced during this process.

Click that and EE will drop all EE tables from the database and de-activate EE4.

It did not deactivate the EE4 plugins.

When you activate EE4 again it will ask you to run the migrations, run through each step of the migration

but this deleted all the events and registration data, how can we get the data back and also in version 3 we have Moneris payment gateway along with the PayPal but now it is not available…

It did not deactivate the EE4 Plugin so I deactivated it manually and reactivated but it did not ask for migration.

In the process, we lost the events and registrations data. Now how we can get that data back?
And also we have Moneris payment gateway available in version 3 along with Paypal but now this payment gateway is gone too. what we can do to get that back?


  • Support Staff

November 13, 2018 at 3:20 am

It did not deactivate the EE4 Plugin so I deactivated it manually and reactivated but it did not ask for migration.

Are you sure you clicked the correct button?

There are 2 buttons, one has Reset Event Espresso Tables the other has Permanently Delete All Event Espresso Data

The first, wipes all EE tables, leaves the plugin active and directs you back to the EE welcome screen.

The second DROPS all of EE’s tables, de-activates the plugin and directs you to the plugins page.

It sounds like you clicked to reset the EE tables rather than permanently delete all data?

In the process, we lost the events and registrations data. Now how we can get that data back?

You must run the migration to get the data over from EE3 to EE4 and you can only run the migration on initial activation (or activation after using the button I mentioned above).

Please work through the steps I posted above and confirm you are clicking the correct button, thats the only way to retrigger the migration.

And also we have Moneris payment gateway available in version 3 along with Paypal but now this payment gateway is gone too. what we can do to get that back?

Moneris isn’t currently available with EE4.

PayPal is, you’ll find it in Event Espresso -> Payment methods -> PayPal Express.

We have some documentation on find the credentials you’ll need from your PayPal account here:

Matija Boban

November 14, 2018 at 2:49 am

Are you sure you clicked the correct button?

Yes, I clicked on “Permanently Delete ALL Event Espresso Data” button as you said in previous response.

There you’ll find a button to ‘Permanently Delete ALL Event Espresso Data’

During the process, there was 500 error around 3 or 4 times. as mentioned by the note above the button.
note about 500 error

Please work through the steps I posted above and confirm you are clicking the correct button

ok, I am going to give it another try.

Moneris isn’t currently available with EE4.

is there any API in EE4 for custom building a payment gateway?


  • Support Staff

November 14, 2018 at 3:23 am

is there any API in EE4 for custom building a payment gateway?

There is, take a look here:

Matija Boban

November 14, 2018 at 3:44 am

I tried to run the process again… this time it deactivated the EE4 plugin. when I reactivated and run the migration it showed me a popup

The current Database Update has ended. Click ‘next’ when ready to proceed

I clicked ok and it gave me a fatal error

A Fatal Error Has Occurred

fatal error during data migration from EE3 to EE4

Matija Boban

November 14, 2018 at 3:46 am

sorry I uploaded the wrong screenshot
here is the one with the error.
fatal error during data migration from ee3 to ee4

Matija Boban

November 14, 2018 at 4:28 am

ok, please ignore last messages about the error. got past the error. migration in progress.


  • Support Staff

November 14, 2018 at 4:57 am

I’m curious, what error was showing in the log for the above?

I know your past it now but if you continue to have issues it will be handy to know.

Matija Boban

November 18, 2018 at 8:42 pm

I’m curious, what error was showing in the log for the above?

The error occurred again midway. out of around 1100000 records, only 60K have been moved when the error occurs.

After the error, this redirects me to an error report page. and There it shows the following info.

“Your last Database Update had a fatal error and was halted.

Could not convert time string ‘22018-02-23 17:30:00’ using timezone ‘America/New_York’ into a proper DATETIME. Using current time instead.
The moneris_hpp gateway does not exist in EE 4.1
Internal Server Error”

I’ve submitted the error report form but no response from the support side.


  • Support Staff

November 19, 2018 at 5:09 am

22018-02-23 17:30:00 isn’t a valid date, 22018 is a long way off yet.

It looks like someone has manually altered the event date in EE3 and set it to an invalid date, that should be fixed in EE3 and the migration re-run to migrate the correct data…. however, EE already has code to handle that situation, this is the full error:

Could not convert time string ‘22018-02-23 17:30:00’ using timezone ‘America/New_York’ into a proper DATETIME. Using current time instead.

So EE knew that string wasn’t valid, and just created a datetime using the current time, meaning that datetime will ‘work’ but is not the correct date.

The moneris_hpp gateway does not exist in EE 4.1

Is a warning to note that the migration process can’t find an EE4 payment method for moneris, its not an issue.

Internal Server Error

This is the problem, but there should be more to the error as that’s all that is saved within the migration report. Looking through your error log, error_reporting is completely disabled within your php config so its not sent to the page and EE can’t log it. Does it show any errors in your error_log files?

EE should also give you the option to continue the migration if you go back to the migration creen, does it not? If not can you add a screenshot of what you see on Event Espresso -> Maintenance.

Matija Boban

November 27, 2018 at 1:12 am

EE should also give you the option to continue the migration if you go back to the migration creen, does it not?

Yes, it does.

but after following the steps mentioned here We completed the migration process but still, we are missing the registrations against events… only events are showing in the wp-admin panel.


  • Support Staff

November 27, 2018 at 10:19 am

Hmm, ok, can you send me a copy the database so I can take a look?

I’m mainly interested in the EE3 tables so I can run a migration and see what errors are thrown locally.

Matija Boban

November 28, 2018 at 7:46 am

This reply has been marked as private.


  • Support Staff

November 28, 2018 at 8:49 am

Thank you, I have that now so you can remove it should you wish.

Matija Boban

December 1, 2018 at 2:37 am

Hello there…
Any update on the database migration?


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2018 at 11:55 am

Hi there,

Apologies for the delay, migrating the 1million records took a fair amount of time.

I managed to migrate the database without any fatal errors being thrown, there are warnings during the migration but that is expected.

Just to note, it appears you are using REM with EE3 for recurring events, EE4 doesn’t support recurring events so each individual event entry would need to create manually after swapping over, I’m just checking you are aware of this?

I’ll attach an export of the database I ran the migration on for you to test yourself in a private replying following this one. The registrations appear to be linked to the events on this migration.


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2018 at 11:56 am

This reply has been marked as private.

Matija Boban

December 10, 2018 at 4:34 am

Downloaded the provided database file… Thanks

it appears you are using REM with EE3 for recurring events, EE4 doesn’t support recurring events so each individual event entry would need to create manually after swapping over

I am unable to understand it… What does it mean?


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2018 at 5:17 am

EE3 has the recurring events manager:

That add-on allows you to create an event and set up ‘recurrence’ based on dates within event, so in effect you can create a ‘series’ of events which can be any number of events (lets say 1 event a week for the next year), with EE4 you can’t do that automatically as it doesn’t support recurring events yet, you need to manually create each individual event.

If you setup heavily relies on recurring events (it appears a LOT of your events are repeated on a set schedule) then EE4 may not work well for you without a lot of admin work to create new events each time.

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